Wednesday, May 11, 1977
Page Seven
Carter ca ls for stronger NA TO
(Continuedfrom Page 1)
self-propelled artillery, mobile
tactical missiles, mobile air de-
fense guns, armored personnel
carriers, tactical aircraft and
His speech was the last for-
P "
(Continued from Page 3)
The violence came as the gov-
ernment's Commerce Depart-
ment reported "the best turnout
of workers since the strike be-
gan." Most factories said they
were operating- at prestrike lev-
els and, until the buses were af-
fected, all essential services
were running.
The Action Council launched
the strike to paralyze Northern
Ireland's economy and force the
British government into an all-
out crackdown on guerrillas of
the mainly Catholic Irish Re-
publican Army. Another aim
was restoration ofeProtestant
rule in Northern Ireland.
DESPITE the intimidation,
the strike faltered in the face
of a massive rejection by Ul-
ster's million-strong Protestant
majority and a tough British se-
curity clampdown.
The outlawed IRA is fighting
to force Ulster Protestants into
a reluctant union with the Cath-
olic Irish Republic.
The Rev. Paisley's detention
in Ballymena came after he and
400 supporters, farmers from
Ulster's staunchly Protestant
hinterland, sealed off the center
of the town with a tractor caval-
cade to demonstrate support for
the strike.
P R O T E S T A N T in-
siders speculated that the mav-
erick preacher, turned rebel
politician, sought to force police
into arresting him, thus making
him a rallying point for reluct-
ant Protestants.
mal presentation of ais'first trip
abroad as president. He was to
return to Washington late last
OVER THE past five days,
here and in Geneva, Carter met
with such leaders as President
Valery Giscard d'Estaing of
France, Chancellor Helmut Sch-
midt of West Germany and
President Hafez Assad of Syria.
The French president invited
Carter to visit France in the fall.
jailed in Belfast
However, others believed he Parliament for having branded
sought the confrontation to give legislators who had opposed the
him a face - saving formula for strike as "lewd, immoral, foul-
calling off the strike before his mouthed and drunken." Some
political credibility was shat- parliamentarians sought a rul-
tered. These sources reported ing that his remarks were a
an "air of desperation" at the breach of parliamentary privi-
Action Council headquarters in lege. House of Commons Speak-
East Belfast .as more and more er George Thomas rejected their
workers ignored the strike call. plea but did condemn the
The Rev. Mr. Paisley was in preacher's remarks "in the
trouble, too, with the British strongest possible terms."
WASHINGTON 6P) - The United States and Great Britain plan
to make a joint new proposal on Rhodesia in a bid to transform
the rebel British colony into an independent black-ruled state by
Sept. 24, 1978, diplomatic sources said yesterday.
Diplomats of both countries said the U.S.-British plan, which
will be unveiled today, is intended primarily as a way of evolving
a constitution for Rhodesia.
THE U.S.- British strategy will focus on the goal of securing
the resignation of Prime Minister Ian Smith's Rhodesia Front gov-
ernment about three months before the independence day.
At that symbolic moment of the surrender of white domina-
tion, all power, including control of defense, law qnd order and
finance, would be handed over to a stopgap regime under a black
caretaker premier.
If American-British. aims are fulfilled, Smith's resignation
would open the way to two major developments:
. A cease-fire between the white-led Rhodesian forces who for
years have been trying vainly to crush the escalating campaign
of black guerrillas seeking power and independence by military
* A cancelation of the United Nations economic embargo on Rho-
desia imposed soon after'Smith's all-white minority regime pro-
claimed its independence from Britain on Nov. 11, 1965.
London's main event-a seven-
nation economic summit attend-
ed by leaders of the Western
industrial nations - ended with
the participants pledging to do
whatever it takes to attain es-
tablished g o a I s in economic
growth and reduce inflation and
THEY ALSO created a panel
to help curb nuclear prolifera-
tion, voiced no sharp criticism
of Carter's human rights cru-
sade and pledged themselves to
freer trade.
China's official Hsinhua news
agency, commenting on the eco-
nomic conference, said Tuesday
"no effective way to cope with
the situation was found at the
meeting. In spite of the opti-
mism expressed by the heads of
state about the results of the
summit, Western public opinion
doubted if the meeting could
solve the current grave eco-
nomic problems."
At a four-power minisummit
after the main economic meet-
ing, Carter and the leaders of
Britain, France and West Ger-
many warned the Soviet Union
not to threaten Berlin and re-
newed their pledges to defend
the divided city.
IN GENEVA, Carter won
praise from Assad for his ef-
forts to bring a permanent peace
to the Middle East. The Ameri-
can president said afterward:
"I was very pleased at the re-
lationship that I formed."
Meanwhile, Premiers Con-
stantine Caramanlis of Greece
and Suleyman Demirel of Tur-
key were among the leaders who
met with Carter in separate, pri-
vate sessions. Conflicts between
the two NATO neighbors have
concerned the a II i a n c e, but
there was no word on whether
the meetings had contributed to
a resolution of their problems.
Regarding Greek and Turkish
differences on Cyprus, Carter
said: "I think there is common
hope that the Cyprus question
can be resolved."
TURKEY is the only NATO
member having an extensive
common border with the Soviet
* Meaty Bar-B-Que Beef Ribs
* Home Made Baked Losaqna
* Fresh French Fried Smelt
* Tender Baked Chicken
" Pineapple Baked Ham
* Large Pretzel Bell Salad with
Choice oft ressins
" Steaming Hot Basket of
Russian Rye Bread
" Choice of French Fried
Potatoes or Fresh Corn
on the Cob
The Pretzel Dell
120 E. L I BE RTY--761-1470
Sun. Noon-9 Mon. thru Trurs. 5-10 P.M.
Ma Bell pushes newest gadgets
(Continued from Page 3)
MICHIGAN BELL is currently
giving new buyers the option of
having the devices installed free
of charge. If after a week you
decide you don't want the serv-
ices, there's no cost.
Installation charges for the
new devices normally cost
Bell says that the trial-basis
program will be going on "for
an indefinite period."
As for the pushy salesman who
has memorized the sales pitch
for each new service, Ma Bell
insists that they merely "en-
courage" all employes to talk
up the products. "Sometimes in
our business department they
have contests," Burkette says.
"They get their names in the
At Rockbottom Prices
Ripstop Jackets
Ripstop Vests
SAVINGS on many more styles
And if you were wondering
whether the installer who sold
you on a call-forwarding device
gets a cut out of the additional
Folk art paintings
NEW YORK (AP) - The Mu-
seum of Folk Art is presenting
a display of paintings and wa-
tercolors, "Selected Master-
pieces of New York State Folk
Painting." The exhibition is the
last of a series on New York
State folk arts, and will be
shown through May 22.
The blue whale can reach
lengths of up to 100 feet and
tip the scales at 200 tons, the
equivalent weight of 33 African
elephants, according to Nation-
al Geographic.
monthly ,rate you'll be paying,
Bell insists "As far as commis-
sions, there's nothing like that.
. . . But we do encourage them
to talk up the new products."
r arn Comparative Management
Japan-America Institute
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- Japan-America Institute of Management Science
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213 S. MAIN ST.
Oven -10 til 5:30 p.m.