Wednesday, July 20, 1977
r J
page Five
Wednesday, July 20, 1 9-~1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five
Coal walkout reduces supply
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (A)-A wild-
cat strike by more than 15,000
United Mine Workers members
in at least two states may cost
the nation one million tons of
coal in lost production, industry
officials said yesterday.
The strike, which UMW offi-
cials apparently are powerless
to stop, was sparked by rank-
and-rile anger over recent cut-
backs in union benefits. -The
walkout centers in coal-rich
eaa'ern Kentucky. where all
UMW mines are idle. One esti-
mate of lost oroduction in Ken-
tucky is 80.000 tons per day.
A snokesman for the Bitumin-
ots Coal Ooerators Association
in Washineton said yesterday
that lost production from the
strike through last week totaled
662.000 tons. Industry and union
officials speculated that figure
wosld top one million tons if the
strike is not resolved soon.
UMW President Arnold Miller,
after meeting with BCOA offi-
cials Mondays, called on miners
"to keep everything going until
fur'her notice." -
But in eastern Kentucky's
UMW District 30, where about
10.000 miners have been off their
jobs for one week, Miller's plea
"is not having any effect at
all," said J.B. Trout, a District
30 official.
Meanwhile, about 5,900 miners
remained on strike in three
Pennsylvania counties. Pennsyl-
vania union officials said the
strikes were caused by roving had returned to their jobs yes- ported out in West Virginia on Retirement Fund benefits. Bene-
pickets expelled from West Vir- terday. The walkout began in Monday, but no estimate was ficiaries now must pay the first
ginia mines. West Virkinia in early June and available for yesterday. $250 for all in-patient hospital
The West Virginia Coal Asso- spread to the other states last Trout said the striking miners care and 40 per cent of out-pa-
ciation said about 1000 miners week. are incensed over recent cut- tient care, including doctors'
remained on strike Monday, but About 1,000 miners were re- backs in the UMW Health and bills.
The 'discipliar ians defend role
'Continued from Page 3)
dents have a great fear of the
Board because of their power
over their future. This hampers
the counseling.
ing in frightened to death,"
Judge said. "They want to show
their strengths, not weakness-
The type of action the Board
members take depends on the
nature of a student's academic
Students whose gradepoints
have been under a 2.0 for two
consecutive t e r m s have ndf
choice but to leave the Univer-
sity for two semesters. "These
students have already received
a letter informing them they
were on probation from the pre-
vious term," said Marsden, "and
they have no chance to appeal
it." These students must wait
and then petition the Board to
reinstate them.
HE SAID THAT although the
letter the students received was
"mechanical" and "formalized"
he attempts to provide for the
human aspect, ,tb r o u g h his
"The letters say, 'here are
the requirements, and this is
what you have done'," said
Marsden. "But the point of our
conversation is trying to find
out what the people want. We
try to lie a sounding board."
The other type of academic
action is when a student is not
on probation but suffers a se-
vere loss of honor points. In this
situation, a student receives a
"not to register"- (NTR) letter
for the following term, and must
go through counseling proced-
ures and submit a letter to the
Board to be reinstated.
Marsden said it's a hard deci-
sion for the Board regardless of
whether the student is petition-
ing to be reinstated after a two-
semester dismissal or after re-
ceiving an NTR.
HE SAID THAT in both cases
the Board louks for a tangible
difference in the students' out-
"We like to see some good
sign," said Marsden. "We like
to see something in the person
we've never seen before. Maybe
they've planned a different pro-
Marsden said students could
make the whole process cut-and-
dried by basing their decisions
on a mechanical formula, but
they prefer a more subjective
"THERE MIGHT be more
danger," he said, "but it's more
Marsden said that every board
member will on occasion vote
against readmitting a student
although he knows it will hurt
the person.
"I feel crummy when I'm go-
ing to vote no," said Marsden.
In over S0 per cent of the
cases, the Board decides to re-
admit the students.
"ONE OF OUR principle be-
liefs is that a person should
have a second crack," said
Marsden said the one draw-
back to his job is the lack of
continuity he has with the stu-
dents. He said it bothers him to
never see a student more than
once or twice because he never
knows how they're progressing.
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