Page wo
Thursday, May 5, 1977
Page wo TH MICHGAN DiLYTursda. Ma 5.17
US won't block Viet UIN.
PARIS iP,)- Two years after
the fall of Saigon, the United
States agreed yesterday to drop
its opposition to the entry of
n n -f i e d Communist-governed
Vietnam into the United Nations.
The U.S. also said it will end
its embargo on trade with Viet-
nam as part of a package deal
for establishing diplomatic rela-
tions "as soon as possible."
AN AMERICAN spokesman
said the United States had de-
cided not to exercise its veto of
Vietnam's U.N. membership
again regardless of progress in
the talks.
He said the decision was made
b e c a us e the government in
ttanoi-capital of unified Viet-
nam-cooperated in the search
for American servicemen miss-
ing from the war and the Carter
administration believes in the
universality of the United Na-
A statement on the talks is-
sued by the Vietnamese delega-
tion made clear, however, that
Hanoi feels the American prom-,
ise to drop the veto also is part
of over-all negotiations for es-
tablishing normal relations be-
tween the two governments. In
addition, the Vietnamese press-
ed for American contributions
to repairing war damage.
bert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and
Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.)
hailed the development as a first
step toward normalizing rela-
tions between the two govern-
ments. Senate Majority Leader
Robert Byrd (D-WVa.) predict-
ed a strong congressional oppo-
sition to postwar aid for Viet-
Vietnam's D e p u t y Foreign
Minister Phan Hien read what
he said was a joint communique
by the two delegations on their
talks. The communique said the
two sides, agreed to seek 'a
rapid normalization" of their
would not oppose the entry of
Vietnam into the United Na-
STATE Department spokes-
man Morton Smith confirmed
this was correct but said the
two delegations had not, in fact,
a reed to draft a joint communi-
que. Smith said they agreed "in
a general way" what they would
make public about the talks. He
added he did not disagree with
any nart of the statement read
by Hien.
There was no immediate com-
ment from the Vietnamese side
on the apparent discrepancy
over the form in which the out-
come of the talks was reported.
Smith said the two sides had
cordial, frank, useful and con-
structive talks" and agreed to
meet again in about two weeks
at the U.S. Embassy in Paris.
on the MIA's and made some
progress, including an agree-
ment to exchange information
on missing servicemen.
The commission, headed by
United Auto Workers President
Leonard Woodcock, returned
with the remains of 11 service-
men killed during the war. This
week's Paris talks were an-
nounced after the commission's
return from Hanoi.
YESTERDAY, Smith said the
U.S. delegation, headed by Asst.
Secretary of State Richard Hol-
brooke, had "noted with appre-
ciation" a Vietnamese promise
to step up the search for Ameri-
can MIA's. He said there would
be a continuing exchange of in-
formation between the two sides
on this subject in the interval
between the talks.
Hien told reporters that he had
provided fresh information on
"two or three cases" of missing
servicemen during the talks but
did not elaborate.
Although Hien said Vietnam
"places no preconditions" on the
establishment of diplomatic re-
lations, he made clear that aid
and lifting of the trade embargo
were part of a package that
could not be separated.
HIEN TOLD reporters yester-
day that former President Rich-
ard Nixon had written a letter
to Premier Pham Van Dong
about the time of the 1973 peace
agreement promising more than
$3.25 billion in reconstruction
aid. He said, in addition, Viet-
nam wants $1.5 billion in special
credits from the United States
and about $150 million in assets
of the former Saigon govern-
ment held in American banks.
Initial congressional reaction
to the decision centered on the
question of reconstruction aid
for Vietnam.
The embargo was imposed on
Vietnam after the U.S.-backed
Saigon regime fell to Commu-
nist-led forces on April 30, 1975.
Yesterday, S m i t h said the
United States is prepared to lift
the trade embargo as soon as
diplomatic relations are estab-
lished and ambassadors ex-
changed between the two coun-
The American spokesman de-
clined to speculate on a date
when full relations would be es-
tablished between the United
States and Vietnam, or whether
the next sesison of the talks
would be the last. He said the
two delegations would report to
their respective governments on
their talks and would pick up
where they left off.
relations, and added:
"The American represents
stated that the United St
Put the DAILY
on Your Doorstep!
tive its veto in the United Nations
ates on three occasions to bar Viet-
nam from joining the world
body. During the last debate on
the issue after November's pres-
idential election, the Ford ad-
ministration demanded a full ac-
counting of the estimated 2,000
MIA's in the Vietnam war.
In March, theCarter adminis-
tration sent a presidential com-
mission to Hanoi for direct ne-
gotiations with the Vietnamese
Volume LXXXVnI, No. 2-s
Thursday, 4Iay 5, 1977
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
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Sunday morning during the Univer-a
rityyreas at 42, Maynard Street. Ann
Arbor, Mieigas 48109. Subseription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Gubscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
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W heeler asks city
controls on DNA
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(Continued from Page 1)
search is creation of a new
organism by removing DNA
from one type of organism and
combining it with that of an-
Wheeler does not feel the ordi-
nance would present any real
problem to University research-
ers dealing with DNA and other
medical studies.
"I don't foresee any serious
implications with the Univer-
sity's researchers. Presently,
they're operating under National
Institute - of Health guidelines."
The only possible objection from
the University that Wheeler can
predict is over the provision to
declare intent.
HOWEVER, Wheeler remains
optimistic about the plan. "I
don't see why they should ob-
ject, as long as the University
and the researchers see that
we're not trying to bug them.
We're just carrying out our re-
sponsibility to the people of this
Wheeler thinks the measure
has a good chance of being ap-
proved by City Council, "I
haven't talked to any of them
about it yet, but I can't see any
logical reason for them to object
to it," he said.
An ordinance restricting DNA
research at Harvard was passed
earlier this year by the city
council of Cambridge, Massa-
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