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June 28, 1978 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-28

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Go West, Big Fella ...
Stand back, Karl Malden. Watch
out, Golden Gate bridge-Walt
Downing is coming to San Fran-
Downing (left), the former
Michigan center, was signed by the
NFL 49ers yesterday to an un-
disclosed contrat. Downing, who
stands 6-4, 254 (he's even bigger
when he inhales), was San Fran-
cisco's second round draft pick in
last month's collegiate draft.
General manager Joe Thomas said
the signing of Downing completed
the acquisition of all eight draft
picks chosen in the 49ers first six
As for you, Walt, speaking for all
your Michigan fans, we bid you Rice
a Roni.
Like a Rhinestone Duffer ..
"Sheee-oooot," sing Glen Camp-
bell (right), as he drops his guitar
into a pond near the ninth green of a
golf course in Vail, Colorado. "I
though fo' shor' I was awn in two."
Campbell, playing in the Jerryf
Ford Invitational Tournament, sent + l
this chip shot over the green and on-
to the bank of a roaring crik. Stars of
the entertainment and sports worlds_
partook in the events, the benefits of
which go to some charities in Vail..
The biggest attraction of the tour-
nament was rumored to be an
exhibition where the celebrities
scatered in the out-of-bounds '
territory on the first tee, and the ex-
prez attempted to bonk one in the
head with a tee shot.;
Out v the mouths of czars.. ..
The long-awaited proposed
. merger of some WHA teams into the
NHL has yet to be resolved, and af-
ter yesterday's Board oGovernor's
meetings in Detroit, things appear to
still be up in the air.
NHL President John Ziegler (left)
emerged from the afternoon session
with a friendly "whatever you ask, if
it pertains to the meeting, I'll have
to say no comment" to reporters.
Sources said one plan called for
the WHA's Edmonton club to buy out
the NHL's Colorado Rockies.
When pressed for a quote, Ziegler
finally gave in-"As to the matter
that I can't comment on, if I could
comment I'd say, 'Yes, there was

The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, June 28, 1978-Page 15
First round sees
upsets at Wimbledon
WIMBLEDON, England (AP)-Brian Gottfried, Guillermo Vilas, Billie
Jean King and Virginia Wade advanced easily yesterday while Americans
John McEnroe and Arthur ashe suffered upsets in the first round of the
Wimbledon Tennis Championships.
Eleventh-seeded McEnros, the 29-year-old sensation who made the
Wimbledon semifinals last year, fell surprisingly to Erik van Dillen, a for-
mer U.S. Davis Cup player who had to play prequalifying rounds to get intb
the main draw. Advantage in their match see-sawed wildly through three
sets, but van Dillen triumphed 7-5, 1-6, 8-9, 6-4, 6-3.
Later, on a cold, blustery evening, Steve Docherty upset Arthur Ashe,
the 1975 champion, 8-9, 9-8, 6-3, 5-7, 7-5.
Fifth-seeded Gottfried, who led Britain's John Lloyd by two sets to one
on Monday night, completed the job to win 6-1, 6-8, 8-6, 6-3.
Roscoe Tanner, the sixth seed, had a tougher job. He lost the first two
sets but got his big service working well enough to overcome Ismael el
Shafei of Egypt 8-9, 1-6, 6-2, 9-7, 6-2.
"I could easily have lost," Tanner said. "In fact, after the second set I
was thinking about the times of the TWA flights to Los Angeles."
Fourth-seeded Vilas, the Argentine who won the French and U.S. Opens
last year but hasn't achieved the same form this year, eliminated 1972 Wim-
bledon champion Stan Smith 6-4, 6-3, 6-3.
Wade, who is seeded fourth, downed Sweden's Elizabeth Ekblom 6-1, 6-2
while King, the fifth seed, breezed by Belgium's Michelle Gurdal.
King, who shares with past great Elizabeth Ryan a record 19 titles from
Wimbledon, said she'd have preferred a tougher match her first time out this
Title IXstrik es agrain

night," said the Knight to the Knightie
after a date at Calvin College of Grand
Rapids, Mich.
Honest. And its all because of Title
IX, the federal law that prohibits sexual
discrimination in education.
KNIGHTIE IS the nickname for a
female athlete at Calvin; males are
Knights, always have been.
At South Dakota Tech, in the midst of
the ore fields, the men are the Hard
Rockers, the women, Rockettes.
But everywhere else across America,
colleges and universities are feminizing
the nicknames for their female jocks

Bears, New York State at Albany calls
its men Great Danes, its women Danet-
There are the Furman Lady Purple
Paladins, NYU Violettes, Cincinnati E-
Gals, Idaho State BenGals, Tarleton
State TexAnns and Georgia Tech
Yellow Jackettes.
There are the Ceighton Ladyjays, the
North Arizona Lumberjills, the Stephen
F. Austin Ladyjacks, and Washington &
Jefferson's Presidents have First
Of the more than 800 colleges listed in
the AIAW guide, 56 use the suffix "et-
tes" for nicknames. And 68 precede the
masculine name with "Lady" or follow
it with "women." -

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Sports Activity
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Intramural Sports Bldg.
606 E. Hoover
July 6& 7
Softball 7 pm-S pm
Sesketball S pm-10 pm
Contact Sandy Sandors 76-1313
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