Pe To
Friday, ,august 12, 1977
Shuttle makes first solo flight today
BASE, Calif. /55 - The com-
mander of the Space Shuttle
piloted a special jet trainer
yesierday in a final rehearsal
for today's first solo flight of
the craft that is designed to
resvolutionize space expeditions.
Astronaut Fred liaise who
along with pilot Gordon Fuller-
ton will handle the controls dur-
ing the flight, practiced yester-
day hy flying over this desert
test center in a small twin-en-
gine jet plane modified to be-
have much like the larger shut-
VWhim, - LXxxvI. No. 64-5
Friday. August 1?, 1977
Is edlted and manneed by students
at theUtitor etty of Mirhliten.Sees
phone 764-052. Second viesspostee
paid nt Ann Arbor, Michigan 481t9.
Published daily Tuesday through
bunday morning during the Univer-
Eity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
Arbor. Mchitan 48108. Subsertption
rates: 0$2 Sept. thr Apei (2 senses-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session pablishedrTues-
day throughs Saturday morning,
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7 .50 by mail outside Ann
M E A N W H I L E, engi-
nea s readied the Space Shut-
tle itself, and officials prepared
for an influx of thousands of
visitors and dignitaries.
Donald Slayton, manager of
Shuttle flight testing, said, "I
knuw of no open issues at this
pont" that would delay this
morning's flight.
Today, Haise and Fullerton
are to pilot the 75-ton, delta-
winged craft in a steep, fast
glide to a landing on a desert
runway after it is released at
25.00 feet from atop a jumbo
jet carrier plane.
IT IS TO make two turns and
extend landing wheels just be-
fore touchdown.
The descent will take about
4 and one-half minutes.
The Space Shuttle is the fore-
runner of a fleet of short-haul,
reusable space buses that will
ca-ry men, satellites and scien-
tific cargo into orbit around the
eath during the 1980s.
It will eliminate the compli-
cated ocean splashdowns of the
past, in which astronauts were
plucked from the sea by a fleet
of ships. Instead, the new gen-
eration of spacecraft will land
on a runway and the crew will
simply climb out.
yesterday involved a small,
twin - engine jet, "dirtied up"
in aerospace parlance, with de-
vices to make it fly like the
unpowered shuttle - which is a
rather inefficient glider.
Although it is designed event-
uaily to be blasted into space
by a mighty rocket engine and
a pair of disposable take off
rockets, the shuttle has no en-
gines for the return flight. It
will return by falling through
the atmosphere in a long glide
to earth.
Today's flight will be the first
test of how well the 122-foot-
long craft can glide and maneu-
ver, and how responsive it is
to its computer-assisted control
with the shuttle clamped atop
the Boeing 747 showed that the
piggyback arrangement was
During those tests the two
astronauts and a second crew
- Joe Engle and Richard Tru-
ly - rehearsed procedures :hat
witi be used to separate the
shuttle from the 747. The ma-
neuver will be tried for the
first time today.
The separation is pernaps the
most risky part of the flight,
since it has yet to be proven
that the bulky shuttle will
cleanly "pop up" and over the
talt vertical fin of the 747..
will break the connection be-
tween-the craft, and air rush-
ing under the shuttle's black-
painted belly and wing under-
surfaces is supposed to lift it
free of the carrier plane.
Officials of the air base here
were preparing for a flood of
sightseers. A spokesperson for
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration said as
many as 70,000 people might
swarm into special public
viewing areas. Some 5,000 em-
ployes of Rockwell Internation-
al, the main shuttle contractor,
have been told they can skip
work today to view the flight if
they report to work Saturday.
A second shuttle orbiter is be-
ing built at a Rockwell plant in
nearby Palmdale. It is the one
that will be fired into orbit in
early 1979. First operational
shuttle flights are to begin in
1988, with about 570 missions
expected to occur between then
and 1981.
Queen Elizabeth II asks
Catholics and Protestants
to 'forgive and forget'
BELFAST, Northern Ireland
lP) - Queen Elizabeth defied a
terrorist bomb threat yester-
day and appealed to warring
Protestants and Roman Cath-
olics to "forgive and forget"
and end eight years of blood-
"There is no place here for
old fears and attitudes born of
history, no place for blame for
what is passed," the 51-year-
Our place is
and so are
the games
Your attention is called to
the following rules passed
by the R e g e n t s at their
meeting on February 28,
1936: "Students shall pay
all accounts due the Uni-
versity not later than the
last day of classes of each
semester or summer ses-
sion. Student loans which
are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regula-
tion; however, student
loans not yet due are ex-
empt. Any unpaid accounts
at the close of business on
the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier
ofthe University and
"(a) All academic credits
will be withheld, the grades
for the semester or sum-
mer session just completed
will not be released, and
no transcript of credits will
be issued.
"(b) All s t u d e n t s owing
such accounts will not be
allowed to register in any
subsequent se m e s t e r or
summer session until pay-
ment has been made."
old monarch declared in a
speech at Northern Ireland's
New University near Coleraine,
in the northern tip of the war-
torn province.
EARLIER, THE mainly Cath-
olic Provisional wing of the
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
claimed in a statement that its
guerrillas had "breached the
tight security" at the sprawl-
ing campus to plant a bomb.
"This is an immediate warn-
ing to the British queen . . .
this is no hoax," the statement
Troops combed the 300-acre
university complex but found
no bomb, and no terrorist at-
tack was reported during the
queen's eight-hour visit to the
THE IRA had planted two
bombs on the campus in the
last two weeks. The first was
found in a toilet and defused.
The second exploded Tuesday,
the day before the Queen ar-
rived in Northern Ireland for
her controversial visit.
Yesterday's incident under-
lined the IRA's failure to un-
leash the much-heralded "blitz
to remember" it had Vowed to
carry out to disrupt the royal
visit to this rebellious province.
Police headquarters reported
one bomb explosion yesterday,
wrecking a Belfast gas station.
Shooting and rioting occurred
Wesnesday, the first day of the
royal visit.
IN WEST Belfast, gangs of
yotith roamed the streets late
yesterday hijacking cars and
settidg others on fire, police
said. Most of the hijackings oc-
curred in the militant Falls
Road district.
The Provisionals' failure to
back up its propaganda was
partly attributed to a massive
security clamp - down, code-
named "Operation Monarch,"
that was launched Monday to
protect the queen and contain
the threatenedviolence.
But it also appeared to sup-
port security chiefs' claims in
recent weeks that the outlawed
IRA, fighting to end British
rule and Protestant domination
of Ulster, is being beaten in its
secessionist campaign.
terrorist activity shows that
they are not the force. they
claim to be any longer," a sen-
ior military source commented.
The queen, who was accom-
panied by her husband Prince
Philip and younger sons Prince
Andrew, 17,and Prince Ed-
ward, 14, spent much of her
visit aboard the royal yacht
Britannia for security reasons.
JohnnyBend i
During one of my checkups, the doctors found a spot on my
lungs. I thought it might be cancer. So did they.
Luckily, it wasn't. Most peopleaare lucky. Most people
never have cancer.
But those who find they do have cancer are far better off
if their cancer is discovered early. Because we know how to
cure many cancers when we discover them early.
That's why I want you to have a checkup. And keep
having checkups. The rest of your life,
It'll be a lot longer if you do.
American Cancer Society
'VAcO lSU 6it,.P s i as n e &'saSe VsIC o