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May 31, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-31

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Page 2-Wednesday, May 31, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Russians indicted on spy charges
NEW4RK, N.J. (AP)-Two Russians who work at in prison on conspiracy charges. On each of two counts as garbage.
their country's U.N. mission were indicted by a federal of obtaining information, they could get 10 years in THE NAVY OFFICER, working with the FBI,
grand jury yesterday on charges of obtaining U.S. prison and a $10,000 fine. received his payments in a similar manner and never
defense secrets and conspiring to pass them to the Vladimir Petrovich Zinyakin, third secretary of met face-to-face with his cohorts, officials said. He
Soyiet Union. They face possible life imprisonment if the Soviet Mission to the United Nations, was named as initially was contacted by telephone and all
convicted. an unindicted co-conspirator, but not a defendant arrangements for "drops' were handled by telpehone
Rudolf Petrovich Chernayayev, 43, a personnel of- because he has diplomatic immunity. He left the coun- and through notes hidden in a specified phone booth,
ficer at the U.N. Secretariat, and Valdik Aleksan- try abouta week ago. authorities said.
drovich Enger, 39, an assistant to the U.N. under- ALL THREE WERE accused of tryng to induce a The indictment says the Navy officer was recruited
secretary general, were charged ina three-count indic- commissioned Navy officer, who was not identified, to by the Soviets last August after he took a cruise to
tment handed down about an hour before they were to provide them with several classified documents in ex- Bermuda on the MS Kazakhstan, which is owned and
face a federal magistrate for a preliminary hearing on change for $20,000, the indictment said. operated by the Soviet Union.
the charges. They were arrested May 20 in Woodbridge near the The Soviets were arrested about 14 months after a
THEIR APPEARANCE was canceled because of the Garden State Parkway. former Soviet seaman was charged in New Jersey with
indictment and they remained in custody at the The documents, doctored in Washington to protect espionage. Ivan Roglasky was ruled incompetent to
Metropolitan Corrections Center in Manhattan in lieu U.S. secrets, were passed to the Soviets in telephone stand trial and has been undergoing treatment at a
of $2 million bail. booths along the Garden State Parkway, authorities federal hospital in Springfield, Mo., for more than a
If convicted, they face a maximum sentence of life said. They were stashed in cartons and cans, disguised year.

Mobuto claims invaders murdered hostages
confliciting reports on whether the The Zairian Red Cross has said the The rebels are Lunda tribesmen op-
By The Associated Press rebels took white civilian hostages with death toll in Kolwezi was 720. That in- posed to Mobutu who fled in the mid-
President Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire them as they retreated toward their cluded 132 foreigners. Belgian officials 1960's after an unsuccessful rebellion in
claimed yesterday that rebel tribesmen bases in Angola. said the bodies of 72 whites had been Shaba, then known as Katanga. A
driven out of the southern Zaire city of Mobutu, in Morocco seeking military found and that 289 still were unaccoun- similar invasion was repulsed last
Kolwezi massacred an undetermined help from King Hassan II, said in an in- ted for since the May 12 invasion by an spring by Zairian troops aided by about
number of white hostages over the terview with the official Moroccan , estimated 4,000 Angola-based rebels. 1,500 Moroccans. Belgian and French
weekend somewhere in the bush. news agency, "According to infor- France has said 44 of its citizens are troops evacuated about 2,500 foreigner
His claim could not be confirmed mation obtained by our special ser- missing. from Kolwezi after the latest attack.

from other sources, and the Defense
Ministry in Paris said it had no infor-
mation or comment on it.
FRENCH paratroopers routed the
rebels from Kolwezi almost two weeks
ago and remain in Zaire's southern
province of Shaba to protect European
civilians still there. There have been
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vices, the hostages who were held by
the rebels were all liquidated, men,
women and children."
"I cannot tell you how many there
were," he said. "The drama occurred
last Saturday in the bush. But I could
not tell you exactly where."
THE FRENCH troops who recap-
tured Kolwezi May 20 said the rebels
killed many Europeans during their 10-
day occupation and took dozens of
European hostages with them when
they fled into the bush. The French
began a pursuit of the rebels to try to
free the hostages, but were called back
as the rebelsapproached the Zambian
and Angolan borders.
The rebels have claimed, through
their spokesmen in Brussels, Belgium,
that they took no civilian hostages, only
seven Frenchmen who served as
military advisers to Zairian troops. But
refugees and Zairian witnesses have
reported seeing the fleeing rebeu with
white hostages.

Landowners testify to
halt burial of PBB cattle

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MIO (UPI) - Several Oscoda County
landowners testified in circuit court
yesterday in their effort to prevent the
state from burying thousands of PBB-
contaminated cattle carcasses in a
massive, clay-lined pit.
A number of state officials were ex-
Sadat: I'll
give peace
two months
(Cont inuefromPage i)
Vague as it was, Sadat's two-month
limit was the first time he had set a
deadline for the initiative he began six
months ago with his dramatic visit to
"THE MOMENTUM of the peace
process now is slacking," he told repor-
ters. "But it has not stopped. For now
there is a stalemate of sorts. It is not
frozen but going in slow motion."
Proposals and counter-proposals
between Egypt and Israel since last
November have failed to break the
stalemate, which centers on the future
of the Israeli-occupied West Bank of the
Jordan River.
At present, Egypt and Israel are ex-
changing views via the United States.
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pected to appear before Circuit Court
Judge Allan Miller when the two-day
evidentiary hearing resumes today.
THE HEARING was ordered by the
Michigan Supreme Court, which
refused to rule on the legality of the pit
until it could be determined whether
area residents would be adversely af-
fected by state plans.
The landowners claimed that burying
the tainted farm animals in the pit
would threatena nearby watershed and
groundwater supplies.
The Oscoda County PBB Action
Committee filed suit, accusing state of-
ficials with failing to obtain the
necessary permits to construct the 2.2
acre, clay-lined pit for thousands of
farm animals contaminated when the
toxic fire retardant polybrominated
biphenyls (PBB) accidentally was
mixed into a batch of livestock feed in
HOWARD TANNER, director of the
Department of Natural Resources, and
Fred Kellow, director of the DNR's
Resource Recovery Division, were
among the state officials under sub-
poena in the case.
Assistant Attorney General Don
Kefkey told Miller that the committee
first must prove that the pit represents
a danger before any other issues can be
examined at the hearing.
MIller ruled, however, that though
"safety is one issue, it is not the only
volume LXXXvIII, No. 20-s
Wednesday, May 31, 1978
is editedand managed by siudentisatthe University
of Michigan. News phone 764-562. Second class
pbstage is'paid at Ann Arbnr, Michigan48911.
Published daily Tuesday tisrosgih Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
day morning.Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by maioutside Ann Arbor

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