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July 20, 1977 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-20

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Wednesday, July 20 1977


Page Eleven

Wednsday Jul 20,1977THE ICHIAN DILY age leve

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Con fident QB
Lions open; Landry ready

MANNY FERNANDEZ, defensive lineman for theMi-
mi Dolphins, grimaces as he fights off a block during
pre-season drills at Biscayne College. Knee problems
have kept Fernandez on the sidelines for the better
part of the past two seasons.
Gimpy Fernandez
attempts comebac
By The Associated Press
MIAMI - Bruised and battered Manny Fernandez says
he never liked football training camp.
And this year is no different as the nine-year veteran
pells off his bandages, forgets his five knee operations and
knocks heads in workouts with other Miami Dolphins for
the first time inthree seasons. ,s
"I feel like I'm 80 going on 90," Fernandez said
Monday after practice at Biscayne College.
I've never enjoyed training camp, per se," said Fer-
nsdez, 31. "But getting out there is better than just watch-
Ilis NFL career peaked when he made 17 tackles againstf
Washington in Super Bowl VII. Then' came the series of
operations. He played little in 1975, none in 1976.
But Coach Don Shula is desperate for defensive line-
men, and he's still hoping Fernandez' knee will make it
through the season.
"At this stage I'm still wondering whether the knee en
can take the pounding," Fernandez said. "And if so, f
whether the rest of my body can.
"I don't know if I can still move. And that's a toughr
place to be if you can't move." ,
Fernandez, signed as a free agent out of Utah, made
a name for himself during the Super Bowl years be-r
cause of his quickness and cunning. He was a bulwark in
the famed No-Name Defense during three consecutive Super ri
Bowl campaigns.
"Since the Oakland playoff loss (28-26, to end the 1974.
season), it's been straight downhill," Fernandez said of his
physical condition. '"It's a long road back."
.......... ... ''"ii:r- $ e:%r:: oo 'm mi :i ::{::..,.
Join the Daily
Sports Staff

By The Associated Press
ROCHESTER, Mich. - Quarterback Greg Lan-
dry was on hand Monday to welcome Detroit
Lion rookies to training camp.
Thirty-six players, including 11 draft choice
and 16 free agents, were on hand for the work-
out at Oakland University. All the rookies have
signed contracts.
OTHER INVITED veterans included Joe Reed
and Gary Danielson, Leonard Thompson, Russ
Bolinger, Garth Ten Napel, Horace King, Mark
Markovich and Lawrence Gaines. J. D. Hill was
scheduled to show up today.
The other Lions veterans will report Thurs-
day to prepare for two-a-day drills beginning
The Lions open their exhibition season Aug. 6
at home against Kansas City,
Landry seemed relaxed and happy, confident
as he begins a new season healthy for the first
time in years.
"I'M EXCITED about this year," he said. "We
didn't play well last year, but I felt that I got
through it healthy. And, at the end of the sea-

son, by retaining Tom Hudspeth, (the team's
coach), we're going to basically keep the same
offensive and defensive plays.
"People are aware of what to expect from him
and he knows what to expect from us. The
first months won't be spent learning about one
The Lions finished last season with a 6-8 re-
"It used to kill me to hear people say we're
ready to jump into the Super Bowl," Landry
said Monday. " The last couple of years, after
mediocre seasons and a lot of injuries, it was
BUT LANDRY THINKS the 1977 Lions have
a better shot at it.
"There will be real good competition in our
division," he admitted. "As for a Super Bowl or
something like that, I don't know.
". . . If we can get a little tougher offensively
and eliminate the mental mistakes, I think we
can compete for the divisional championship,"
he said.
Landry played all 14 games last season for
the first time in four years.

Chisox eye 'Royal" race

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Abandoning the
"one game at a time" theory,
the Chicago White Sox are set-
ting their sights on beating out
the Kansas City Royals for the
American League West title and
Manager Bob Lemon says "Why
L e m o n, low-keyed and re-
freshingly realistic, said "What
difference does it make?" in
direct contrast to the usual
managerial concept of "playing
them one game at a time."
"Maybe looking ahead is a
good thing," said Lemon. "I
don't know and I really don't
care. Let the players think
what they want as long as they
do the job on the field and
they are doing it, make no
mistake about that. They're
doing it day by day and that's
what counts."

They are doing it so well that
the White Sox reached the All-
Star break with a 54-36 record,
best in the American League,
and a 2 game lead over the
Kansas City Royals, whom they
consider the team to beat.
"We're going to have to do it
ourselves," said Steve Stone
whose 10 victories are tops on
the White Sox staff. "We have
seven more against them (K.C.)
and I know we can beat them.
Maybe we can take five or six of
the seven.
"It will be up to our pitch-
ing," said Stone. "We know
our guys can hit their pitch-
The White Sox and Royals
have met eight times this sea-
son and the Sox have a 5-3
edge. The two teams meet in a
four-game series in Chicago the
final weekend of July and then

meet again for three games in
Kansas City the first weekend of
If it turns out to be a two-
team race in the American
League West, it will be decided
elsewhere since the two con-
tenders do not meet each other
again following their series in
Kansas City.
and Bowling
1 1 A.M. to 6 P.M.
The Union

A Public Service of this newspaper& The Advertising Council

lots of livng
loving ahead

Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Ie O ,
so it can be the first day
of somebody else's, too.

%AY cut it short
cancer Sdcity

Red Cross. The Good Neighbor.

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