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May 10, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-10

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Wichita damps
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - A city or- THE LAW in question was Ordinance
dinance prohibiting discrimination No. 35-242, which prohibits
against homosexuals was repealed discrimination in housing, employment
overwhelmingly yesterday, following a and public accommodations based on
pattern of similar referendums in St. "sexual or affectional preference."
Paul, Minn., and Miami. Similar ordinances were repealed by
With 121 of 170 precincts counted, sound margins in Miami last June and
29,402 votes were in favor of repeal and in St. Paul two weeks ago, and prin-
6,153 supported retaining the seven- cipals in both campaigns involved
month-old ordinance. themselves in the Wichita vote. A
similar election is scheduled later this
THE OUTCOME came as no surprise month in Eugene, Ore.
to leaders on both sides of the issue. The group campaigning for repeal,
A group headed by local ministers Concerned Citizens for Community
that vigorously fought the ordinance Standards, was led by the Rev. Ron
had predicted the law would be Adrian, a Baptist minister who said the
repealed by a 2-1 margin. law condoned immoral behavior.
Leaders of the city's gay community
planned victory celebrations Tuesday ON THE other side was the
night - regardless of the vote - Homophile Alliance of Sedgwick Coun-
believing their campaign and the ty. Co-director Robert Lewis said the
publicity surrounding it enhanced the only issue was civil rights.
self-image of homosexuals in Wichita. The Homophile Alliance introduced
'Normal' flight becomes

The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, May 10, 1978-Page 9
gay rights law
the measure to the City Commission Concerned Citizens to fight por-
last July. After long debate, it ap- nography. They launched a drive for
proved, 3-2, on Sept. 27. To date, four repeal, saying the law condoned an
complaints have been filed under it, one immoral lifestyle. Soon 26,000
by Lewis, who quit as a state social signatures were on petitions, forcing
worker in March after accusing the vote.
superiors of harrassment. Roman Catholic Bishop David
From the start, religion was impor- Maloney also denounced the ordinance
tant on both sides of the debate. Com- But as the vote drew nearer, two
missioner Jack Shanahan surprised Roman Catholic groups, Dignity and
both sides with his crucial vote for the Catholic Workers, distributed pro-
ordinance - and an emotional ex- ordinance literature outside Catholic
planation: churches to counte Maloney's message.
Adrian estimated his group would
"EVEN THOUGH they err, they are spend more than $50,000, much of it for
people. And they have a right to work mailing and distributing 250,000 pieces
and live someplace and eat someplace. of anti-ordinance literature. Lewis
And I'm not sure I'm the one to cast estimated his group would spend $5,000.
them out into the wilderness. I, too, am - Entertainer Anita Bryant's "Protect
a Christian. I love them though they Our Children" group, which fought
err." Miami's ordinance, contributed $50,000
But that view was not accepted by the to the Concerned Citizens campaign
local ministers who had already formed The Rev. Richard Angwin, who led St


PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - The lan-
ding seemed almost normal. National
Airlines' Flight 193 nosed down gently
toward Pensacola Airport, and a flight
attendant announced the Boeing 727
was about to land. Even the jolt as it
smacked into Escambia Bay was not
the best clue that something was
'There was no announce-
menf we were going fo
crash. Without any warn-
ing, it went into the water.
I thought it suas a real bad
landing until things start-
ed rushing by me. Then I
realized we u'ere in the
John Snodgrass
"I thought we were on land," said
passenger Tom Holmes. "It wasn't un-
til the water poured in up to my knees
that I realized we were in the bay."
BUT THREE persons were killed
Monday night in the belly-flop landing,
three miles short of the runway.
Holmes, 37, of Pensacola, was among
the 55 passengers and crew members
who survived, most of them rescued by
a cool-headed tugboat pilot and mate
who rushed their tug and barge to the
Hospital officials identified the dead
as Paul Wilkes of Virginia Beach, Va.,
and two Pensacola women, Frances
Lane and S. J. Fantauzzi, 29.
THE NATIONAL Transportation
Safety Board set up a base in this north
Florida city, and said a preliminary
report on a possible cause for the crash
and the deaths might be ready in a few
In the bay yesterday, waves slapped
the shiny tail and upper fuselage of the
aircraft. It sat in the muddy floor and
about 10 feet of water.
Several passengers said the plane's
descent seemed normal.

maceutical representative from New
Orleans, said the pilot announced after
the plane left Mobile, Ala., that there
was fog in Pensacola but said "there
were 12 mile-per-hour winds and as
long as the winds kept up there wouldn't
be any trouble with the fog."
"It was not a bad flight," he said.
"There was no announcement we were
going to crash. Without any warning, it
went into the water. I thought it was a
real bad landing until things started
rushing by me. Then I realized we were
in the water."
He said he and some other
passengers floated for several minutes
before reaching a wing of the plane.
Several people stood neck-deep on the
wing, but as the plane settled deeper in-
to the water, they had to swim.
"THE CO-PILOT was swimming
around and he had some life jackets,"
said Snodgrass. "One or two people had
gotten on top of the plane by then and
they started helping others up there. A
half an hour later, a barge showed up. .
if it hadn't been for that barge, things
would have been a lot worse."
Officials credited the tugboat cap-
tain, Glenn McDonald, with rescuing
dozens of passengers by plucking them
from the fuel-covered waters and
helping them aboard a construction
barge he hurriedly pushed up against
the plane.
"We'd probably have lost a lot more
people without him," said Bob Smith,
director of West Florida Civil Defense.
McDONALD SAID he, crewman Bill
Kenney and their tug, "Little Mac,"
"were where the Lord put us," about
300 yards from where the plane hissed
into the water.
"People were screaming, 'Help me!
Save me!' when we came over," he
said. "About a half-dozen were atop the
fuselage, scrambling, crawling,
sliding. The others were in the water."
Escambia County Civil Defense of-
ficials estimated that 350 to 500
professional and amateur rescuers
showed up on the sparsely settled
eastern side of the bay to help the fuel-
drenched victims when the barge
reached shore. Almost all of the sur-
vivors were taken to five local hospitals
where they were treated for bumps and
bruises as well as a few more serious
THE AIRPORT'S longest runway
had been closed since January for
upgrading, but Federal Aviation Ad-

a disaster
ministration (FAA) spokesman Jack
Barker would not say whether that
might have contributed to the crash.
Fog and rain had reduced visibility to
four miles and the ceiling to 400 feet,
but both factors were within standards
for keeping the airport open, he said.
Local FAA officials said jetliners had
been landing on the alternate runway
without incident for five months.
Harland Lore, the flight controller at
Pensacola tower, said, "Everything
was normal. There was no verbal in-
dication of any problem."
James King, chairman of the
National Transportation Safety Board,
said he would have preliminary fin-
dings in two or three days, but said it
would be several months before a final
report is issued.

Paul's fight, visited Wichita to lend his
Bryant announced yesterday that she
had contacted pastors, Christian
leaders and others throughout the
United States and Canada to pray
yesterday for those who vote in the
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