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June 28, 1978 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-28

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Page 14-Wednesday, June 28, 1978--The Michigan Daily

jeered at
From Staff and Wire Reports
A small band of uniformed Nazis
showed up in Chicago's Loop Saturday
night, but hurriedly withdrew in the
face of a barrage of eggs, sticks,
firecrackers and beer cans thrown by
thousands of howling protesters.
"Death, death, death to the Nazis,"
the protesters shouted as Nazi leader
Frank Collin arrived at the Federal
Plaza almost an hour and a half late
with about a dozen followers.
THE NAZIS were jeered by the
crowd, incensed at Collin's earlier
plans to march Sunday in the
predominantly Jewish suburb of
Instead, the protesters who had plan-
ned to battle him in Skokie came to
Chicago to confront him when he settled
on theaturday Loop rally and planned
another on Chicago's southwest side
July 9.
The Nazis left their headquarters at 4
p.m. but did not appear in the plaza un-
til shortly before 6.
THEY CARRIED shields and sticks
as protesters surged against police
"No more Nazis! They have no
rights!" some shouted. A woman who
yelled "Kill the Nazis!" was dragged
At least three other arrests were
COLLIN WAS hooted down when he
attempted to speak to the crowd. Less
than 15 minutes after they had emerged
from the federal building from behind
police guard, the Nazis withdrew and
left the area.
Collin had billed the demonstration as
a "victory rally to celebrate winning
back our rights of free speech."
He cancelled the Skokie demon-
stration Thursday after a federal judge
authorized the Nazis to hold their rally
in Marquette Park July 9, located in a
racially-troubled neighborhood near
their headquarters.

Daily Photos by PETER SERIING
ABOVE, A GROUP of Nazis who gathered Saturday in Chicago's Federal Plaza give the traditional salute as their leader,
Frank Collin, delivers a brief speech. In the center, a demonstrator wears the Nazi swastika in an apparent display of
protest. Below protestors clash with police. Hundreds of city and federal officers were on hand as the Nazis were jeered by
the crowd.

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