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July 21, 1977 - Image 18

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-07-21

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Paae Six


. hursdoy, July 21, 1977

Flood rips Johnstown, Pa.

(Conntinm ueafrom Page 1)
"Police are riding around in
the back of four-wheel drive
trucks with shotguns on their
laps and the streets are just
covered in about a foot of thick
told police to shoot when reports
of looting came in soon after
the flood begt early yesterday.
But by noon, Pfuhl said looting

had subsided. State police were
on the scene.
"Over at Lee Hospital they're
biinging in dry ice to keep
blood cold because their elec-
tricity is out," the photographer
Gov. Milton Shapp declared a
state of extreme emergency and
was to tour the stricken area by

Greek Dorm Night
MORE INFO? 94-5350

THE FLOODING, which af-
fected eight western Pennsyl-
vania counties in varying de-
grees, was caused by severe
thunderstorms that dumped up
to 7.75 inches;of rain over a 24-
hour period, accordiag to the
Department of Environmental
Resources. The main storm
seemed to sit over Johnstown
without m o v i n g for several
hours, weather observers said.
Johnstown in located at the
confluence ofsthe Little Cone-
maugh River and Stoney Creek,
neither of which could handle
the overload from tributaries
swollen with rainwater.
BETWEEN 500 and 1,000 res-
idents were evacuated from
their homes in the Johnstown
area, said Civil Defense Direc-
tor Oran Henderson. But many
others were stranded because
rescuers were unable to reach
"People are on the rooftops
and in trees. They're every-
where," said Ela m e r Shank,

deputy county Civil Defense di-
rector. "Our main problem is
getting them out."
EMERGENCY medical cen-
ters were set up on high ground
surrounding the valley city, but
there was no immediate word
on injuries.
Damage was extensive. Pfuhl
was quoted by a Civil Defense
worker as saying the cost could
run as high as $100 million.
Henderson s a i d 30 mobile
homes were washed away, al-

though there were no fatalities.
The flooding was the worst
here since 1936, when high water
on St. Patrick's Day caused the
greatest monetary damage of
the city's many floods.
But Johnstown is best known
for the May 21, 1889, deluge
when the South Fork Dam burst
and unleashed a wall of water
that roared through the Little
Conemaugh Valley, pushing peo-
ple and buildings before it. That
dam no longer exists.

Art inundates city

(Continued from Page 3)
were about the heat and the
incredible number of different
displays. "After a while, they
all look the same," he said.
"It's too much. It's almost
His wife Kay said although
she glanced at the sales racks

peop1e who can:

she had no desire to shop.
Five-year Art Fair veteran
visitor Richard Berutti said he
was enjoying the Fair as much
as he had in past years.
"THERE'S SO many things to
look at and so many people to
see," he said.
But .there are always those
who have a slightly different
perception of things.
For Jeff Joll, the Fair is too
commercial, so he decided to
give something away yesterday.
"I BOUGHT seven balloons
for five dollars and I am giving
them out to little kids," Joll
"Most people are here to take
money," he explained, angrily
adding, "All these arty people
are here and they have their
little Master Charge machines
with them."
Joll's friend, Ron Chusid was
bothered by the high prices at
the Fair. He said if he had the
nerve he would attempt to
shame the artists who charged
.too much for their wares. "I'd
say, 'hey these things are on
sale at Meijer's for much
cheaper.' "
If he were a millionaire, Chi-
sid said, he would buy out the
booth with the most expensive
items and sell all the wares for
ten cents.
Art Fair Hour,:
cool off witi a
Pino ladca

If you can spend some time, even a few hours, with someone who needs
a hand, not a handout, call your local Voluntary Action Center.
Or write to: "Volunteer," Washington, D.C. 20013 Weneedyou.

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