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July 12, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-12

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Tuesdsy, July f2, }977


Page Three-

Of Sc
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Scientology: Onl
By MATTHEW BERKE "Personal Efficiency Course" is based on dale Carnegie -like self-improve
ce FBI agents raided three Church the idea that Scientology principles will vice.
ientology offices Friday in an at- enable a person to increase his or her The basic cause of human unhi
I to recover stolen Justice Depart- practical efficiency in living and coping according to Scientologist doctrii
and Internal Revenue Service docu- with the world. For three hours, Kuhns existence of "Suppressive Pers
s, members of that religious-philoso- outlines and describes the basic tenets dividuals who constantly put do
i cult have received national atten- of Scientology-its view of man, human people, making them feel inade
psychology, individual and world unhap, weak.
Scienttologists have long been fa- piness and communication. ALTHOUGH. Scientologists s
x figures to many Ann Arbor resi- What often emerges by the end of the pressive Persons (SP's) comp
In addition to their street-corner session is a hodgepodge of recognizable 2.5 per cent of the total popul.
eytizing, the Scientologists offer a old-hat bits of psychology, philosophy and rectly behind them is a group
three-hour introductory course at religion, all packaged together under the cuted persons called "Potential
Church Mission on Huron Street. - label of Scientology. There is a strong Sources" (PTS's), who make
E COURSE is taught by church dose if watered-down Freudian psychol- per cent of the population. P
ber Joe Kuhns, whose wife, Marian, ogy, a dash of Jungian mysticism, and, cording to Scientologists, act
the Huron Street Mission. The fr good measure, a generous dose of sively toward other people, thus

ment ad-
ne, is the
wn other
squate or
ay Sup-
rise just
ation, di-
of perse-
l Trouble
ip 17.
TSs, ac-
s making

the other 80 per cent of mankind miser-
able in what amounts to a chain reaction.
The solution to all of this, say the
Scientologists, is to provide counseling
sessions or "audits" with a Scientology
Ethics Officer. Through the audits, an
individual learns to identify the SP's it
his or her life and thus han the fear and
unhappiness associated with those per-
sons. Once this is accomplished, the per-
son is said to he "clear." There are 6000
"clears" at present, lit Scientologists
say they hape to eventually clear every-
body in the world and eliminate all forms
of s-uppression including war, crime aiid
' See SCIENTOIoGY, lage 9

'U' 1978 appropriations
await Milliken's a proval

A higher edacation appi sun
stuns bil approved by the
Mtate legislature Thursday
aid give the University's
\un Arbor cOmpus $121,583.400
ior fiscal year 1978 if signed
b Gbv Willians Milliken.
The long - awaited bill is a
welcome sight because the Re-
gents can nos adopt a budget
and make other finance - relat-
ed decisions.
"WE WILL Have the final
badget decision and tuition in-
creases at the Regents meet-
ing this week (July 15)," said
Richard Kennedy, University
of Michigan Vice - President
for State Relations.
The University is currently
operating on a month-by-month
budget. The Regents approved
the interim budget in June to
provide monthlynspendingeat
1976-77 levels until the new
budget is adopted.
While the appropriations bill
is less than the $122.2 million
figure approved earlier by the
VA jury-
still out
The jury is still deliberating
in the trial of two Philippine
nurses accused of the Veterans
Administration - (VA) Hospital
poisonings. Today will be the
fourteenth day of the record-
long deliberations when the
nine women and three men con-
vense at 9:00. Unless a verdict
is reached today, they will work
until seven o'clock, taking a
two-hour lunch break at noon.

State Senate, Kennedy said the
bil is heatening. "I think it
is an encouraging appropria-
tions bill this year in light of
the disasterois appropriations
we ha reccei ed in last years.
tR is an enco"raging sign" he
A C C 0 I D I N G T 0
Kennedy, the Medical and
Dental Schools were hit hardest
by the difference between the
two bills, with Medical losing
$400,000 and Dental losing
82W8,000 from the original, Sen-
ate - approed plan.
Though the schools lost monv
when the bill went to a con-
ference committee, they will
still receive more from the
state than they did last year.
The appropriations bill comes
in the face of several tough de-
cisions to be made by the Re-
gents regarding tuition increas-
es and program discontinuaces.
LAST APRIL, Vice President
for Academic Affairs Frank
Rhodes presentrtentative tui-
lion increase figures to the Re-
gents averaging between eightt
and nine per cent. The largest
increase went to medical and
dentistry students (13 per cent)
and the smallest increase went
to underclass, in-state students
(8.6 per cent).
The decrease in appropria-
tions to the Medical School may
have some influencehon the
school's efforts to have the
Speech and Hearing Sciences
program - a department of
the medical < school - discon-
The bill now awaits the gov-
ernor's signature.

CITY COUNCIL last night approved a resolution to tear down this former Gulf gas station lo-
cated at S. Church and S. University to make way for a three-story office building and restau-
Offices to rise on South .

Frequenters of the South University business
district will be happy to know that one of the
major eyesores in the city is slated for destruc-
The vacant gas station at the corner of South
University and Church Street may soon be re-
placed by a two-story structure containing of-
fices and a restaurant. The building, which used
to be a Gulf gas station, has been boarded up
for 18 months.
CITY COUNCIL held a public hearing on the
rezoning of the lot last night at a special work-
ing session. Final action on the rezoning is ex-
pected sometime later this month.
Construction will begin this month and is
scheduled for completion in March, 1978.

Jerry Schofield of the city's Building and Safe-
ty Department said the construction may prove
temporarily inconvenient for area shoppers and
"THE BUILDING will probably be built direct-
ly to the sidewalk," said Schofield, "so I would
assume that the sidewalks will be closed off dur-
ing the construction period."
In other activity at last night's meeting the
"council heard of a city plan to fight Dutch olt
disease, which has been eating away at the
city's elm trees for years
The plan, announced by George Owers of the
city Parks Department and Robert Tate the
City Forester, will be a three-pronged effort.


MSA note
This from the wonderful world of Student Gov-
ernment: Student organizations on campus are reg-
ulated and are under the jurisdiction of the Michi-
gan Student Assembly (MSA). MS places primary
responsibility for student organizations under the
authority of the Student Organizations Board (that's
SOB - please, no jokes), SOB compiles all forms
from campus groups that pertain to primary re-
cognition as an organization and requests for facili-
ties usage. What may recognized organizations do
that plain folks cannot? - They can set up booths
on the Diag or in the Fishbowl; - They can show
films in campus auditoriums; - They can start ac-
counts in the University's Student Accounts office;
- They can maintain mailboxes and/oroffices in
the Michigan Union Building. To register as an or-
ganization, a group must have at least three mem-
bers; its president or treasurer must be a currently

enrolled student or must have been enrolled in the
previous full term, and a majority of its members
must fit into the same category. In addition to this,
student organizations cannot restrict their mem-
berships on grounds of race, creed, sex, or any
other "arbitrary or unreasonable consideration."
To apply for any or all of the above advantages,
stop by the MSA offices at 3909 Michigan Union be-
tween 10 a.m. anSI S p.m. on weekdays.
. .. just to remind you, Drug Help is still inter-
viewing people interested in volunteering to answer
crisis phones both today and tomorrow, call 994-
HELP . .. at 8:30 a.m. the Continuing Engineering
Education program will present seminars in Chrys-
ler Ctr. The events run through Friday . . . the
Extension Service offers a seminar on coping with

the legal environment which also begins at 8:30 a.
m., and also runs through Friday, but is being held
at the Campus Inn . . . Helen Fan will present a
carrillon recital at Burton Tower from 7-8 p.m... .
and at 7:30 in MLB Aud. 3, there will be two free
films on personal growth.
On the outside
Skies will be mostly cloudy again today, but the
weather service says there's only a slight chance
of early morning rain (however, you should take
note that the same tape-recorded voice said there
was "only a slight chance of rain" yesterday, and
as I sit here writing this at 5:00 in the afternoon,
watching the water droplets plink against my win-
dow, I find the weather service rather untrust-
worthy), The high will be 84, and tonght's low will
be 63 humid degrees.

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