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May 25, 1977 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-25

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Wednesday, May ZS, 1977'


Page Five

Wednesday, May 25, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Page Five

Soviets drop Podgorny from Politburo
(Continued from Page1) Dec. 19, had hardly seemed in Khrushchev forces when his
IN OTHER organizational need of additional luster. former mentor was overthrown
changes announced after the Podgorny and Kosygin had and took over the leadership
Central Committee meeting, clearly been background figures along with Brezhnev and Kosy-
Konstantin Katushev, 49, a Po- in the Soviet hierarchy for sev- gin.
litburo secretary dealing with eral years, receiving virtually The only known dispute be-
relations among Communist hone of the public adoration tween Podgorny and Brezhnev
countries, lost his post as sec- that has been heaped on Brezh- were believed to have arisen
retary. He continues as deputy nev by other Soviet officials shortly after the Khrushchev
premier for economic contacts and the controlled news media. ouster. When Podgorny was ap-
within the Communist bloc. pointed to presidency in 1965,
Konstantin Rusakov, 68, an PODGORNY, a former sugar many observers believed Brezh-
aide to Brezhnev with previous plant manager, was 14 during nev was "kicking him upstairs"
'ixperience in supervising rela- the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. to kep ehim outisd the coun-
dons with other Communist He was born in Karlovka in the try's real leadership struggle"
countries, was named as a ne v Ukraine but later moved to the for control of the Communist
Central Committee secretary, Ukrainian capital of Kiev. He party,
keeping the total number of became a Communist party He soon became one of the
secretaries at 11. , member in 1930. Politburo's best traveled mem-
Western diplomats said Rus- His government career in- bers. In 1967 he was the first
akov had been rising in the volved the food industry almost leading Soviet official to be re-
Kremlin's effective hierarchy exclusively as he rose from the ceived by a pope, Paul VI. He
for some time and his promo- sugar plant to director of a joined other members of the
tion to a party secretary was Moscow food institute during Politburo at eleventh-hour talks
only a formality. World War II. with Czech leaders in 1968 just
He later moved into politics a few weeks before the Soviet-
THE DECISION to remove with the help of Khrushchev, a led invasion of the country.
Podgorny from the Politburo fellow Ukrainian, and became The personnel changes stole
was made at a meeting yester- chief of the Communist party in attention from two other ma-
day of the 250-member Central Kharkov, the Ukraine, in 1950. jor decisions of the Central
Committee that controls the He took over Khrushchev's job Committee meeting, approval
Communist party. The Polit- as party chief of the entire of a draft for the new Soviet
buro, the party's policy making Ukraine in 1957 when Khrush- constitution, the first since
body, now has 14 members. chev became the country's top 1936, and a new national an-
leader. them to replace the one adopt-
If anything, yesterday's ed in 1944.
changes appeared to improve JOINING the national Com- Brezhnev told the Central
the standing of Brezhnev among munist leadership, Podgorny Committee the constitution is
the country's top leaders. But became a candidate member of needed to reflect the construc-
Brezhnev's rank, stressed by the Politburo in 1958 and a full tion of "a developed, mature
the heavily publicized celebra- member in 1960. But in 1964, he socialist society" in the Soviet
tion of his 70th birthday last was on the side of the anti- Union.

Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny was dropped yesterday
from membership in the Communist Party's ruling Politburo,
Moscow radio reported. The move appeared to presage Pod-
gorny's retirement froi the Soviet presidency, but this was
not announced.


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