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June 09, 1978 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-09

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Page 14-Friday, June 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Haldenmn parole possible

Parole Commission will decide next
week when H. R. Haldeman, the former
White House Chief of staff imprisoned
for Watergate crimes, will be released.
Haldeman, 51, has been in the
minimum security installation at Lom-
poc, Calif., since June 21 last year. He
will be eligible for parole on June 20
when he will have satisfied the
minimum time of the one to four-year
sentencehimposed by U.S. District
JudgeJohn Sirica.
HALDEMAN'S co-defendant, former
Attorney General John Mitchell,
becomes eligible for parole on June 21,
but he has not had his initial interview
with parole examiners. That session
tentatively is set for July 5 at the prison
at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., where
Mitchell is recuperating from hip
Both men, along with John Ehrlich-
man who spent 18 months in prison,
were convicted of conspiring to cover
up White House involvement in
Watergate. The three were lieutenants
of former President Richard Nixon,
who was named as a co-conspirator in
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the cover-up but was not indicted.
Ehrlichman's case illustrated that
paroles are anything but automatic. He
was interviewed as his one-year an-
niversary approached, but the com-
mission decided he should serve six
months more than the minimum,
HALDEMAN WAS interviewed at
Lompoc last month and his file was
forwarded to the Parole Commission.
The case will be heard June 14 by Cecil
McCall, chairman, Benjamin Malcolm,
vice chairman, and Dorothy Parker, a
The commission reviews a prisoner's
record in the institution and his offense

to determine how long the prisoner
should serve.
The 64-year-old Mitchell returned to
Maxwell on May 26 after five months of
medical furloughs during which
surgeons repaired a weakened artery in
his abdomen and replaced his arthritic
right hip.
Since he re-entered the institution,
Mitchell has continued his recuperation
in hia dormitory, receiving outpatient
treatment at the Air Force base
He is scheduled soon to return to work
as "education clerk" and a prison
spokesman describes him as "in good
spirits, doing fine."


Wallace may still run for Senate
Camp said.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)- Gov. Democratic and Republican executive Alabama's other senator, the veteran
George Wallace yesterday appointed committees to decide how to select par- John Sparkman, has announced he will
Maryon Pittman Allen to temporarily ty nominees for the seat. retire when his term expires in
ill the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by In a prepared statement announcing January.
he death of her husband James Allen. the appointment, Wallace called Ms. IT WAS THE Senate seat being
Allen said she would run in an election Allen a "gracious lady and a strong vacated by Sparkman that Wallace
o fill the two years left in his term. person, who, in my opinion, will serve originally intended to seek. But three
Wallace is still "giving con- Alabama well in the U.S. Senate." weeks ago the governor announced he
ideration" to running for the seat him- SINCE THE senator's death last "just didn't want to run."
elf, according to his press secretary, Thursday, the governor has been Allen's death, however, "changed
Billy Joe Camp. flooded with telephone calls, letters and many things," Camp acknowledged
telegrams urging him to be a candidate Wednesday.
CAMP SAID the governor would or- for the remaining two years in Allen's Wallace reportedly is concerned
ler the special election held Nov. 7 to term, Camp said, about Alabama's loss of seniority in the
hoose a permanent replacement for "It seems that the people of Alabama Senate. Although Wallace, if elected,
Allen. That is the day of the state's have realized more and more that come would have no seniority, he could bring
eneral election. January they will not have an ex- to the seat a "national following and
It' would be up to the state perienced voice in the U.S. Senate," politicalclout," according toCamp.

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