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August 11, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-11

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Page Two


i ursatoy, August 11, 19177

srae hasn't budged: Vance

.JERUSALEM (J' - Secretary
of State Cyrus Vance said yes-
terday that Israel has given no
ground on the Palestinians or
other key issues in the Middle
East dispute.
But Vance said he will keep
driving for a peace settlement
by shuttling befween Arab and
Israeli foreign ministers attend-
ing the U. N. General. Assem-
bly meeting next month in
New York.
news conference that "in the
discussions here in Israel, we
did not narrow the gap any
However, he said, at the U.N.
session he expects "to go be-
tween the parties" to try to
woi k out a reconciliation that
will set the stage for a Gene-
va peace conference by the end
of the year.
In what would represent a
major shift in U. S. policy,
Vance told reporters after his
final meeting with Israeli offic-

ials that he might also talk to
Palestine Liberation Organiz-
ation (PLO) representatives, if
the PLO approved. U. N. Secur-
ity Council resolutions implicit-
ly recognizing Israel's exist-
BUT HE SAID the Israelis
"made it very clear" that they
wouid not accept a Palestinian
homeland, or negotiate with the
Prime Minister Menahem Be-
gin reiterated at a separate
session with reporters that "un-
der no circumstances will we
agree to any negotiations with
the so-called PLO." Israel re-
gards Yasir Arafat's organiza-
tion as a terror band committed
to the destruction of the Jewish
Begin said there had been no
"confrontation" in his talks
with Vance, and he claimed
that the secretary had achieved
an unspecified "great achieve-
ment" on his trip. But the Is-
raeli leader voiced reservations

about the possibility of recon-
vening the Geneva peace con-
ference in October as he had
previously predicted.
A SENIOR Begin adviser,
Shmuel Katz, said that if the
Americans held meetings with
the PLO, Israel would consider
at "a regrettable event." Buto
he added, "We can't stop
Katz said that, Israel would
not consider this to be a form
of indirect - negotiations be-
tween itself and the PLO.
Vance credited the Arab coun-
tries, which he visited before
coming to Israel, with "more
flexibility" than in the past on
the kind of peace terms a set-
tlement might entail. He gave
no specifics.
bring diplomatic and economic
exchanges. President Anwar Sa-
dat of Egypt has said he might
consider such steps five years
after a settlemept. Publicly

the other Arab leaders have of-
fered no terms.
On the questions of Palestin-
ian representation at a Geneva
conference and Israeli with-
drawal from occupied lands,
Vance said:

"Tn the discussions here in
Israel we did not narrow that
gap any further than at the
time I left Taif."
Taif was his last stop in Sau-
di Arabia, where he conferred
with King Khaled and other
Saudi officials.
"IF IT IS impossible to close
the gap," on this and other key
issues, Vance said, "then we
wili have to decide whether on
that basis it is appropriate then
to proceed to Geneva."
That decision, he said, was
up to the Arabs and Israel.
Vance will report Israel's
views today to King Hussein of
Jordan, President Hafez Assad
of Syria and to Sadat on whirl-
wind stops in Amman, Damas-
cus and Alexandria.
Vome LXXXvII, No. 63-s
Thursday, August 11, 1977
Is edited and managed by students
at the University sf Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 43109.
Published daily Tueaday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48159. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.5S by mail outside Ann

people who can:

It's a spewing smoke-
stack. It's litter in the
streets. It's a river where
fish can't live.
You know what pollu-
tion is.
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eyes to it.
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