Page 2-Friday, May 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily
1984 Olympics awarded to L.A.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Los Angeles
was given the chance yesterday to host
the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, but
the city will take them only if it can
assure its taxpayers they won't be sad-
dIed with the financial problems of past
In a decision that capped months of
public and private maneuvering, the
International Olympic Committee
awarded the Summer Games to Los
Angeles with the provision that the city
assume full financial responsibility for
staging them, including absorbing any
Los Angeles turned a profit of slightly
more than $1 million on the 1932 Olym-
pics, the last time an American city
hosted the Summer Games.
IOC members, meeting in Athens,
gave Los Angeles officials until July 31
Back at the turn of the century, the
legendary fight manager, Bill Brady,
handled two heavyweight champions,
James J. Corbett and Jim Jeffries.
to sign such a commitment and made it
plain the welcome mat would be exten-
ded to other cities if they did not. Mon-
treal, Munich and Mexico City - hosts
of the last three Olympics - reportedly
are interested, as is New York, which
lost out to Los Angeles as the U.S. can-
The 1984 Winter Games were awar-
ded to Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.
Because of the spiraling costs of
recent Olympics, the number of cities
bidding to host them has been dwin-
dling. The 1980 Olympics will be held in
Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley,
caught between intransigent Olympic
officials and constituents wary of cost
overruns, seemingly found a solution -
the city would buy insurance protecting
itself and its taxpayers against losses.
But many in the industry said they
doubted insurers would be willing to in-
demnify Los Angeles against its own
possible extravagance.
But Bradley said the city did not "an-
ticipate any cost overruns. We do not
anticipate any deficit, and we think that
an insurance company would look at
the figures, including those we've come
up with, in the same way"
The cost issue has dominated
negotiations between Los Angeles and
the IOC, primarily because of the
estimated $1 billion deficit incurred by
Montreal for the 1976 Games.
Bradley and other Olympic backers
have promised to stage g "spartan
Olympics" but several city councilmen
have charged that the Mayor's
shoestring may become a financial
noose between now and 1984.
Leaders debate ERA extension
the fight over the Equ
dment argued yesterd
and ethical questio
congressional proposa
deadline for ratific
Phyllis Schlafly, ch
antique Chinese rings circa 1800
handwrought silver Reg. $5.O0
thru the end ..
of May
123 W Washington, Ann Arbor Monday - Sun
ERA, said an extension, beyond the
') - Leaders in current deadline of March 22, 1979,
al Rights Amen- "would be an unfair attempt to tamper
sy over the legal with the United States Constitution."
ns surrounding ELEANOR SMEAL, president of the
is to extend the National Organization of Women, said
ation by seven refusal to extend the deadline risks
"setting back the clock on women's
airman of STOP rights."
Both women testified before a House
judiciary subcommittee considering a
of resolution to double the seven-year
ratification period prescribed by
Congress in 1972 when it adopted ERA.
A similar resolution has been sponsored
in the Senate.
The amendment, providing a con-
stitutional basis to ban discrimination
because of a person's sex, has been
ratified by 35 states. It will expire'
unless it is approved by three more
states by the 1979 deadline.
HOWEVER, THREE states - Ten-
nessee, Idaho, and Nebraska - have
attempted to rescind their votes.
Kentucky's legislature also voted to
rescind its approval of the amendment,
but that move was vetoed by Lt. Gov.
Thelma Stovall while Gov. Julian
Carroll was out of town.
day The Justice Department said last
year that there was legal precedent for
a state rescinding its approval of a con-
f r _aCA_ AA,-x_ AA.1..1. *
stitutional amendment, but that
resolving the dispute is ultimately up to
Texas), an ERA supporter, told the
committee that ratification by 1979 "is
not assured, it is highly unlikely. What
about a little insurance in case we don't
make it?"
Challenging a major argument of ex-
tension opponents, Miss Jordan said in
a thundering voice, "Change the rules
in the middle of the game? This is no
Ms. Smeal said the seven-year period
established in 1972 "has no magic" and
that Congress has the authority to
modify the time frame. She said the
debate has been confused by
misleading arguments by opponents
and that the issue should not be
discussed "in the atmosphere of the
final minutes of a football or basketball
MRS. SCHLAFLY argues the ERA
"is no longer in the hands of Congress"
and said "it is no more legally possible
for Congress to change the wording" of
the ratification period than it would be
to change the substance of the amen-
She pledged that any extension would
be fought in the courts.
None of the committee members ex-
pressed opposition to the ERA but
some, like Rep. Tom Railsback, (R-
Ill.), said they had reservations about
extending the deadline.
Even so, Railsback said, "a lot of
state legislators think if we kill the ex-
tension it's going to go away. It's not
going to go away," he said, predicting
that Congress would approve the ERA
all over again.
Volume LXxXVIII, No. 13-s
Friday, May t9, 1978
is edited and managed by studeots at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters): $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscriptionrates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor:
$7.50 by mailnoutside Ann Arbor.
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