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May 04, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-04

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Mondale to Marcos:
Respect human rights
MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Vice
President Walter Mondale gave Philip-
pine President Ferdinand Marcos a
pointed message yesterday - improve
his martial-law government's record on
human rights or face continued friction
with the United States and loss of
American popular support.
Mondale also met with a half-dozen
anti-Marcos dissidents, and one of
them, former Foreign Minister
Salvador Lopez, said afterward he was
satisfied the American was not here
on a pleasure trip."
"HE MADE IT clear his visit is
linked to the policy of human rights,"
Lopez said.
It was the first full day of Mondale's
five-nation Far East swing, aimed at
demonstrating U.S. commitment to the
Mondale region.
He travels to Bangkok today for talks
with Thai leaders, then goes to In-
donesia, Australia and New Zealand
before heading home.
IN WHAT HE called a "candid" 90-
minute discussion with Marcos, Mon-
dale brought up the subject of political
prisoners. Among them is Marcos'
most prominent opponent, former Sen.
Benigno Aquino.
At a news conference, Mondale said
he told Marcos of concern among
members of Congress and the
American public about allegations of
human rights violations. He said he had
warned that failure to improve the
situation "could adversely affect our
ability to improve and broaden and
deepen the relationship between the
United States and the Philippines,
Marcos which is our primary objective."
Brezhnev, Schmidt to
discuss bilateral trade

Stormy weather AP Photo
A ski mask proved to be fitting attire for this Stratford, Texas student when a
freak spring snow storm dumped 11 inches of the white stuff on the town
yesterday. Tree branches broke under the unexpectedIn-od and travel wa.sdif-
ficult, but no roads were closed.

BONN, West Germany (AP) - Soviet
President Leonid Brezhnev will seek
expanded trade with West Germany on
a four-day visit here beginning today.
Contrasting with the official welcome
are protests planned by human rights
campaigners, led by retired Soviet Maj.
Gen. Pyotr Grigorenko.
Making his first trip to the West in
almost a year, Brezhnev will hold ex-
tensive talks with Chancellor Helmut
Schmidt on East-West disarmament,
detente and bilateral cooperation, the
Bonn government said. No surprises
are expected.
THEY WILL SIGN a 25-year
economic agreement setting a
framework to expand bilateral trade
and encourage more deals by West
German industry to help exploit Soviet
raw materials.
West Germany is already the Soviet
Union's biggest trading partner in the
West, with a volume last year of $4.36
billion. West Germany imports 10 per
cent of its natural gas from the Soviet
Union and wants to increase that
Schmidt views the talks as a chance
to "deepen the basis of trust" between
Bonn and Moscow, government
spokesman Klaus Boelling told repor-
ters on the eve of the visit.
BUT THE chianceilor will also take a
strong stand on Soviet recognition of

the status of West Berlin, 110 miles in-
side Communist East Germany.
"The chancellor will make clear that
Berlin must be included in the large
concept of detente, in the interest of the
people living in the city and in the in-
terest of decreasing tensions in East-
West relations," Boelling said.
The Soviets treat West Berlin as
politically separate from West Ger-
many, while recognizing East Berlin as
the capital of East Germany. This stan-
ce has blocked signing of 1973 Bonn-
Moscow treaties on cultural exchanges,
scientific cooperation and legal
IN THE WESTERN view, both parts
of the city technically remain under
jurisdiction of the allied victors over
Nazi Germany - the United States,
Britain, France and the Soviet Union.
The 1971 Four Power agreement
recognized West Germany's right to
expand itsclose ties to West Berlin.
Western diplomatic sources in
Moscow said the most significant
aspect of the trip is that the 71-year-old
Brezhnev is healthy enough to travel.
He was supposed to follow up his state
visit to France last June with a visit to
Bonn in September, but the date was
repeatedly postponed, reportedly
because Brezhnev was ill.
Several protests are planned in Bonn
durin Brezhnev's three-day stay in
Bonn and one-day trip to Schmidt's
home in Hamburg before departing





Director-TONY RICHARDSON, 1963
A bawdy tour of 18th century England. ALBERT FINNEY plays a country lad
with a roving eye, who must leave home for London. On the road he takes
up with, among others, a lascivious lady who may be his mother, and a
wayward highwayman who may be his father. One of the funniest movies of
recent years. Eating chicken will never be the same after seeing TOM JONES.
Awarded Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director by the New York Film


The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative
(Stanley Kubrick, 1971) 7& 9:3--AUD. A
A bit of the in-out-in-out and the old ultra-violence. Very horrorshow. This
nightmare vision of the not too distant future is, perhaps, Kubrick's best work.
Winner of the New York Film Critics' Award for Best Picture and Best Director.
-.- brilliant, a tour de force of extraordinary images, music, words and feel-
ings . . . dazzles the senses and the mind."-N.Y. Times. From the novel by


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