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May 05, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-05

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The Michigan Daily
Vol LXXXVII, No. 2-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 5, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Wheeler to-ask DNA/curbs

Mayor Albert Wheeler will prepare and introduce to City Coun-
cil a resolution for an ordinance to control DNA research in the
city. He hopes to have the resolution ready for presentation at the
council's May 16 meeting.
"We don't want to stop the research, but we want to take all
the steps we can to protect the health, safety and welfare of this
community," Wheeler said yesterday.
ACCORDING TO Wheeler, the ordinance will require that the
city be notified of any individual or group who intends to do DNA
research in Ann Arbor. Also, the city will be informed of the type
of research, level of risk and provisions made for physical safety.
"We don't know for certain the benefits or harm that will
occur," Wheeler stated. "It appears there are big benefits that
are possible, the dangers are those which uncontrolled experinien-
tation might lead to."
Although he acknowledges attempts to assure research con-
ditions that eliminate physical danger, Wheeler warns, "There
are long-term, potential dangers wer're not certain about. There
could be serious implications for humankind."

^ALSO, THE mayor is concerned with the risks involved in re-
search that may not be necessary, specifically research at what
he called "the P4 level."
"I don't think we need it. 'There's no real benefit--it should be
postponed," he said.
Wheeler is aware of limitations on local control of DNA
research, explaining that DNA research effects cannot be stopped
from spreading into the limits of neighboring communities.
"IT IS MY hope and expectation that the Federal government,
or perhaps the state, will set up guidelines," he asserted.
Wheeler traveled to Washington this week to speak before the
House Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology which
is investigating the possible benefits and dangers of DNA recom-
binant research.
The mayor, who is an associate professor of microbiology at
the University, was one of four individuals who addressed the
committee concerning the present level of local control over DNA
research and what seems to be emerging as policy at the local
See WHEELER, Page 2


Nixon breaks silence p

WASHINGTON W) - Former during the climactic minutes of "I BROUGHT myself down,"
President Richard Nixon broke a paid-for interview with British said the 37th president, the
his long silence on Watergate television personality David first to resign the office. "I
yesterday night, conceding "I Frost, Nixon admitted he lied in gave 'em a sword and they
letdown my friends, I let down some of his public statements stuck it in and they twisted it
the country, I let down our sys- while in office. with relish."
tem of government." And Nixon said he considered He added: "I guess if I'd
But, 1,000 days after he re- resigning in . April 1973 - 15 been in their position, I'd have
signed in disgrace over the months before he did so-but done the same thing."
Watergate scandal, Nixon in- he said he remained in office to The former president was al-
sisted he did not obstruct jus- insure his foreign policy mo- ternately combative, hesitant,
tice. "I did not commit, in my mentum would continue. contrite and somber. He smiled
view, an impeachable offense," Nixon said friends have sug- only infrequently, in the tense
he declared. gested that there was a con- manner so familiar to Ameri-
spiracy to oust him but "I don't cans during his aborted tenure.
HIS EYES glistening at times go with the idea." Nixon spoke without notes,

proudly pointing out once that
he was relying on memory for
events and conversations that
took place nearly five years
ago. His recall has been sharp-
ened, however, by work on his
memoirs, due for publication
next April,
ONLY WHEN acknowledging
"my political life is over" did
Nixon's voice crack slightly.
"I said things that were not
true," he told Frost, but he said
that didn't apply to the "big
issues" of the scandal.
Again, as he did all through
the heat of Watergate, Nixon
maintained he was not involved
in the break-in at Democratic
headquarters at the Watergate
on June 17, 1972. And he de-
nied that he had participated in

or approved the payment of
hush money to the burglars.
That is exactly what he said
when he was trying to save his
embattled presidency in the face
of impeachment resolutions just
before he resigned.
OF THE hush money pay-
ments, Nixon said: "It's possi-
ble it's a mistake that I didn't
stop it.
"It was so botched up," he
said of the way Watergate was
handled by his administration.
"I made so many bad judg-
ments; the worst ones, mistakes
of the heart, rather than the
Frost and Nixon got tangled
into legalisms over what con-
stituted obstruction of justice
See NIXON, Page 8

'U' casts vote today in
support of Mobil policy
The University Administration will vote to support Mobil Oil
Corporation management in its actions in Rhodesia at Mobil's an-
nual stockholders convention today, University Chief Financial Of-
ficer James Brinkerhoff said last night.
By doing so the University will probably help defeat a stock-
holders' proposal requiring Mobil to insure that none of its pro-
ducts are being sold to the Rhodesian white-minority government.
THE UNIVERSITY owns some $1.9 million worth of Mobil
The United Church Board of Ministries submitted the proposal
claiming it has evidence showing Mobil's participation in supply-
ing petroleum products to Rhodesia. If proved true these actions
may violate U. N. sanctions and U. S. law. The Treasury Depart-
ment is currently conducting an investigation of Mobil's actions in
Rhodesia and South Africa to determine if the church's charges
are true. The department expected to publish its findings next
Brinkerhoff said yesterday he would "vote for management
until the Treasury Department report is released." tIe indicated
it was "fundamental University policy" to vote on the side of
management during proxy questions "unless otherwise instructed."
"THE INVESTMENT rationale behind voting with manage-
ment is that if you can't put your trust totally behind manage-
ment then you might as well sell the stock."
Brinkerhoff labeled the decision to vote against the Church
See 'U', Page 8

AP Photo
DAVID FROST, left, chats with former President Richard Nixon before tiPing Nixon's first inter-
view broadcasted Wednesday night. Nixon confessed that he Iet down his fiends, his nation, and
"our system of government," but insisted that he did not obstruct justice.

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