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June 11, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-11

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Soturday, June 11, 1977


Page Three

Sottirdoy, June 11, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY age Three

' "


Postill acquitted of assault charge

A 12-member jury last night
acquitted f o r mexr Washtenaw
County Sheriff Frederick Postill
of a charge of felonious assault.
Postill was being tried for
allegedly choking Sheriff's
Deputy Basil Baysinger with a
pair of handcuffs during a wed-
ding reception brawl last July

FOLLOWING less than one-
half-hour of deliberation, the
jury returned to Circuit Court
Judge Patrick Conlin's court-
room, where jury forenan Mar-
tin Sichel, a University profes-
sor of Aerospace Engineering.
announced the v e r d i c t, "not
Thundering c h e e r s and ap-
plause rose from the crowded
courtroom as the decision was
announced. A number of Pos-
till's supporters ruahed forward
to congratulate the former sher-
iff on his acquittal.
Postill stood silent, beaming.
"t had no doubt about the out-
come" he told reporters later.
WhLEN COUNTY and state in-
vestigators failed to turn up
enough evidence following the
incident to issue a warrant
against Postill, Baysinger posted
$200-in district court to have the
former sheriff stand preliminary
hearing on a civil charge. Fol-
lowing a lengthy - preliminary
hearing last August, 14th Dis-
trict Court Judge Henry Arkison

ordered Postill to face trial on
criminal charges of felonious
"I'm really sorry our system
of justice allows someone to put
down $200 to allow someone else
to go through all this and put out
all that money (for attorney
fees)," Postill said yesterday.
Postill also said his attorney's
fee for the entire proceeding was
nearing the $20,000 mark.
FOLLOWING the verdict the
former sheriff's attorney, Neal

Bush, said "I'm only sorry it
didn't happen last July when
Fred (Postill) was still sheriff.
It would have been better for
him and better for the county."
Postill, who was in the midst
of a re-election campaign when
the incident occurred, was de-
feated last November by Repub-
lican Thomas Minick.
Bush added he had expected
the innocent verdict, but "you
never know about juries.'
ASSISTANT County Prosecu-

for Lynwood Noah, who served
as state attorney in both this
week's four day trial and the
preliminary hearing said during
the jury's deliberation that he
would not be surprised by an.
"The evidence showed, as
(former oo'ball star) Alex Kar-
ras would say, the sheriff had
the stuffing beat out of him,
Noah said upon hearing the ver-
See POSTIl., Page 10

Conflict mars caucus

Seeial To The Daily
LANSING - The first full day
session of Michigan's Interna-
tional Women's Year (IWY)
here yesterday was marked by
disruption and controversy
among the over one thousand
women and men attending.
Represented at themeeting
were various women's groups of

differing views on such major
issues as abortion and the
Equal Rights Amendment (ER
A). Participants included the
feminist members of the Na-
tional Organization for Women
(NOW), and anti-feminists from
Happiness of Women (HOW),
anti-abortion groups and labor
affiliates from the UAW and
delegates for a group which
will submit resolutions on wo-
men's issues to President Car-
ter was the day's major con-
troversy. Many women, particu-
larly Elaine Donnelly of the
Citizen's Review Committee,
claimed discrimination against
non-feminists by the feminists.

Beverly Chisson of Ptblic
Relations for 11OW called this
"the most mismanaged con-
vention I've seen."
C'hisson claimed, using a
stopwatch count, 11 minutes out
of the 60 minutes designated for
nominations were lost due to
the excessive speaking of the
chairwoman Eudora Pettigrew.
Pettigrew spent much of the
time calling many anti-femin-
ists out of order at the micro-
THOSE AT the microphones
were contesting the 60 minute
time limit as unfair and asked
for an extended period.
At one point during the dis-
See CONFLICT, Page 10

Ci izens' group to advise
city on sewer problems

An ad tpoc citizens' group has begun to meet JLM
regularly to 'pssist city government to take all Chamt
possible steps to remedy current deficiencies" in organi
the Ann Arbor sewage treatment facility. city's
The existing treatment plant does not meet 'Th
state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) plaine
standards for sewage control, and although the ficials
city has taken several steps in recent months to to be
comply with DNR standards, a possible court The
battle looms ahead. tries
LITIGATION WAS SET to begin in the state reacti
Court of Appeals yesterday, but both parties Judge
have 15 days to file a brief. all ne
A mong those in the citizens' group are repre- facilit
sentatives of construction and related industries, the ju
local realtors, several building tradesmen, attor- nomic
nets, member' of the financial community, staff AN
from the Chamber of Commerce and several city centw
esnloyees, including City Administrator Sylves- as we
5er Mrray, acting City Attorney R. Bruce Laid- rate."
'i and Department of Publiv.-Works Superin- jeats,
_endent Richard Sayers. ily ha
In addition to the group's major purpose- Fre
helping the city remedy current .deficiencies in hoc c
the system - the group will also monitor ad- jobs.
mainistrative actions and current litigation, in or-
Line up
Nature lovers around the University should be
glad to hear the annual early-September camping
excursion outside the athletic ticket office will take
place again this year as Athletic Director Don Can-
ham and other Athletic Department officials have
decided to maintain the present ticket distribution
In last term's MSA elections students were pre-
sented various distribution plans and the favorite
was a computerized system which would assign foot-
ball seats on a random basis.
Canham, however, says the computerized sys-
tem would be costly, although he did not rule it
out as a possibility. "We're still studying it," he
said. "It would be a big advantage to our depart-
ment but the problem, as I see it, would be for
the student." His major complaint with the sys-
tem is that it would eliminate the "personal touch"
which the athletic department is now able to offer
students with special seating requests. Canham said
students with medical problems - could not be ac-
commodated as easily as they are now, and students
would not be able to sit with their friends if seats
were assigned randomly. Undoubtedly, the two or

o follow the case's progress as it affects
Dpment in the community.
FRENZA OF the Greater Ann Arbor
ber of Cemmerce said the group was not
.zed because of dissatisfaction with the
handling of the waste treatment crisis.
is is not a negative group," Frenza fx- Sf
d. "We were not set tip to hound city of-
, it is not a knee-jerk reaction. We hope
a help to the city."
involvement. of the construction indus-
and community businessmen in Ann Ar- If a I
waste water treatment crisis came as a junkies i
on to Washtenaw County Circuit Court neighborl
Robert Fink's March sewer tap ban. Since ent street
wv additions to the city's sewage treatment The 7
y must tap into the system, the effect of heroin p
dge's ban on the city's expansion and eco- berry (D
livelihood was disasterous. "OU]
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE of 15 to 20 per doing the
was recorded by the construction industries, proach t
ell as a 24 per cent overall unemployment teeing bi
The construction of 26 major building pro- addiction
valued at $40 million dollars, was tempor- would tar
lted. available
nza, however, emphasized that the ad Cush
'izens' group was not only-concerned with the prog
dict by
See CITIZENS, Page 5
three students who actually sit in their assigned
seats will find the personal touch important.
... are well spaced this weekend, beginning this
morning at 11 a.m. when you can see works by
Rembrandt. and Weston at the University Museum
of Art. The exhibit will run through August 14 ..
at 4 p.m. the RC will present a panel discussion
and film on the question of oil drilling in state
forests ... the Women's advocate is sponsoring a
discussion and slide show by the Feminist Art Work-
ers in the Pendleton Rm. of the Union at 7:30 p.m.
... Sunday, the Outing Club will meet at the north
entrance of Rackham at 1:30 ... the film Nosferatu
will be shown for free in the old Arch. Aud. at 8
p.m. ... and also on Sunday, there will be a dis-
cussion at the Gay Community Center at 7 pm.
entitled The State of One Gay Movement ... Mon-
day at 8 a.m. at the Holiday Inn-West, the exten-
sion service will sponsor a real estate workshop
... and at 8;30 a.m. the extension service will fea-
ture a serninar on computers in education ... also
from the extension service is a program entitled
Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of Solid Waste
Materials, in the Rackham Bldg....-and finally, Drug

I* A~
fisla tars focus on :
ne heroin problem
pending state louse of Representatives' bill becomes law,
n the state may be able to receive their fix from the
hood medic-tl clinics a' a price substantially below pres-
t cost.
measure is part of a three-pronged attack on the state's
roblem, sponsored by Representatives George Cushing-
-Detroit) and Stephen Monsma (D-Grand Rapids).
R PRESENT HEROIN addiction programs just are not
job," Cusningberry said. "With our head-in-the-sand ap-
o the drug crisis, we are doing little more than guaran-
g profits for drug dealers. My bill would recognize heroin
for what it is-a disease that needs treatment. And it
ke the drug dealers out of the picture by making heroin
to addicts."
ingberry exiplained that in order to become eligible for
rarm, a person would have to be certified as a heroin ad-
a doctor. Rgistered addicts wauld then be enrolled in a
Help is recruiting volunteers to staff its 21-hour
hotline, call 994-H-P for details
Porno hearing Monday
At this Monday night's City Council meeting
there will be a public hearing on a proposed ordi-
nance to prohibit dissemination of pornographic
material in the city. The ordinance was proposed
by Councilman Roger Bertoia (R-Third Ward), who
has drawn a link between the sale of pornography
and the increased prostitution trade on Fourth Ave-
nue. The public hearing offers an opportunity for
citizens to air their views on the proposed ordin-
On the outside
It seems we just can't win when it comes to
weather in thiz state. We're finally going to get
rid of the cold this weekend, but we're going to
lose our sunny skies ton, Today's high will hit the
80 tmark, but clouds will start to move in by the
early afternoon, and thundershowers are likely. To-
night's low should be in mid-50's. Sundav you can
count on more of the same, with temperatures in
the mid-80's, and rain clouds overhead,

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