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June 16, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-16

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Page Two


Thursday, une 16, 1977

Page Tw CHE MCHIGANDAILY hursda,.Jn 6,17

u o esl

Jobs, British troops
af issue in today's
Irish elections

DUBLIN, Ireland (WP- - Irish
voters elect a new government
today after a campaign marked
by promises of more jobs and
higher pay and a bitter last-
minute debate over British con-
trol in Northern Ireland.
The eight-year sectarian war
in the British province, north
of the Irish Republic, has be-
come "a very important issue,"-
Prime Minister Liam Cosgrave
said at the campaign neared a
UNTIL EARLIER this week,
the two major political rivals,
Cosgrave's ruling Fine Gael and
Jack Lynch's Fianna Fail, cam-
paigned primarily on bread and
butter issues of inflation and
Both parties offered a bonan-
za of pledges including more
jobs, more pay and massive
tax cuts, prompting one for-
eign diplomat to. predict that
neither would be able to honor
the "rash promises of goodies
galore" because of the repub-

lic's shaky economy.
Cosgrave shifted the cam-
paign focus onto Northern Ire-
land with a speech by his For-
eign Minister, Garret Fitzger-
ald, who accused Fianna Fail
on Monday of seeking to force
a British withdrawal from the
province. Fitzgerald claimed
such a move would provoke
widespread bloodshed as armed
Protestants and Roman Catho-
lic extremists jockeyed for con-
troy of their areas in advance
of a British pullout.
ish to stay in the province for
the "foreseeable future" to con-
tain the violence. Fianna Fail
wants Britain to issue a decla-
ration of its intent to withdraw,
and has suggested United Na-
tions intervention if necessary.
Countering Fitzgerald's accu-
sation, Fianna Fail leader
Lynch said his party's policy
was "sane and safe."
Fitzgerald claimed Fianna
Fail was packed with Irish Re-
publican Army (IRA) sympa-
thizers who would start trou-
ble if elected.
The IRA, outlawed on both
sides of the border, has been
fighting for union between the
predominantly Protestant pro-
vince and the majority Roman
Catholic republic. Cosgrave
fears British withdrawal would
force the million-strong Protest-
ant majority in Ulster to un-
leash a militant campaign in
the south against a union which
it opposes.
A FIANNA FAIL spokesper-
son contends Cosgrave's coali-
tion is "trying to frighten peo-
ple who want a change of gov-
ernment." Fianna Fail held
power for 16 years before being
ousted in the last election in
Political commentators and
public opinion polls put the par-
ties neck and neck as the cam-
paign ended. But Cosgrave's
labor coalition was expected to
win another five-year term with
a narrow majority in the 148-
seat Dail, lower house of Ire-
land's parliament.
The party winning themost
seatswill formthe
seats will form the new gov-
ernment. Fine Gael now has
a four-vote majority in the Dail.
MEMBERS OF the Dail are
elected by the more than 2.1
million voters while the upper
house, or Seanad, is chosen in-
It was unclear what effect the
Northern Ireland issue would
have on voters. Commentators
thinks economic issues will de-
cide the election.
"The people are in a shop-
ping basket mood, not a blun-
derbuss mood," said Tim Pat
Coogan of the Irish Press, which
supports Fianna Fail.
More top business executives
-1,762-hold degrees from the
University than from any other
public university.
Volume LXXXVII, No. 3-5
Thursday, Jne 1, i
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-502S. Seond class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 4119.
Published dly Tuesday tihrougb
Sunday morning during te univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 410. Subsription
rates: $12 Sept. thru Apri (2 semes-
ters. 413 by mall outaide. Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $.0 isa ann
Arbor;i $7.0 by mail outside nn

Au too oten, when the party If someone gets too drunkto
ends, the trouble begins. drive, drive him yourself. Or call a
People who shouldn't be % cab. Or offer to let him sleep over.
doing anything more active than Maybe your friend won't be
going to sleep are driving a car, feeling so good on the morning after,
Speeding and weaving their way but you're going to feel terrific.
to death.
Before any of your friends
drive home from your party, make
sure they aren't drunk. r----------------
Don't be fooled because they IDRUNK DRIVER, DET.Y
drank only beer or wine. Beer and ROCKVIILE, MARYLAND 20852
wine can be just as intoxicating as Iwant to keep my friends alive I
wixed drinks. I for the next party. !
And don't kid yourself I Te lme what else I can do. -
because they may have had some I MYnaue
black coffee. Black coffee can't Addr-
sober them up well enough to drive. L y- -_--_-la_ r -i--__

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