Wage Three-
Saturday JWly 23, 1977
Setur~oy, ituty 23, 1977 THE MtCHIGAN DAILY Page Three-
Senate group to probe Lance loan
committee chairman called on
federal b u d g e t director Bert
Lance yesterday to explain the
circumstances surrounding a
$3.4 million loan he used to buy
bank stock.
Lance was asked to appear
Mondav before the Senate Gov-
ernmental Affairs Conmsittee to
explain why the National Bank
of Georgia deposited $200,000 in
the First National Bank of Chi-
cago one month before Lance
obtained a $3.4 million loan from
the Chicago bank to finance his
purchase Hof National Bank of
Georgia stock. Lance resigned
as president of the Georgia
bank to become President Car-
ter's budget director.
said the budget director had
agreed to appear before the
comsmittee Monday.
The committee delayed a de-
cision on Lance's request that
he be released from his pomise
made during confirmation hear-
ings to sell his bank stock by
the end of the year. Lance has
said the stock has declined in
value since he bought it and a
forced sale could cost him more
than $t million.
Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (B-
Conn.), chairman of the com-
mittee, said a vtote on whether
to process with a full-scale con-
flict-of-interest investigation of
Lance's finances will be put off
until after Lance is given an
opportunity to explain the cir-
cumstances of the loan.
denied any impropriety and
said there is "absolutely no con-
nection" between the National
Bank of Georgia's opening a
"correspondent" account at the
First National Bank of Chicago
and the subsequent loan by the
Chicago bank to Lance.
Ribicoff said the questions
surrounding the loan are ser-
ions and it is the Aomnnittee's
responsi-bility to determine the
facts. tie said the Comptroller
of the Currency may decide to
launch a separate investigation.
-Ribicoff was supported by
other senior cosmittee mem-
bers. But some junior Demo-
crats disagreed strongly and the
panel seemed divided o how to
R1IICOFF proimsed that Phi
lip Manuel, the chief investi-
gator of the Senate permanent
investigations subcommittee, be
assigned to trace Lance's bank
Sen. Henry Jackson ( D-Wash.)
said, "What we're really talk-
ing about is a need to get the
facts, fairly and impartially."
Sets. John Danforth (R-Mo.)
said he saw no need for any in-
vestigation of Lance.
"We should not see impro-
priety in everything that comes
along," tanforth said. "We are
going to have to act with re-
straint if we are going to main-
taun any psublic confidence at
all. I do not believe public con-
fidehce is enhanced by exposes
. . . by Public iiestigations
AlL .THEY dn, ,iiforth con-
tended, is i "drive good ipeople
See SENATE, Page 4
A2 physician'smurder
suspects nabbed in Cail.
Two suspects in at summe 's shooting dah of Ann Arbor
physician Cynthia Miller were apprehended yesterday in Sacra-
mento, California.
Murder warrants were issued last August against Gordon
Wingard, 27, an escaped convict, and Gail Oliver, a licensed prac-
tical nurse, charging theti with first degree and felony murder.
THE PAIR WAS arrested yesterday under a federal fugitive
warrant issued when they crossed state lines.
Miller, 29, director of women's medical treatment at the
Detroit House of Currection (Dehoco) was found shot to 'death
in her 1973 Fiat on the shoulder of highway 1-96 in Southfield on
July 17, 1976.
According to C akland County Prosecutor Brooks Patterson,
Oliver was caught shoptifting in a Sacramento market and a rou-
tine computer check identiied her as "wanted in Michigan,"
Oliver later led police to Winegard whom she apparently was
living with.
PATTERSON SAID the police had no prior knowledge of the
couples whereabouts.
Miller became aginainted with the pair when she worked
at Jackson State Prison before joining Dehoco. Winegard, who
was serving a 31%2 to five year jail term for attempted murder,
was working as a first aid assistant. Oliver worked there as a
See MURDER, Page 5
AN ART FAIR patro beats ba:ck an attack of the munchies
by chowing down at '-lav-a-n-wh'. The converted school bus
traveling deli sits at E. Liberty and Fifth St.
'Hay-a-imunch' of fers
food for body, soul
If you happen to be strolling down Ann Arbor's streets and
hear the jingle "Come to the show boat deli and let us fill your
belly. We will give you a poem to take home and a smile that
will last a while," stop' Back up and check it out.
The show boat deli -alias Ha-a-munch-is a light yellow con-
verted school bus modified to prf arm tthe function of a roaming
"WHAT WE ACUAI.LLY go 'ere is a traveling deli. I get
out there and hussle and recite poetry to attract people," John
Hava said. Hava-fmrest that's his real name-is the owner of
the munch mobile.
Hava said the shoe boat d ti was the dream of a Greek
restauranteur who died before he could realize his ambition.
"He (the Greek) had a restaurant but he had a heart attack
and the doctor told him to get out of the business," Hava ex-
plained. "Being an old Greek he couldn't stand still, so he had a
dream and started mtking this h-is. But then he died, and it sat
in a garage for three years. We just happened to walk by-it
just happened to come along for 900 bucks and thought well I
could ..."
THAT HAPPENED six weeks ago and two weeks ago he put
the bus on the road hitting lairs in Michigan.
Hava's philosophy is not to make money or to just feed the
body. He also trys to feed the soul through poetry and talk. But
no he is not a crusader or, heaven forbid, a preacher.
See PAV-A, Page 5
Protesters reoccupy 'Hill'
(Continuedfrom Page 1f
ing on the southeastern Ohio
"Moving onto the hill was an
incredibly emotional thing for
us," said Tom Teal, a member'
of the May Fourth Coalition, the
organizing body behind the pro-
test. "A lot of us were here
seven summers ago, and even
more of us slept on that hill dur-
ing May and June of this year."
Protesters had camped on the
hill from May 4, 1977 until July
3, when 193 demonstrators were
arrested by c a m p u s police.
Judge Kainrad's injunction said
that students were "disrupting
the normal activities of the Uni-
armed with Kainrad's injunc-
tion, had removed the protesters
from the area in early June, the
area was roped-off and signs
were placed around the peri-
meter, saying that it was un-
lawful to pass the barriers.
Yesterday, in addition to the
ropes, a dozen campus police
were in the area. The protesters
knew they could be arrested if
they e n t e r e d the restricted
After rallying most of the af-
ternoon and marching around
the campus, carrying placards
and banners and singing songs,
a group of almost 400 protesters
made their way to Blanket Hill.
The 15 symbolized the four stu-
dents killed at Kent and the
nine wounded there, as well as
two students who were shot to
death by campus police at Jack-
son State University in 1971.
Kent State campus police did
nothing about the first 15 dem-
onstrators. Soon half of the
demonstrators e n t e r e d the
roped-off area and the rest re-
mained outside the area, not
wishing to risk arrest.
Among those who crossed the
ropes were two former students
who had been injured on May 4,
1970, and several members of
the group, Vietnam Veterans
Against the War.
AT FIRST only 15 demonstra-
AFTER THE campus police, lors crossed under the ropes.
Who made the saIad?
They used 6,600 heads of lettuce, 50,000 cherry
tomatoes, 750 pounds of red onions, 200 pounds of
red cabbage and 600 pints of salad dressing - all
for the world's biggest salad. A veritable vege-
tarian's delight, right? No. The big bowl of greens,
tossed by the New York State Department of Agri-
culture, was not designed to be crunched through
the teeth of letuce lovers, despie a pair of seven-
foo wooden salad forks and- spoons accompanying
i. Ninety degree heat wilted the 24-foot wide salad,
which was served in a four-foot deep swimming
pool. Officials said the pile of limp greens would
be donated to . a farm as cattle fodder.
..hurry before it's over for another year! To-
day is the final day of the Art Fair, booths will
be open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. After that it's
good-bye until next July. For those with some en-
ergy left, Elisabeth Schwarzkoph's postponed reci
tal is rescheduled for 8:30 p.m. ... Sunday is time
to recuperate from the past week of pushing and
shoving your way through crowds, searching for
a parking place and trying to keep frorp spending
another cent. Sleep in, then join the Outing Club
at Rackham's north entry for a hike at 1:30 p.m.
At 2 p.m. Christine March presents a bassoon re-
cital at the School' of Music Recital Hall ... if you
want still more music, Catherine Stanley will per-
form an organ recital at Hill Auditorium at 4 p.m.
Monday offers no more (or less) than a series of
Continuing Engineering Education seminars at
Chrysler Center at 8:30 a.m. and a carillon con-
cert at Burton Tower featuring carilloneur Donal
Renz, 7 p.m. Have a nice week-end!
On the outside
come out, come out from where ever you've
been hiding with the air conditioner. Weather fit
for humanity has returned. Today promises to be
a carbon-copy of yesterday's balmy breezes and blue
skies. Highs in the mid 80's, low tonight in the mid
to upper 50's. Sunday will be much the same, may-
be a little hotter. Thundershowers are predicted for
late Sunday night. Enjoy, enjoy.