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May 13, 1978 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-13

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Page 14-Saturday, May 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Schell's book details life of Gov. Brown

(continued from Page11)
AND YET, there is much to be gleaned here; not
so much from the transcribed interviews which dot
the book as from watching the Governor,
through Schell's eyes, lead the life of the consum-
mately political creature he is.
In a chapter titled "Favorite Projects," we see
the fruits of three of Brown's best and most in-
novative notions as governor. There is the Califor-
nia Arts Council, designed specifically with the
economic needs of the unorthodox and avant garde
artists in mind. The California Conservation Corps
is a troop of young volunteers working on ecological
maintenance with the state's sponsorship. Lastly,
and most central to Brown's elusive philosophy, is
the Office of Appropriate Technology, whose raison
d'etre it is further E.F. Schumacher's maxim that
"small is beautiful."
But again, the mystery of the man rings out.
From "small is beautiful" to "Large-scale
organizations such as . . . the Post Office and
multinational corporations can produce some
Hydrocurve contact lens has
introduced new soft lens.
Special introductory offer
May 11th through May 25th. At thes
Dr. Paul Uslan down fer
545 Church St. Salvation
769-1222 the entra
few stray
She ha
and stil

V V "I

powerful effects and technological innovation."
Never is the dichtomy wholly resolved.
CLEVERLY related anecdotes are the book's
most prominent feature, and they best illuminate
Brown's actual nature (If indeed anyone can ven-
ture a guess as to what it is).
One sparkling example is the episode in which
Brown impetiously decides on a weekend jaunt to
Japan. Remarks Schell: "Brown has decided to go
to Japan over Easter weekend on a day and a half's
notice. As usual, those who are doing his scheduling
are tearing their hair out by the roots."
On the plane, Brown reads a Schell piece in the
New Yorker about DRed China. He takes it into his
head to make a detour to visit Chairman Hua in
Brown: "Who would we comtact? Just call them
up? Would we have to tell our State Department we
were going?"
A lone middle-aged man who is sitting in a seat
directly behind us, and who has been listening in-
crediously to our conversation, has a look of "Oh

Lord! Is-this-the-way-the-government-is-really-run"
on hisface.
The Japan story also contains a unique slip from
the straightforward journalistic style style in which
most of the text is rendered. Sitting in on an im-
promptu conference between Brown and several
Japanese auto executives, Schell wonders, "Just
what were all you guys doing around 1944 before you
started making cars?"
A MAJOR factor of the public's fascination with
Governor Brown is the part religion plays in his life.
While Schell touches on Brown's involvement with
the Jesuit Catholics and Zen Buddhism, he does a
half-hearted job of exploring the ways in which
those philosophies steer the candidate politically.
As an evaluation of Brown's chances for the
Presidency, Schell's document serves rather well.
Particularly noteworthy is the hostile treatment the
Sacramento crowd has been subjected to from the
"Georgis Mafia". Obviously, the gentleman from
Georgia regards Brown as aserious adversary So
should we.

)erby time in Louisvilly, Ky.
(continued from Page11

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end of the day as mobs broke
rces and shoved their way
the racetrack gates, a pale
nArmy waif stood unnoticed at
ance. Her tambourine held a
'coins, mostly pennies.
d been at her station all day,
11 people passed her by

hurriedly, tossing embarrassed glances
instead of money. A few people dug into
their pockets, stepping out of the
surging masses, and when they found
nothing they shrugged and rushed on.
Others tossed in some spare change,
but still shot her ashamed looks when
they saw the meager amounts to which
their contributions were added. Of

This Sunday we'll
be in our kitchen,
so Mom won't
have to be in hers.
With any complete
Ponderosa dinner
she chooses, she'll
get unlimited re-
fills from our deli-
cious salad bar-
and so will the rest
of the family. And
that's a value you
don't have to be a
mother to ap-
Sunday 1L A.M. to 9 PM.

course, if they hadn't squandered so
much money on the horses, there would
be more money to donate to the poor.
But what the hell. That may be what
the Derby is all about.
PARIS (AP) - "Sesame Street,"
the internationally-acclaimed
children's educational TV program,
has earned a prestigious "French
connection" for its creator.
Joan Ganz Cooney, president of
the Children's Television Workshop,
has been awarded the 1977 prize for
education by the Institut de la Vie
here for her "remarkable work in
the field of education" as exem-
plified by Sesame Street.
The $50,000 prize, voted jointly to
Mrs. Cooney and the Educational
Broadcasting Division of BBC, has
been awarded bi-annually by the In-
stitut since 1973. Past winners have
included Swiss psychologist Jean
Piaget for his research on child
development and French school
teacher Marcellin Bachalard, who is
cited as an example of teachers
everywhere who have devoted their
lives to their students.
Sesame Street is now in its ninth
year on American television.
Abridged and translated produc,
tions, plus full co-productions of the
show are televised in 30 other coun-
tries and are heard in ten languages.
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