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May 03, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-03

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 3, 1878-Page 3
High court decision
could stall Council
anti-smut proposal
"It's a land-use thing as opposed to an
By JUDY RAKOWSKY outright ban of sexually explicit
nn Arbor's pornography ordinance material."
probably remain untouched by Belcher, who introduced both pieces
nday's U.S. Supreme Court decision of legislation in a package last Novem-
ch upheld a 1975 Michigan Supreme ber as Mayor ProTem, concurred that
rt decision prohibiting cities from See PORN, Page 17


writing their own anti-smut laws.
But City Council delayed con-
sideration this week of another
prospective pornography law because
of the court's decision. Mayor Louis
Belcher said he now questions the con-
stitionality of the proposal.
THE PRESENT ordinance requires
1500 feet between any adult entertain-
ment business and any park, school,
church, child-care center, residential
district or existing sex shop. The
proposed ordinance asks that all
sexually explicit material be displayed
at least four feet above the ground to
prevent minors (under 16 years) from
exposure to it.
City Attorney Bruce Laidlow said the
zoning element of the present law is
immune to the Court ruling because,
T scores

Pora listens to criacrges Ar ' nO'"
Auto magnate Henry Ford II tries to hear a question from a reporter yesterday
during a rare news conference which he called to answer allegations by a stock-
holder accusing him of wasting company money on personal luxuries and accept-
ing a $750,000 kickback. Ford declared, "I have nothing to hide" and denied any
U wary o high LSi

The Washtenaw County Sheriff's
Department is continuing an intensive
manhunt for Anthony Wooten, a convic-
ted rapist who escaped Sunday morning
from the Washtenaw County Jail. He is
considered dangerous.
"We do not know for sure if he is still
in the area," said Sgt. Patrick Little,
but added that both plainclothes detec-
tives as well as uniformed personnel
were pressing the hunt for Wooten.
WOOTEN WAS convicted in Decem-
ber of raping a 20-year-old Ann Arbor
woman, who was severely beaten in the
attack. He was also prosecuted as an
habitual criminal, and sentenced last
Friday to a 60-90 year prison term
without possibility of parole.
Wooten escaped around 11:15 a.m.
during an exercise period at the new
jail facility on Hogback Road near
Washtenaw. The convict made his way
over a 15-foot wall, possibly aided by
See POLICE, Page 14

with wire reports
University Law School admissions officials say they are
doing all they can to deal with unusually high Law School
Admission Test (LAST) scores from applicants who took the
exam last October or December.
The flurry of high scores came despite the fact that the test
was recently redesigned to make it more difficult.
Of the 64,000 people who took the multiple choice test in
those months, 142 received perfect scores. A year earlier,
there were 15 perfect scores.
"YOU HAVE TO be aware that a person who took the test in
July may not have scored as high even if he or she was as good
a the person from October," said University Law School ad-

missions officer Roger Martindale.
Martindale said that in considering an individual with two
scores, with his highest score from October or December, the
higher score woule be taken "with a grain of salt. We would be
careful in evaluating multiple scores."
Martindale also said that half the spaces in the class are
filled on non-statistical data such as the applicant's
background and experience.
MARTINDALE SAID, however, that not all universities use
this admission policy.
Test writers made "a conscious decision . . . to make the
test somewhat more difficult than predecessor forms, but they
did not intend or expect this result," said Thomas White, direc--
tor of the law program for Educational Testing Service (ETS)
See 'U', Page 17


We're back ...
After a short respite for finals (hardly a respite),
the Daily is back for spring and summer, publishing
five days a week in tabloid form. Subscriptions are
merely $3.50 a term, $4 by mail outside of Ann Ar-
bor. Order for the whole summer and it's just $6.50,
$7 outside of the city. Pre-payment is necessary for
subscriptions outside of Ann Arbor. To order, call
764-0558 or stop by our offices at 420 Maynard, up-
stairs. Hope to greet you at the breakfast table
every morning. .
Executive privilege
It's no secret that the resident of the big white
house on South University spends some time lob-
bying and such in Washington. It came as
somewhat of a surprise, then, to hear University
President Robben Fleming tell graduating
students last week that commencement speaker
Walter Mondale became Vice President in the fall of
1976 Come on now, President Fleming, lame ducks
or not, can't we give Jerry and Rocky some credit
for the end of their term? We forgive your error,
though. Even presidents make mistakes, right?
Dope testing
Smokers worried aboutparaquat-tainte4,grass

can now send samples to a Flint lab for testing. For
a f' Fee . Bio-Medical Laboratories will analyze
samples for possible contamination. The lab, ac-
cording to Roger, Winthrop of the National
Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML)
said the lab is fully licensed to accept in-state sam-
ples. Winthrop said of one-half to one gram (no
seeds or stems) should be moistened with water,
sealed in a plastic bah, and sent to Michigan Bio-
Medical Labs, 2776 Flushing Rd., Flint, MI 48504.
Include a random seven-digit number for iden-
tification, plus a $5 money order (no personal
checks, to insure confidentiality). Wait one week,
then call the lab at 232-4153 and identify yourself by
the seven-digit number to find out if your sample
contained traces of the posionious herbicide. The
lab is open 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. weekdays, 8-5 Satur-
Where's Perry?
Two members of the state House of Represen-
tatives received perfect scores on 1977 ratings by
the Michigan chapter of the liberal Americans for
Democratic Action (ADA), but our own Rep. Perry
Bullard wasn't among them. Bullard gor a perfect
score last year, but evidently he's slip-
ped a little bit since then. One of

Bullard's administrative assistants said he hadn't
seen this year's results, but estimated that his
boss' rating was probably somewhere between 95
and 100. The two lawmakers who got top marks
were H. Lynn Jondahl (D-E. Lansing) and Jeffrey
Padden (D-Wyandotte).
Happenings ...
. are hard to find on this first day of classes.
Nothing seems to be happening until 4, when Tarif
Khalidi speaks on "Past and Present in Contem-
porary Arabic Thought" in 3050 Frieze.. . Project
Outreach holds its spring mass meeting at 7:30 in
Angell Hall, Auditorium A ... at 8:15, Linguist
Roman Jakobson of Harvard and MIT discusses the
"Significance of Sounds in Speech and Poetry" at
the Rackham Lecture Hall. That's part of the First
International Conference on the Semiotics of Art.
That's all, folks.
On the outside ...
Spring term should get off to a good start today,
at least in terms of the weather. It will be mostly
sunny and a little warmer with a high in the upper
50s or low 60s.,


e ,. .

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