age Two
Soturdovy Moy 7, 1977
Bell to testify on voter registration
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen- elections.
ate opponents of President Car-
ter's voter registration plan THE JUSTICE Department's
urged yesterday that Atty. Gen. warning came in the form of a
Griffin Bell be called for ques- telegram sent to all U.S. attor-
tioning after the disclosure of neys by Thomas Henderson,
a second Justice Department chief of the public integrity sec-
warning that the plan would tion of the department's crim-
increase election fraud. inal division.
The plan would permit per- "We recognize that election
sons to register on election day day registration may increase
at a polling place and then vote the opportunity for election
in presidential and congressional fraud," the telegram said.
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Sen. Strom Thurmond, (R- the committee should interfere "SUCH POLL LISTS or ros-
S.C.), gave the Senate Rules if the attorney general wanted ters have been particularly use-
Committee a copy of Hender- to have his deputy testify. How- ful tools in the discovery and
son's telegram after assailing ever, Cannon said he would ask the prosecution of election
Carter's plan as "opening the the Justice Department if it fraud," Henderson told the pros-
door to more election fraud than wants to supplement its testi- ecuting attorneys in requesting
anything I have ever heard of." mony and also find out if Bell they supply information on
wanted to appear or have Flah- whether voters in their states
ON THURSDAY, the commit- ertv testify again. are required to sign any kind
tee obtained a copy of a memo Flaherty, when he was before of list before or after voting.
by Craig Dansanto, a career the committee Wednesday, had Cannon agreed at the urging
lawyer who heads the election testified he had never heard of of Thurmond and Griffin to ask
unit of the Justice Department's Dansanto's memo. He subse- the Justice Department to sup-
criminal division, warning that quently supplied the committee ply the committee with the at-
the bill has a "tremendous po- with a copy of the memo after torneys' responses. He said he
tential for fraud." initially declining to do so and also would ask the department
Sen. James Allen, (D-Ala.), a asserting a claim of executive to supply a civil rights division
committee member who has privilege. memo on the bill's effect on
iined Republicans in attacking The"memo reached Congress carrying the Voting Right Act's
the bill, suggested that Bell be on Thursday, shortly after the ban on discriminatory voting
called to "shed further light on House committee had approved practices.
the position of the Justice De- the istant registration bill by Sources in the department said
partment" in light of these de- a 17-8 party-line vote following that memo discusses whether
velopments. the adoption of tightening state and local authorities must
Allen said Bell has "shot from amendments intended to in- get Justice Department approv-
the hip" when the attorney gen- crease safeguards against fraud. al before making voting chang-
eral testified before the House es to implement election-day
Administration Committee on GRIFFIN SAID that on read- registration.
April 6 in support of the bill. ing the transcript of Bell's testi- The Voting Rights Act requir-
Allen said Bell apparently had mony before the House commit- es scores of state and local gov-
never read the measure at the tee, he was "surprised and dis- ernments, including most of the
time of his testimony. turbed" that Bell had not indi- South, to get prior department
cated any concern about fraud approval for any election chang-
SEN. ROBERT GRIFFIN, (R- under the bill despite the memo es as a way of protecting the
Mich.), joined Allen in urging prepared in the criminal divi- rights of minority voters.
that the attorney general be sion.
called by the Senate panel for Griffin said Bell told the House THE MICHIGAN DAILY
questioning. committee that he didn't have volume LXXXH, No. 4-s
Griffin also said the panel anything to do with drafting Saturday, May 7, 1977
should obtain the testimony of the bill. is edited and managed by students
the heads of the department's. Henderson's telegram to U.S. at the University of Michigan. News
criminal, public interity and civ- attorneys said that Flaherty was paae 74-052. Serocd eanpstge
it rights units. to testify before the Senate corn- paid at Ai Arbor, Miehian 4tu.
rightsPubilaied daily 'Tuesdy through
Sen. Howard Cannon, (D-Nev.), mittee on May 4 and planned Sunday morning dring the Univer-
the committee chairman, said to suggest that the legislation sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Bell had been invited to testify "serve as a vehicle for requir- Arbor, Michigan 4109. Subscription
at the start of its hearings but ing all of the states to have eorate: $ Sept. them April (2 seid es-
that Bell instead sent Deputy voters sign poll lists or rosters Arbor.
Atty. Gen. Peter Flaherty to upon entering the voting booth, summer session published Tues-
testify for the department. a ballot security procedure day through Saturiay morning.
subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
which we believe many states Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
CANNON SAID he didn't think do not presently have." " Arbor.
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