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May 31, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-31

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 31, 1978-Page 3
George Washington slept, er... signed here
ByR. J. SMITH era. Through a variety of documents,
Ihandwriting the times are depicted in different
If the folks who analyzem rting ways. For instance, there is a
are correct in their assumption that statement of land sale signed by John
people's signatures tell a lot about their Tyler, and there is the official recom-
character, then it's written on the wall mendatidn, written and signed by An-
for James Monroe: he was a hasty and drew Jackson, of Lewis Cass as
messy chief executive, who crossed out secretary of war.
his words and squeezed others in above Many personal messages are also
the line. used in the exhibit. Abraham Lincoln
Likewise, Andrew Jackson was a writes a note to General George Mc-
proud man, who savored his words and Clellan, easing his tension about the
was careful to fashionably dress them doings of a government investigation,
up. and elsewhere there is a note from John
Adams which proves that mail order
ALL OF THIS can be deduced from problems do, in fact, date back to the
an exhibit of presidential autographs in American Revolution.
the lobby of the Clements Library, "We buy our manuscripts from
showcasing enough flashy John Han- private rare book and manuscript
cocks to make even that patriot proud. dealers," explained manuscript direc
The display, which began two weeks tor Shy. "We also count on little old
ago, features signed documents and ladies with trunks in attics," she added.

Ex-Plymouth head

personal messages of the first 16
Presidents of the United States, from
George Washington to Abraham Lin-
"We tried to put an exhibit together
that you could walk off the street and
enjoy," said Irene Shy, manuscript
director for the library.
"411,.-L. --_ ,,, 1n h .?

THE CLEMENTS Library buys
numerous documents from auctions,
where thousands of dollars are often
spent on a single manuscript.
Along with the signatures, the display
shows off numerous illustrations, prints
and books that add historical

wants more p
By MICHAEL ARKUSH cases be fur
Evelyn Provitt, former acting direc- The taskf
tor of the Plymouth Center for Human School of
Development, yesterday predicted it Cohen, met
would take several months to complete to listen t
investigating charges of abuse and director D
neglect at the state-run center. counts of i
Provitt spoke on campus before a Plymouth.'
special task force assigned by Gover- to issue its i
nor William Milliken to uncover cases mental insti
of abuse at the institution and propose PROVIT
any necessary changes. She recom- PyOuT
mended that a group of investigators, mouth
who three weeks ago submitted a report million for
on actual cases of abuse at the center, beginnings
be ordered to continue their in- provements
vestigation. programs
creases. Dr,
THE INVESTIGATORS reported of the Dep
they found 46 cases of abuse and 20 (DMH), an
cases of neglect at thecetr agreed the,
Provitt said certain serious cases the funds an
must still be probed and other older Se(
I CBeer
State police troopers tell this story about one
holiday motorist: An unsuspecting CBer, apparen-
tly longing for someone to talk to as he drove
through lonely Grand Rapids, began a conversation
over his CB radio. "I'm just taking it easy, driving
my new Toyota down I-96 and drinking my
Michelob," he said. "Oh yeah," came the answer.
"What's your 20 (location)?" the friendly CBer
responded, "96 right at 28th Street. What's yours?"
"Right behind you," answered the equally friendly
state trooper who had been keeping up the conver-
sation. "Pull over." The trooper proceeded to issue
the two men in the car citations for possessing
open bottles of alcoholic beverage on a public high-
way, a misdemeanor. Some good buddy.
Happenings ...
... begin bright and early at 9:30 in-of all
places-the Great Scott parking lot on Packard at
Carpenter Road. There, a group of Washtenaw
County senior citizens will show their growing
collective consciousness by joining together in a
motorcade. The motorcade winds up with a rally at
10:30 at Island Park where Mayor Louis Belcher
and Ypsilanti Mayor George FGoodman proclaim
today Senior Citizens' Day in Washtenaw County
. pack your lunch and join the Wesley Foundation
folksafor anoon picnic on the lawn, 602 E. Huron at

"Wedo av a ot f nusal noy significance to the documents. These
ro b in g items . .. things that we collect, but items include a political poster from
phasis," Shy added, and a book of sing-a-long tunes from
ther researched. PLACED IN four showcases, the
force, headed by University manuscripts cover a rapidly changing See PRESIDENTIAL, Page 9
Education Dean Wilbur
for several hours yesterday
o Provitt and new acting
avid Rosen give their acA
improvements required for
The committee is scheduled
inal report on abuse in state
itutions within two weeks. c p,.te r
Iy ItN lli A d thF d



would need an additional $6
the 1978-79 fiscal year,
n October, to fund any im-
, including more extensive
and necessary staff in-
. Vernon Stehman, director
artment of Mental Health
d other task force members
committee should request
id ask Milliken for assistan-

A revised version of a policy
statement limiting relationships bet-
ween University faculty, personnel and
students and government intelligence
agencies was submitted for approval to
the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) yesterday.
At the Senate Assembly meeting on
May 15 the University's Civil Liberties
Board offered for discussion guidelines
for relationships between people within
the University community and in-
telligence -agencies such as the Central

neu gence agency, anu Le reuerai
Bureau of Investigation.
criticized the proposed guidelines
because they said they could be inter-
preted too broadly thereby severely
restricting personal and academic
freedom. The new version has a much
more limited scope dealing explicitly
with intelligence agencies.
Therevised version will be offered to
Harold Shapiro, University vice-
See SACUA, Page 9

State where you can hear reports from local
representatives back from the disarmament rally
at the U.N. The picnic will move indoors in case of
rain .. .at 8, Randy Lambert and Jacquelyn Page
Green offer a song recital in the Pendleton Arts
Center, second floor of the Union.
What's cookin'?
Deanna Ellis is pretty modest about her prize-
winning pizza recipe. In fact, the 16-year-pld Iowa
girl doesn't seem to care much fok- her concoction,
even though it won top honors in the third annual
"Verre de Terre" recipe contest. Verres de terres,
you see, is French for earthworms, and Deanna's
"Pizza Aux Verres de Terre Extraordinaire" is gar-
nished with loads of the little critters. "I like it bet-
ter without worms," she admitted. But for that mat-
ter, neither of the other two winners plan to serve
their prize winning recipes to their families or even
make the concoctions again. "I'm a vegetarian,"
insisted third-place winner Janet Svendsen, a
Sherman Oaks, Calif., magazine editor as she
prepared her tempure for the four judges. "I've
neever tried it." Second-place Hugh Poole, a retired
fire captain from Conyers, Ga., said his gingered
mincemeat might be just as lipsmacking if ham-
burger were substituted for worms. We don't doubt
it. The three winners were chosen as finalists in the
competition from among 4,000 entries nationwide.

Rumor has it one of the unsuccessful dishes was
submitted by the food service folks from the
University housing division. The name of the tasty
dish? Grilled chopped worms, of course.
Keeping her cool
Employees of the Norfolk Surgical Group were
understandably upset when they opened their office
and found the safe unlocked'with a metal box con-
taining about $55 missing. They scoured the office
but they couldn't find the box, so they called police
to report a burglary. After officers left, a secretary
found a note that had been shoved under some
papers during the search for the box. It was from
the cleaning woman, who wrote that when she en-
tered the office the night before she found the safe
open. Not knowing how to lock it, she kept her cool
and took the metal box and put it in a safe
place-the office refrigerator. Sure enough, the
metal cash box was still there, right behind the let-
tuce and pickles. Now that's what you call cold
On the outside .. .
To look on the bright side, it will be partly sunny
today. But it will also be partly cloudy. Tem-
peratures should be a little more comfortable with a
high in the upper 70s to low 80s.

r Z.


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