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May 20, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-20

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Friday, May 20, 1977


Page Seven

Friday, May 20. 1977 HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven


Viet expert depicts
changes in Vietnam

Defense doubts witness' competance

(Continued from Page 3)
He talked about the different
characteristics of the war in
the north and the south of Viet-
nam. "In the North, they
bombed mostly the cities and
drove the people into the coun-
try. In the south they bombed
thre countryside and sent the
people to the cities. Saigon
grew from 1.5 million in 1958
to 4.5 million at the end of the
This difference has necessi-
tated different programs in
the north and the aouth. The
main task facingthe northern
part of the country is rebuild-
ing the cities. In the south, the
task is to move the people
from the city back to the coun-
try. To accomplish this reset-
tlement, the Vietnamese have
initiated work in New Econom-
ic Areas. These are areas
which were previously unpop-
ulated and are now undergoing
work to make them livable.
"In terms of resettlement
they attempt two things," he
said. "First, it is to get peo-
ple to go beck to their old
farms as a family unit. Sec-
ond is to getthe people to dig

canals and build and settle in
these New Economic Areas."
Luce described the goals of
the Vietnamese government as
rehabilitation, achieving a bet-
ter living standard and work-
ing for equality. "Vietnam is
moving from an individualistic,
consumer society to a com-
munal society dedicated to the
common good."
"How many people feel that
an Ann Arbor taxi driver
should receive the same type of
medical care as Nelson Rocke-
feller?" he queried. "To get to
that type of aociety is difficult.
Vietnam is working on it. They
are not there."
Luce talked about the com-
mitment the United States has
to Vietnam and described our
policies as "cutting off our
hands to try to spite the Viet-
namese." He said, "As a coun-
try we feel strongly that the
communists are evil. We're
trying to justify the $150000
we spent and the 55,000 Ameri-
cans who died."
In 1976-77, the University's
operating budget totaled $412

Continued fream Pace 3)
nursing assistant. "You have
given unauthorized shots to
patients haven't you?" O'Brien
asked. Weston replied: "Yes,
I have."
"And wasn't there one oc-
casion about a patient named
Parsens," O'Brien queried,
"And you closed his curtain
and ignored his cries for help?"
Weston admitted that she had
closed patient Parson's curtain
on the night of the 15th, but
said that it was because the
patient "got apprehensive" and
"very demanding" when there
was commotion on the floor.
PARSONS WAS found dead in
the morning, behind his closed
O'Brien questioned the wit-
ness about statements she had
made to the FBI agents inves-
tigating the VA deaths. "Do
you recall admitting to the FBI
that you ignored patients and
even suctioned patients stom-
achs, but that you didn't have
anything to do with the VA
deaths?" the defense attorney
The witness said that she
didn't recall saying that.
AND DIDN'T you tell the
Grand Jury about a 'suspicious'
day shift nurse?" O'Brien ask-
ed. "Why did you think she
was suspicious? ..- . Because
she was Jlewish?"
Weston answered "No!"
Weston then told O'Brien
about bow the FBI had called
her a liar, and how they told
her fiancee that "he was mar-
rying a liar."
told that if you can't tell us
who did this then you must
have done it yourself," Weston

Weston then told O'Brien that
the day before she was to tes-
tify before the grand jury, VA
Chief of Staff Lindenauer called
the nursing assistant to his of-
fice and "talked about a pro-
motion" if she would recall cer-
tain things.
"I had said that I thought he
had tried to bribe me," she
O'Brien asked Weston if she
ever thought she was a suspect
in the case. "Yes, I did," she
"And did you ever think that
if things had turned out just
a little bit differently you'd be
sitting at that table where
Miss Narciso and Mrs. Perez
are today?" O'Brien asked.
Weston said "Yes."
AT ONE point during the

grueling cross - examination
session a recess was called.
After the recess, Prosecutor
Richard Delonis filed a "for-
mal complaint" because Miss
Narciso had approached Wes-
ton on the witness stand.
"Whatever Miss Narciso said
reduced Miss Weston to the
point of tears," Delonis told
Judge Philip Pratt.
O'Brien, defending Miss Nar-
ciso, asked Weston what Nar-
ciso had told her. "Did Miss
Narciso offer you a mint and
tell you that everything would
be, all right?" O'Brien asked.
Weston said "Yes."
she had been in tears before
Miss Narciso had approached
her, and that it was Defense
Attorney O'Brien who provided
a cup of coffee.

Election bill to ease
registration hassles

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(Continued from Page 1)
required to keep two sets of
records, one for state and local
elections and another for federal
Bullard said the bill will un-
dergo hearings in the House
Elections Committee. The Com-
mittee, chaired by Alfred Sheri-
dan (D-29th District), will adopt
a watch and react attitude to
Congress's response to Carter's
voter registration proposals.
Local officials reacted to Bul-
lard's proposal with mixed feel-
"I APPROVE of the bill to the
point that I know it's coming,"
Ann Arbor city clerk Jerome
Weiss said. He added he is wary
of the post card provision be-
cause of the vote fraud potential.
"The laws have to be strong
enough to make sure people
don't double vote," Weiss said.
"You know the value of one vote
in Ann Arbor."

Weiss was referring to Demo-
crat Mayor Wheeler's scant one
vote victory over Republican
Louis Belcher in the recent Ann
Arbor mayoral election. Belcher
is challenging the election re-
sults in court.
HULLARD SAID he didn't
think vote fraud would present
any problems because of the
clean voting records in other
states that have already adopted
similar laws.
"There have been two suc-
cessful elections in Minnesota
in 1974 and 1976 without any evi-
dence of substantial v o t e r
fraud," Bullard said.
Bullard added that he thought
one of the more controversial
aspects of the bill would be the
requirement for free postage for
absentee voter ballots and ab-
sentee ballot application..
"Whenever you ask somebody
to spend money you are talking
controversy," Bullard said.

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7:30 & 9:30 Admission $1.25
This simple and tender tale, which won a special Jury Prilze at
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Swiss with subtitles.
7:30 & 9:30 Adm. $1.25

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