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June 16, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-16

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cht r-clov. hire 16, 1977


Page Three I

'riaor"dcv. June 16, 197? T$E MICI-il &AILY Pbge Three-

ease ori nance proposed
By G"FE(GGi KRUPA of what his rights are." explain- written into area leases include process of law, forcing the ten- "Tenants are forced to- sig
ed Wheeler. "Sometimes it takes forcing tenants to waive their ants to pay rent whether or not these things because they neet
M vwr Albert W h e e I e r has a lit'le nudge on the head to right to a trial by jury, forcing the landlord fulfills his obliga- a place to stay," said Hadam.
), -1 an ordisance before City make a tenant understand his tenants to pay the legal costs of tion to maintain and repair the "Tenants should know they don't
-ii id at i ns a r i n g hts." the landlord. waiving the right premises, and forcing the tenant have to give up their rights just
a es Of e riehs among T h e -mandatory provisions to legal notice of proceedings to agree to abide by rules not to find a place to live."
ea'ts in An, Arbcw. The ovdi- were suggested to the mayor by *hich wo ld allow a landlord to attached to the lease or yet to TIM KUNIAN of the Public In-
Cace would rrvide fnr man- his Blue Ribbon Cimmittee Ot declare a lease void without due be written. See WHEELER, Page 19


d aore lease roisions written
int every le-,se signed in the
Tn ,rai s' noify the ten-
am that "sone clauses con-
tai"d in the residential leases
maw he legally tiernfrceahle,"
thy 'e-'nts hvre the right to
see "Itat corsel, that the City
Cl-k shall k-ep a list of pos-
sih- so rces of legal assisance
fr the'-nnt who cannot afford
'ri i for It'al action and that
the tenant is entitled to receive
a '>mv of the booklet concerning
the lant rimhts of tenants upon
sitig the lease.
"I WOULD like to get some
la-""'nge into the lease that
w *eld give the tenant an idea

Fair Rental Practices, which
was formed in January of 1975.
Several groups representing
tenants' concerns in the A
Arbor area have responded fav-
orably to the proposed ordi-
nance, while many area land-
lords are opposed to the manda-
tory provisions.
SUSAN HA SAM of the Ann
Arbor Tenants' Union (AATU)
Said the clauses were "neces-
sary, because some leases in
the city contain ridiculous and
unenforceable c 1 a ua e s." Re-
search done by the AATU turn-
ed up various unenforceable
provisions written into contracts
by area landlords.
Some of the dubious clauses

Ann Arbor crie rte dwn 4 per cent

With Wire Service Reports
According to statistics released by Ann Arbor
City Police and Michigan State Police, crime in
Ann Arbor decreased during 1976.
Ann Arbor Police reported a four per cent
decline in major crimes such as murder, aggra-
vated assault, and motor vehicle theft. The num-
ber of lesser crimes, including arson, vandalism,
and narcotic offenses plummetted ten per cent.
bor police cited improved police work and an
increased public awareness of crime as reasons
for the decline.

"People as a whole are more crime con-
scious," Hawkins said. "Everybody is more sen-
sitive to it." Hawkins also noted individuals re-
porting crimes more quickly than before as
Michigan State Police yesterday released last
years crime statistics in the 1976 Uniform Crime
Report. The report revealed that while the num-
ber of murders in Ann Arbor decreased by 59
per cent, and, that the number of brglaries
dropped from 2,572 in 1975 to 2,111 in 1976, the
number of larcenies jumped from 843 to 1.131.
THE NUMBER of reported rapes increased by
See ANN, Page 5

Local adores beer,
but ust for the tin

Within blocks of Ann Arbor's long defunct
Michigan Union Brewery lives the owner of the
world's largest collection of full beer cans, Rich
Johnson. He can proudly boast of owning over
2100 different beer cans, all with their volume
of beer s ill intact.
Row upon raf of cans, arranged alphabetically
and separated according to domestic and im-
ported beer, line his living room walls, often two
rows deep.
"I have a lot downstairs that I just don't have
room to display," said Johnson.
TIE SIZE of his beer cans range from tiny
seven ounce tins to gallon sized aluminum bar-
rel, to the average 12 ounce cans found in
grocer's coolers.
"I have beer cans from every country that
makes beer cans," Johnson said naming off the
countries. "British Isles, France, Japan, Ger-
many, Brazil, South Africa, Philippines, Singa-
pore--wlerever that is-Greece Italy, and all the
Scandinavian countries . . .," he continued.
"I have every can made in the United States'
unless it has come out just recently. I don't have
a can of Quick Time-it came out four days ago
in San Antonio, Texas. I found out it was coming
out last Thursday and saw a picture of it Saturday
in a newsletter," he said.

JOHNSON'S FULL beer can collection also it-
cludes a few novelty items like a ltisch can filled
with golf balls and comnemorative beer can
banks with the Phoenix Sun's basketball schedule.
One misprinted can he owns, a iollywood diet
cola, tabbed top and bottoin, professing to contain
"only two calories"- ictualy is filled with Pabst's
This collector is not without his favorites--a
vintage Fitzgerald cone cap and a blue mountain-
ed beer can. "These are my favorites because I
wanted them for so long and because they were
so hard to get," he said as he pointed out their
But the cotlectiitg of full wer cans is not with-
out its danger
II four yetrs of beer can cullciiig Joh.1in su a hus
had two cats explode. "one fell olf the shell on
the wall and exploded all over the room. T,e
other one . . . it was in awtl stiink, I didn't know
what had happened. I thought a bird haid died
bebind the bed,"l he said.
Since then he has sealed il the tani alnuittinium
cans with non-discoloring clear nail iolishi to
prevent air leaks and future accidents
AT THE MOMENT, Johnson isn't interested in
collecting anything besides beer cans, not even
other beer memorabilia.
See LOCAL, Page S

RICH JOHNSON STACKS a few of his favorites from his
mammoth full beer can collection. Johnson, an Ann Arborite,
owns 2100 full beer cans, the largest collection of its kind in the


Weed squeezins
Snuffy Smith on dope? Lukey and Elviney stoned
out of their minds on the porch? Maybe not, but
Riley Oxley of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, To-
bacco and Firearms in Nashville, Tennessee says
increasing numbers of hill country moonshiners are
turning to a cash crop that pays better. than boot-
leg booze - marijuana. Oxley says rising sugar
prices, stricter enforcement of white lightning laws
and a market that's going dry have discouraged
many long-time whiskey runners. "The thing with
young people seems to be marijuana and not booze
- that's the market now," Oxley said. "The last
moonshine we got was going for about $20 a gal-
lon and that was about the wholesale price. So by
the time the retailer sells it, he's about the same
price as bonded whiskey." One former moonshiner
apparently flew marijuana from Mexico to Memphis,
and another in South Carolina bought two planes

and learned to fly, agents said. "Most moonshiners
are farmers," another agent commented. "The next
available thing for them to grow is marijuana, and
we think it'll get more prevalent as time goes on."
...if all' the bike thieves left was the chain
guard, you can still do a world of good with it.
The Bryant Youth Program is looking for old bi-
cycles which kids in the program use for spare
parts in learning how to repair bikes. If you think
you may have just the clunker, call Gary Lussen-
den at 971-6100 or 662-1638 ... Continuing Engineer-
ing Education sponsors an 8:30 a.m. program on
"Improving Employe and Product Safety and Per-
formance" in the Chrysler Center ,.. a protest
against the South African Krugerrand will meet
on the Diag at 2:30, march to the National Bank

and Trust, and then to the Regents' meeting, 3:30
in the Administration Building ... local filmmakers
will strut their stuff in a Cinema/Video Series pro-
gram in the School of Ed's Schorling Auditorium
at 7 p.m. ... Trotter House presents an evening of
drama, music and poetry with the Afro-Centric
Theatre Group, 7-9 p.m. at Trotter ... the Christian
Science Organization holds its weekly meeting at 7:15
in Room 4304 of the Union ... and a representative
of United Surgical will speak to the monthly meet-
ing of the Ann Arbor Ostomy Group at 7:30 p.m.
at the Senior Citizens Guild, 502 W. Huron.
On the outside
A good day to bet on the rain, because it may
come and it may not, It'll be cloudy with a high
of 82 and a chance of afternoon thundershowers
and a low of 53 tonight. But tomorrow should be
sunny again, with a high of 88.



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