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May 13, 1978 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-13

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Prosecutors call

Newton a
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP)-Prosecutors
claimed yesterday that Black Panther
leader Huey Newton's arrest in a gun-
fire-punctuated barroom brawl shows
he is a threat tosociety.
Assistant District Attorney Ed Orloff
urged an immediate increase in bail
from $80,000 to $200,000 while Newton
awaits trial on four-year-old murder
and assault charges. Orloff said he has
"deep concern for the public safety
every minute this defendant is on the
ButAlameda County Superior Court
Judge Martin Pulich gave the 36-year-
old Newton one week to prepare a case
opposing the bail hike.
Newton was freed Thursday night on
$50,000 bail in the Santa Cruz County
bar brawl case.
The murder case involves the death
four years ago of a 17-year-old
prostitute on an Oakland street. He is
charged with assault for allegedly
pistol whipping his tailor in his pen-
thouse apartment.
Newton, chief theoretician of the
Black Panther Party, returned to
Oakland last year to face the murder
and assault charges. He had jumped

bail and spent 2 years of self-imposed
exile in Cuba.
Santa Cruz officials refused yester-
day to release the names of witnessea to
the barroom fight, saying some of them
already have received telephone calls
threatening them if they testify.

a d

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 13, 1978-Page 13
T ass confirms
Cin ese fight
LOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet news border guards, mistakenly taking the
ncy Tass confirmed yesterday that Chinese border for the Soviet Krestov-
iet troops violated the Chinese bor- skiye islands, landed and penetrated an
and that official regrets were con- insignificant distance into Chinese
ed to the Chinese government. territory.
he agency said a group of Soviet "No actions against Chinese citizens
der guards mistakenly crossed into were committed by the Soviet troops,
nese territory Tuesday in search of and, realizing that they inadvertently
angerous criminal but returned to found themselves on Chinese territory,
Soviet Union as soon as they immediately departed from it.
lized the mistake. "In connection with the incident,
regrets were expressed to the Chinese
ASS DENIED Chinese reports that side," the statement concluded. Tass
was a provocation and that Chinese did not say to whom or in what form the
zens were harmed. Soviet regrets were expressed.
n Thursday, Peking's official IN A DISPATCH from Peking, the
nhua news agency said 30 Soviet Japanese news service Kyodo quoted
iers intruded 21/2 miles into nor- an unidentified Soviet Embassy official
ast China on Tuesday, shot and Friday as telling a foreign diplomatic
nded a number of residents and source that "the Soviets could not ac-
ghed uip 14 others in an "armed cept Chinese demands ... calling for
vocation." punishment of the Russians involved."
sinhua said the incident took place Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Yu
ng the Ussuri River that forms the Chan on Thursday handed a strongly
nese-Soviet border about 1,000 miles worded protest note to Soviet Am-
theast of Peking. This disputed fron- bassador V.S. Tolstikov in Peking that
area was the scene of armed said: "It was only due to the restraint of
shes between the Soviets and the Chinese side that the incident did
nese in 1969. not develop into an armed conflict."
HE KREMLIN two weeks ago The note demanded punishment of
umed eight-year-old negotiations those responsible.
h China over the boundary problem. Kyodo also quoted Western sources in
talks, which had been suspended Peking as saying the Soviet troops had
14 months, continued yesterday in crossed the sensitive border to rescue
ing. the crew of a Soviet helicopter that was
apanese reports from the Chinese shot down or forced to land by the
ital Friday said the Soviet embassy Chinese after it inadvertently wan-
re confirmed the intrusion and ex- dered into Chinese airspace.
ssed regrets. Hsinhua said a Soviet helicopter
he Tass statement read: penetrated 2%12 miles into .Chinese
ON THE NIGHT of the 8th to 9th of territory in the same area, but did not
y 1978, in search of a dangerous ar- say the helicopter had been forced
d criminal, a group of Soviet marine down.

ivewtun t court
aims to

help students write

(Continued from Page 1Y
stressed that the new program has two
"unique dimensions" since it will affect
all departments in LSA, high schools
and junior colleges as well as upper-
level instruction in each department.
Fader explained that the rigorous
writing assessment will encourage high
schools to better prepare their students
for college-level writing courses. He
said communities should start putting
pressure on secondary schools to
decrease the teachers' normal load
from 150 students to 100 to give pupils
more individual attention.
Next year will be an "experimental
year" for the ECB program. Students
with writing disabilities will be recom-
mended for tutorials taught by
specially-trained teachers, but not
required to attend. Barbra Morris,
assistant director of the ECB, ex-
plained that under the new program the
tutorials will be mandatory for Univer-
sity students placed in them, because
"those students who need tutorial help
most tend to seek it least."
JOHN RUSS, director of the Coalition
for theUse of Learning Skills (CULS), a
program which gives academic support
to disadvantaged and minority studen-
ts, said many CULS students who
haven't had proper writing instruction
in high school will attend the optional

tutorials this fall.
According to Michael Clark of the
English department, members of the
ECB will spend this summer deciding
"what makes the best essays better
than others," so that the faculty will
have some standard criteria for
judging students' papers.
The program has essentially five par-
ts: assessment, tutorial, introductory
composition, writers' workshop, and
upperclass writing. Barbey Dougherty
of the English Department's Writing
Workshop, a service which provides in-
dividual writing help to students of any
level, said the philosophy of the
workshop is "developmental, as op-
posed to the remedial."
Dougherty explained that the
technique used in the workshop is one of
asking the student questions about his
or her writing, helping students help
"A writer has to focus attention on
the process of writing as well as the
product," said Dougherty. "Writing is a
social act where the writer tries to
reconstruct for the reader his image of
Fader said he blames society for
many students' poor writing. "What
television has done to students is made
them social isolatgs," declared Fader.
"When you are unfamiliar with the
social act, you are unfamiliar with

Dayan: 'I'm
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -
Moshe Dayan stormed out of a news
conference yesterday after a
questioner implied the Israeli foreign
minister could be labeled a terrorist.
"I am no terrorist. No one ever told
me I'm a terrorist," Dayan retorted af-
ter a journalist from the radical London
newspaper Time Out referred to
charges that Dayan and Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin engaged in
terrorist acts in their early years.

no terrorist'
Both were members of Jewish un-
derground organizations in the 1940s
before the end of British control of
Palestine and Israel's independence.
After that question, Dayan took one
more - telling a reporter Israel seized
the West Bank of the Jordan River
"because King Hussein of Jordan en.
tered the 1967 war despite our war-
nings. There was no alternative" -
then cut short the news conference
saying, "Thank you and goodbye," and
stalked out.

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