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May 03, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-03

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. Vol, LXXXVIII, No. 1-S
rf I h19 l )11 TWednesday, a ,17
Abichign D IFLs
Ann Arbor, Michigan Free Issue Twenty-Four Pages Plus Supplement

Sun Day 'reflects energy needs
By ELISA ISAACSON approved a resolution introduced by Councilman Ken
Although this isn't the proverbial "month of Sun- Latta to officially recognize today as national Sun
days," the first week of May could be considered a D ay. A special local Sun Day was declared last mon-
week of Sun Days. The United States Senate has th, and a group of University students calling them-
designated today as national Sun Day, to direct selves the Ann Arbor Sun Day Coalition sponsored an
public attention to the importance of solar energy as alb-day "Sun Expo" at the time.
a source of power.sNational Sun Day is sponsored by a coalition of
An array of festivities will be wending its way labor groups, environmentalists, consumer activists,
across the country today, along with the rising sun in and other groups, and is classified by Maria
celebration of the holiday. Fairs, demonstrations and Oharenko of the U.S. Department of Energy as a
exhibits will continue throughout the week. "grass roots" program.
EVENTS WILL commence with a pre-dawn hike on t THE COORDINATORS are urging the government
Cadillac Mountain in Maine, where the sun's rays fir- to apportion more money for development of solar
st touch the United States each morning, energy. Alison Freeman, spokesperson for the event,
Other events will include a sunrise ceremony at the said "It is hoped Sun Day will both create a political
United Nations in New York City, a greenhouse- constituency and a network of people who are in-
buiding race in Austin, Texas, and a Sun Day fair in terested in solar energy and will educate the general
Santa Barbara, California on Friday, complete with potential market."
solar cooked food, music and dancing. According to the sponsors, solar energy has been
No local activities have been publicized, but the utilized as a source of power for about fifty years, and
Ann Arbor City Council Monday night unanimously See SUN, Page 17


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House panel
may kill Carter
arms sale plan

r ritz comes and goes
lie's in Manila with Ferdinand Marcos now (see story, page 2), but Vice
President Walter Mondale was in town Saturday to address graduates at
Crisler Arena (see story, page 12).
Pair accused of plot
o by'72vp.,sp
BOSTON (AP)-Two Massachusetts before. Ambasssador Volpe was never
businessmen were accused in court considered as a replacement for Vice
yesterday of trying to raise $500,000 in President Agnew in 1972 . . . Also, we
an effort to influence Richard Nixon to don't know these two gentlemen."
dump Spiro Agnew as his 1972 running William Masiello, head of a Wor-
mate in favor of former Gov. John cester architectural firm, and Albert
Volpe. "Toots" Manzi,' a member of the
There was no evidence that Nixon Massachusetts Turnpike Authority,
either asked for or received any money pleaded innocent at arraignment on ex-
and no indication how much money ac- tortion charges. Within hours, Gov.
tually was raised. Volpe denied any Michael Dukakis suspended Manzi
knowledge of such a scheme. from his post.
A SPOKESPERSON for Nixon, Ken Stephen Delinsky, fir-, assistant at-.
Khachigan, said, "The former torney general for " State of
president has never heard of this See PAIR, Page ii

majority of the House committee that
President Carter was hoping would
help save his proposed sales of war
planes to three Mideast countries
backed a resolution yesterday to veto
the sale.
In a rapid crystalization of op-
position, 22 members of the 37-member
House Internaional Relations Commit-
tee introduced a resolution in the House
to veto Carter's entire sale of jet
fighters to Israel, Egypt and Saudi
THE PRESIDENT had been counting
on the committee to do just the op-
posite-to kill veto resolutions against
the sale so the full Congress could not
vote to veto them.
Rep. Edward Derwinski (R-Ill.), one
of the leaders of the move, had said
earlier that he believed the committee
would oppose the entire sale and thus
force Carter to make the jet deal more
favorable to Israel.
Carter wants to sell 60 sophisticated
F-15 war planes to Saudi Arabis, 50 F-
5Es to Egypt and 75 F-16s and 15 F-15s
to Israel-a $4.9 billion deal.
REP. BENJAMIN Rosenthal (D-
N.Y.) said he believes the 22.committee
members took the public stand against
the planes for several reasons.
"What it means to me is that a
significant majority of the members of
the committee believe this sale is unac-
ceptable in content and in form-and in
timing," Rosenthal said.
An Associated Press survey found
most opponents in the committeee ob-
jected to having to vote for war planes

to the Middle East without knowing
what effect the sale might have on
delicate peace negotiations.
BOTH HOUSES of Congress have 30
days-until May 28-to veto all or part
of the proposed sale. Carter has
suggested he will drop the entire
package if Congress rejects any part of
No specific congressional approval is
needed for the arms sales to go through.
However, at least half a dozen, in-
cluding some who listed themselves as
being tentatively opposed to the Saudi
sale, said they would vote for it if Car-
ter makes concessions for Israel,
THERE SEEMED to be little
congressional resistance to the
proposed sale of less sophisticated jet
fighters to Egypt.
Rep. Clement J. Zablocki (D-Wis.),
chairman of the committee, had said
Friday he would get the 19 votes needed
to kill any resolutions aimed at vetoing
the sales.
In another development, the White
House issued a statement denying a
request by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee for a 90-day post-
ponement of the arms sales proposal.
The committee, which also is studying
the proposed sales, requested the delay
so that its members could make a Mid-
dle East inspection tour.
Deputy Secretary of State Warren
Christopher told Sen. John Sparkman
(D-Ala.), the committee's chairman,
that such a postponement isn't feasible,
the statement said.

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