The Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by Students at the
University of Michigan
Wednesday, May 25, 1977 '
News Phone: 764-0552
There oughta be a law!
JN THE LIGHT of legal investigations by other states
into their universities' investments in corporations with
financial ties to South Africa, we feel this University has
an obligation to investigate the legality of its invest-
The Michigan Attorney General's Office has indicated
there are several laws, open to interpretation, which could
legally forbid the University's investments into corpora-
tions such as Ford Motor Company.
The Attorney General would make an official opinion
at the request of a University or public official. The Uni-
versity has not requested such a investigation. -
But because specific legislation about the investment
of public money into corporations with ties to South
Africa in nonexistant, we strongly feel such legislation
should be introduced and unequivocally passed.
Unfortunately, we have little confidence in the Re-
gents about the matter of investments, and we feel the
only way to curtail University investments in question-
able corporations is for those investments to be illegal.
It's a sad story when an allegedly liberal public in-
stitution cannot act on the basis of morality, but needs
the law in order to judge morality.
City chips in for Ui' kids
IT'S NOTHING NEW, but the University has again for-
gotten its responsibilities to its students. This time, the
married students living at Northwood V have been for-
got ten.
Northwood V is the bargain basement (in price tag
only) area constructed on North Campus for married
students with children, It is known to the residents
and city officials as one of the most dense child popu-
lation areas in the City.
But Northwood V has veritably no recreational fa-
eilities for children older than six.
Nortlwood V residents, complaining long and hard
about the lack of organized recreational facilities for
their young 'uns, finally received a grant for $700 from
the city so they can build some facility for their kids.
The city, not the University, recognized the prob-
lem. The City, whose inhabitants pay property taxes to
pay for such ventures, not the University, which does
not contribute to City property taxes, would foot the
tab for the facility,
The University has not even offered to match City
funds, and help the Northwood V kids have a safe place
to play. That kind of thing is apparently more import-
ant to the City than it is to the University. After all,
the people affected are "only" students,
'There! Now you should come out smelling like a
Health Service Handbook
QUESTION: Can we have a
run-down on scabies - how do
you know you've got them, what
to do about them, what to do
with clothes and bedding, how
long can they live outside the
body? For instance, is it neces-
sary to boil sheets (pretty diffi-
cult in an apartment) or can
yeu just change ,the sheets and
ese them a couple et weeks la-
ter? A recent article in the
Ann Arbor News says scabies
and lice are on the increase
and we poor people need some
straight answers. Thanks.
ANSWER: Not to cast any
stones, but scabies is assncia-
ted with not-so-clean living con-
ditions. It is a disease (unfor-
tunately on the rise at present)
due to infection of the skin, and
is caused by an organism called
a mite.
Another variety of the mite,
incidentally, causes mange in
dogs, but is not transferable to
humans. The mite is a small,
whitish creature hardly visible:
to the naked eye. The female
of the species burrows beneath
the skin laying eggs as she tun-
nels along. A whole new genera-
tion arises about every four
The intense itching which
characterizes the disease usu-
ally begins from several days
to a month after infection. It
is believed to be due to irrita-
ting secretions of the mite, and
often feels worst after a bath
or shower. Little hard vasicles
containing a yellowish fluid form
along the burrows and when
these are scratched, they rup-
ture and form scabs.
Sometimes these become in-
fected. The burrows are most
frequently found between the
fingers or toes, on the hands
or wrists, about the groin and
external genitalia, behind the
knees or on the breasts. The
face and scalp are rarely at-
tacked in adults.
The disease is generally ac-
quired by -sharing a bed with
an infected person or by other
close personal contact. Normal-
ly, this takes place at night be-
cause the mites like to wander
around on the surface of the
skin when it is warm. This is
most often when a person is in
In a warm dry room, away
from the human host, mites do
not usually survive more than
four days. In moist places, how-
ever, such as in the folds of
soiled underwear, bedclothes or
towels, they can survive as long
as ten days. Thus, it is pos
ble to catch the disease eves
if you share clothes or taci
ties with someone, other tho:
a bed.
All members of the haset
should be treated simultaneou
ly by two thorough applicatist
of "Kwell," five to seven days
apart. Although "Kwell" Fe
quires a physician's prescr il-
tion, other products for treat
this infection do not cseem to
as effective.
The first appliation kils he
adult mites, the second kt
the newly hatched eggs.
Of course, all clothes, le
linen and towels need to to
thoroughlystashed and dricut
There is iso need to boil. A
bath before the first applica-
tion is desirable andsclean it-
derclothes and sheets should he
used after it. The itch may pcr
sist for some weeks after treat
ment, but can be alleviated by
applying calamine lotion.
Send all health related ques-
tions to:
Health Educators
University Health Service
Division of Office of
Student Services
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Editorials and cartoons that
appear p the right side of
the Editorial Page ore the
opinion of the a uthar or
artist, and not necessarily
the opinion of the paper,
Letters to The Daily
To The Daily:
Congressman Ptrsell should
be commended for his recent
actions in support of a national
bottle bill. Ie has shown active
support of the bill by becoming
a co-sponsor. If the bill is td
get the attention it deserves.
morn co-sponsors from Michi-
gan are needed. Our representa-
tive, Carl Pursell has written a
"dear colleague" letter to
Michigan's congressional delega-
tion urging them to join in sup-
port of the bill by becoming
Michigan's c o n g r e s smen
should follow Congressman Pur-
sell's lead and become active
supporters of the bill. They
should remeniber the people o6
Michigan are solidly behind
such a bill and we expect our
representatives to be leaders in
the campaign for a national bot-
tle bill.
Our two Senators, Mr. Griffin
and Mr. Riegle should be show-
ing more leadership on this is-
sue. They have refused to com-
mit themselves on the bottle
bill. Michigan deserves better
representation that that. We will
get it only after we nake our
feelings known to these two
It is the people of Michigan
who have been the real lead-
ers on the bottle bill. After the
legislature refused to act for
years, we passed the law our-
selves through the initiative pro-
cess. When our representatives
in Congress then refused to
strongly support a national bot-
tle bill, we took-them to task.
Michigan has been a real lead-
er on this issue. SenatorsGrif-
fin and Riegle would do well to
follow Congressman Pursell's
advice and join the real envi-
ronmental leaders by becoming
co-sponsors. They should be true
rr z~tnf% n t ha ~~a
represena ves or me peole! NEWS: Lisa Fisher, Stu McConnell, Ken Parsigian,
- Tem Moran
Mike Yellin
EDITORIAL: Linda Willcox
Letters should be typed PHOTO: Alan Bilinsky
and limited to 400 words. ARTS: David Keeps
The Daily reserves the
right to edit letters for SPORTS: Tom Cameron
length and grammar.