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July 23, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-23

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Page Two


Saturday, July 23, 1977

China restores ousted Teng to power

TOKYO /P> - China's wizard broadcast showed Teng taking
of political survival, Teng his place at the right side of
Ilsiao-ping, was restored to the ( Cairman Hua Kuo-feng.
nation's top leadership yester- Firecrackers, skyrockets,
'dty after twice being thrown drums and trumpets sounded
on the political scrapheap. A as hundreds of thousands of
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Chinese swarmed into the
streets of Peking on yesterday
night to celebrate the an-
nouncement of the 73-year-old
'teng's reinstatement, t h e
Yugoslav news agency Tanjug
reported from Peking.
A PEKING television broad-
cast showed Teng seated on the
right of Chairman Hua and re-
cniving applause from dele-
,ates to the third plenary ses-
sion of the 10th Communist par-
ty Central Committee meeting
in Peking. Sitting on Hua's left
was China's Defense Minister
Yeh Chien-ying.
The official news agency
Hsinhua and Peking television
confirmed what had long been,
rumored. Teng was restored to
his old posts of vice premier,
party vice chairman and chief
of the army general staff as
well as vice chairman of the
Communist party military com-
Teng's return comes at a
time when President Carter is
trying to hasten the normaliza-

tion of relations with China
and just before the scheduled
Aug. 22-26 visit of U. S. Secre-
tary of State Cyrus Vance.
Teng's expertise on Western af-
loirs and perhaps his skills as
a negotiator are expected to be
c-tlled on during the talks.
Rio De Janeiro on 'crazy Car-
nival night," the Yugoslavian
trews agency Tanjug reported.
A huge gathering took place in
Ten An Men Square, where dis-
turbance last April contributed
t't his downfall and where huge
rallies in January demanded
his return.
The Kyodo news , agency re-
ported that in Shanghai, once
the stronghold of the radical
"Gang of Four", about 500,000
people turned out in the streets
to welcome the announcement.
TENG WAS first disgraced
and purged as a revisionist dur-
ing the Cultural Revolution in
the late 1960s. He was restor-
el to power in 1973 by his men-

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for, the late Premier Chou En-
lii, only to be denounced as a
"capitalist roader" and forced
from power again last year by
radicals in the upheavals that
followed the deaths of Chou
and party Chairman Mao Tse-
Teng's latest return was seen
as a development that could
move China toward implement-
ihg policies advocated by Chou,
whose goal of making China an
advanced industrial nation by
the end of this century is again
Ieing promoted in China. The
radicals argued ideological pur-
ity should be placed ahead of
all other concerns.
S. Korea
prepared to
fight troop
SEOUL, South Korea (AP)-
South Korea is prepared for
some hard bargaining with U.S.
Secretary, of Defense Harold
Brown early next week on phas-
ed withdrawal of 33,000 Ameri-
can ground troops.
The U.S. defense chief arrives
here tonight for talks Monday
and Tuesday with Defense Min-
ister Sob Jyonghul on how and
when, and under what conditions
the Americans are to leave.
CONVINCED that the Carter
administration will not budge
from its withdrawal policy,
President Park Chung-hee and
his associates are determined to
make sure that when the last
of the troops are gone - pos-
-sibly five years from now-South
Korea will be strong enough to
stand up to any threat from
North Korea.
The six-point agenda for the
ministerial talks in the Defense
Ministry building here reflects
this anxiety.
It calls for discussions on the
timetable and method of the
withdrawal, setting up a Korea-
U.S. combined command, rein-
forcing U.S. Air Force units
here, transferring American
weapons to the Koreans, U.S.
logistical support in the event
of war and beefing up through
weapons modernization for the
600,000-man South Korean army.
A Pentagon task force has
come up with the figure of $8
billion in additional equipment
over the five-year period. This
would include.abot 250 jet
fighters, including F6s, and
hundreds of helicopters, obser-
vation planes, missiles and guns.
Brown arrives here with "a
considerable mandate to consult
and negotiate" on the weapons
buildup, as well as work out
how much will be sold and how
much of it will be a gift.
Volume LXXXVII, No, 50-S
Saturday,daluy 23, 197
is edited adisanged by stdet
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-052. Second lass postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109,
Published daily Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-


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