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July 20, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-07-20

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Jaworski to probe bril

WASHINGTON tr - Former
Watergate Prosecutor Leon Ja-
worski was urged yesterday by
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill
to take the job as chief investi-
gator of the House's Korean in-
fluence-buying probe. Congres-
sional sources said Jaworski
may make his decision today.
O'Neill told reporters that he
had personally urged an un-
named person "with a national
reputation" to take the job. The
sources said later that he was
referring to Jaworski.
Jaworski, now in private law
practice in Houston, Tex., was
not reached for comment imme-
O'NEILL SAID five other per-
sons also were contacted and
"we'll get back to them" -today.
The sources said the persons
most frequently mentioned and
therefore probably among the
five are two other former Wat-
ergate prosecutors, Henry Ruth
Ann Arbor
geffing set
for Fair
Couier from Pare 1')
tising the fair, hoping to lure
the shopper with a wearable
Even legendary Ann Arbor
street figure, Shakey Jake is
readying goods for the fair.
Standing on the corner of State
and William Streets, Jake was
trying to peddle T-shirts im-
printed with his face and fig-
ure. One shopper hurriedly
walked by the guitar - carrying
legend and in true form, Shakey
stuck his tongue out at her.
Though out-of-state art con-
noisseurs, in-state bargain
shoppers and crafts people
from all over have been looking
forward to the fair for months,
not all Ann Arbor inhabitants
have. The mass influx of peo-
ple destroying the peace and
quiet of Ann Arbor's summer
is cited as the main cause.
P OI N T I N G T O the
nearly deserted Diag, "It sort
of messes up my town for the
summer," Cindy Beal said.
"I've never been to one be-
fore I think I've usually left
town before they started.
"Art - it doesn't have to be
a big gala event. The Art Fair
- it's sort of an institution.
Why can't it happen when it
wants to?"
Beal thinks the idea of a
Street Art Guild, similar to
Berkeley, California's, could
be successful on Ann Arbor's
Two male University stu-
dents are looking forward to
the fair not so much for the
art and crafts but the social
"It's a positive social fair
from what I've heard and read
about it," John Eick said with
a smile. "I've been planning to
go for the past couple of years
but this year I might make it,"
he said..
Shrugging his shoulders,
University student Greg Touma
said "I think it's cool."
Touma doesn't plan on buy-
ing anything but said, "I just
like to wander around."
One craftsman, James Cun-
kle, had nothing but compli-
mentary thngs to say about
Ann Arbor's art fairs. "All of
it is a good fair - wherever

and Archibald Cox; former Sen-
ate Watergate Committee coun-
sel Sam Dash; and John Doar,
who was staff chief of the House
impeachment inquiry against
former President Richard Nix-
Earlier yesterday, House Re-
publican leaders, rebuffed by
President Carter in their de-
mand for a special prosecutor
to conduct the Korean investi-
gation, said they will try to
force a House vote on the
At the same time, a group of
junior Republicans called for
creation of a new House panel
to take over the investigation
from Rep. John Flynt's Com-
mittee on Standards of Official
Conduct. They suggested rehir-
ing Philip Lacovara, the chief
investigator who quit last Fri-
day in a dispute with Flynt.
O'Neill, saying he wants to get
the probe "back on track as
quickly as possible," called a
series of meetings with other
key lawmakers yesterday.

O'NEILL SAID he wants quick
action on appointing a new chief
investigator and said the pros-
pects include eight or 10 per-
sons who figured in the Water-
gate investigation.
Lacovara was also an assist-
ant prosecutor in the Watergate
"Whoevur the new counsel is,
he is going to have my backing
to the fullest," O'Neill said..
The speaker said that taking
the investigation a w a y from
Flynt's panel was one proposal
being considered.
HE SAID Monday that Flynt,
a Georgia Democrat, had offer-
ed to turn the investigation over
to some other committee, such
as the new Select Committee on
Carter told GOP leaders in a
letter Monday that appointing a
special prosecutor might impede
the Justice Department's own
investigation, which he said was
making "substantial progress."
Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell said he
expects prosecutions to result

from the probe.
House Republican leader John
Rhodes and Rep. John Anderson,
the GOP conference chairman,
said they and Rep. Bill Cohen
(R-Maine) will try to force out
of a committee and onto the
flouse floor a bill to create the
"THE TIME IS clearly come
to dispel clouds of suspicion,
doubt and mistrust in the Con-
gress by appointing a special
prosecutor to take over the Jus-
tice Department's investigation
of these matters," they said at
a news conference.
Rep. Robert Walker of Penn-
sylvania, one of the Republicans
calling for a new committee,
said, "We now have a situation
where the credibility of the
ethics committee probe has de-
teriorated to the point that we
need the trust of a new select
He said that if Lacovara
would agree to be the chief in-
vestigator, the new committee
"may be able to hit the ground

Wednesday, July 20, 1977
Lacovara accused Flynt 0
holding meetings infrequently
THE STALLED House inves.
tigation also drew a number oa
individual proposals such as on
by Rep. Romano Mazzol (0-
Ky.) to create a special con.
mission to take over the in-
Mazzoli's commission would
have four House Deiocrats
four Hous Republicans and fie
outside citizens.
U.S. says
Viet will
join U.N.
- The United States, predicted
yesterday that Vietnam would
gain membership in the United
Nations and said this would
create an obligation for the
Southeast Asian country r ad
vance human rights."
U. S. delegate Donail Mr
Henry spoke as the Security
Council debated a resolution
recommending unified ('em
munnist Vietnam for admiosn
Actual membership would he
granted by vote of the forth-
coming General Assemb ses
With many nonmembers of
the 15-council taking part, the
speakers' list swelled to the
point that debate had to be ad-
journed overnight with 33
speakers heard and others still
to take the floor.
The American delegate sid
"As a member of the United
Nations, Vietnam will join us
in our collective responsibility
to maintain international peace
and security, to develop frrend-
ly relations among nations, to
settle disputes peacefully and
to advance human rights
Art Foir Hour,
11:30.m -2o.m
i gCo Upo
Aonwlh peaol'
p. g ' '

611 3? A 9'5955i

PRESIDENT CARTER and his wife, Rosalyn, greet Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin on his
arrival in Washington yesterday.
Israel's Begin presents
peace proposal to Carter
(Continued from Page 1) tection against Arab attacks.
One of the central points, according to the Subcommittees would deal with each front. Is-
knowledgable sources, is Israel's determination raeli and Jordanian negotiators would handle the
to retain at least official control of the west bank, west bank, an Israeli-Egyptian committee the
which was won from Jordan in the t967 war and Sinai and Israeli-Syrian the subcommittee the
is inhabited by some 600,000 Palestinians. Golan eHights.
However, the resident Arabs would have con- BEGIN BROUGHT three Israeli maps to the
siderable control.of their day-to-day affairs. first of his three sessions with Carter to illustrate
his argument that, as he said at an arrival cere-
THERE WAS no immediate indication that the mony, "peace is inseparable from national se-
proposal would get Carter's support, let alone the curity."
endorsement of the Arab countries or the accept-
ance of the PLO, which demands nationhood for Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, state telivision reported
its people, that Begin was to tell Carter that Israel is ready
for indirect peace talks with the Arabs as a
On the other hand, Begin took a conciliatory second choice to direct Geneva-style negotiations.
view toward the Sinai and the Golan Heights,
where Israel would make substantial pullbacks Israeli government sources refused to confirm
under conditions that would provide security prothe reliability of the report but did not deny it.

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