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July 08, 1978 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-07-08

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AN ALL-STAR LINE-UP (left) comprised of Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins and the
Brecker brothers blasts out of the finale of the Festival. During a more quiet
moment, Dexter Gordon relaxes with a little friend (above). Below, Flora Purim
ignites the crowd with her scat singing, and Roy Haynes on drums keeps everyone

Jazz Fest
(Continued from Page9)
fronting outrageous solos by every member of
the collection.
This, more than anything preceeding it, was
what the Newport Jazz Festival is all about.
Seeing all of the most noted jazz musicians
performing in unison evoked achillyreminder of
a constant paradox in jazz: while jazz artists
seem destined to endure lifetime hardship and
untimely ends, the music they create is ab-
solutely invulnerable and timeless.
The jam session continued into the early mor-
ning hours of July 2, exhausting not only the
musicians but the audience as well.
The day at Saratoga was said to have marked
the return of the Newport Jazz Festival to its
original purpose: a free-spirited, wholesale
celebration of the music. And there was more
than enough pure joy at this year's festival to en-
dure the 50 barren weeks ahead until the next
Newport Jazz celebration.

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