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May 17, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-17

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Tuesday, May 17, 1977


Page ThreeI

S.Joe's gets new site(_______

By LORI CARRUTHERS on River Drive.
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital THE NEW 558 bed, $57.6
packed up its 96 patients and million hospital eventually will
240 vanloads of beds, test replace the existing . facility.
tubes, chairs and bedpans and Full occupancy in the new hos-
moved into its modern new pital will not be attained for
home Saturday. several weeks.
The hospital has changed its The building includes a six
address from 326 North In- story tower containing 520 sin-
galls Street to 5301 East Hur- gle patient rooms. The remain-
A.rab speaker, raps
Zionism as racist
Detroit attorney Abdeen Jabara fired off at the Israeli govern-
ment Saturday as "exclusionary," and called the practice of
zionism "racist."
Jabara's remarks came in a speech entitled "Is Zionism a
Form of Racism Under Law?" The lawyer was the guest speaker
at the first meeting of the Michigan Conference on Zionism, Racism
and Human Rights.
JABARA SAID the "exclusion" part of his charge was evident
in the fact that non-Jews can only serve in the Israeli Parliament
"within the context of Jewish majority parties."
The conference, sponsored by the American-Arab organization
of Ann Arbor, and held in the Michigan Union, featured speeches
on the "colonist" and "racist" practices of Israeli Zionism and
the alleged violations of Arab rights.
He also referred to exclusion in the legal system and in the
education system. He claimed that an Arab may not purchase or
rent,94.5 per cent of all agricultural land in Israel under the law,
and he called all secondary schools in Israel "segregated by law."
JABARA COMPARED Jewish exclusion of- non-Jews to the
early west of the United States "where we formed a circle of
wagon trains to keep the natives out."
The speaker then attacked zionism as a form of racism by
referring to the findings of the Racial Discrimination Convention.
There racism was defined as "any distinction, exclusion, restric-
tion or preference based on race, color, descent or national
When asked for the solution to the problem, Jabara answered:
"The return of all Palestinians kicked out in 1948 by force or
fear." He also advocated "equality before the law" that could be
challenged in court.

der of the hospital beds are de-
-voted to special care units, sur-
gical, medical, and coronary in-
tensive care.
A skeleton crew of employes
will remain at the old facility
along with physicians who still
have their offices at the old lo-
cation until July.
of this hospital relocation was
the efficiency with which the
move was run and also the in-
dividual attention each patient
received during the move. The
closely knit staff of nurses,
doctors and administrators
knew many of the patients per-
The move was necessary be-
cause the old location lacked
growing space. The new loca-
tion is on a 213 acre site, over
60 acres of which are occupied
by the new building and its
parking lots.. The rest will be
devoted to future building of
healthe- hospital related facili-
The new hospital includes
many modern electronic fea-
hires, but the hospital will not
lose the personal touch.
tive Director, stressed that the
66 year old philosophy of the
Sisters of Mercy and the hos-
pital would always remain the
same - personal, dedicated pa-
tient care. More space and im-
provements will mean only that
the needs of the patients can
be met in a more efficient way,
he said.
"This extraordinary activity
has necessitated the organiza-
tion of 19 specialized task forc-
es and many other subcommit-
tees," said Spencer Maidlow,
Hospital Administrative Assist-
ant and Move Project Manager.
Two years of careful plan-
ning ensured the smooth trans-
See ST. JOE'S, Page 14

Hersh urges honest law grads

AUTHOR WILLIAM WHYTE speaks on "The Open City:
Potentials in Urban Space" at Rackham Auditorium last
night. The speech was part of a three-day symposium on
land and its use.
Whyte* discusses future
urban space probleAms
William Whyte, author of The Last Landscape, last night
presented at Rackham Auditorium what he called a "some-
what disjointed moving record" of his study of the problems
and potentials of urban space usage. Whyte presented a film
of street activity which focused primarily on New York City,
which helped Whyte to reach conclusions about space usage
in urban centers.
Whyte found that the biggest problem in cities is the
underuse and inefficient use of space. He also found that the
recent trend of builders to construct huge megastructures
is perhaps a mistake.
WHYTE CONTENDED that "people like the street and
prefer being outdoors. The streets of the city are a much
more social place than people realize."
He said that megastructures shut out the street and its
activities. He noted that people prefer stores to be on ground
level and that they dislike going up or down unless they have
a good reason to do so. He cautioned that megastructures ire
liable to date quickly and cited the Detroit Renaissance
Center as one such structure.
Whyte's study focused primarily on the plazas which
pepper many downtown areas. He was curious about what
made some plazas popular gathering places while others were.
ignored. le found a strong correlation between the popular-
ity of certain plazas and the amount of sitable space they
offer. "People tend to sit where there are places to sit," he
See WHYTE, Page 14

"I am one of those who believes that if law- "I
yers did their job, our society would undergo meet
a massive cleansing process." So spoke New Berns
York Times investigative reporter Seymour gate,
Hersh, at Senior Day ceremonies for the Univer- Her
sity of Michigan Law School, Saturday at Rack- Racki
ham Auditorium. Watei
Hersh, who won a Pulitzer Prize for interna- nal a
tional reporting in 1970 for his stories on the My HE
Lai massacre, was the keynote speaker at. the this c
Law School graduation ceremony. 332 seniors lion d
received the juris doctor degree and 38 students by th
received degrees for advanced master of laws de's f
or master of comparative law degrees. paign
HERSH'S address included a rambling survey memo
of the crimes of the Nixon administration. He hersc
pointed to the "complete breakdown of the jus- offens
tice system," as a source of the cancer within Her
the Nixon administration. But he also indicted
High-rise high
Even though the police are denying it, it seems
likely that the lavish new Renaissance Center really
does come complete with everything - barber
shops, restaurants, bowling alleys and even some
good old home grown dope. Michael Schneider,
head of the natural science department at the
University's Dearborn campus, said he's "99.9 per
cent sure" the plants that have popped up in front
of the Cadillac Room in the Ren Cen are marijuana,
but he couldn't be certain because the plants are
still too young. The somewhat embarrassed Detroit
police say it isn't marijuana because the leaves
aren't pointed enough. Until they can be sure,
the plants will stay. So next time you're in De-
troit for a concert, and you're all out of mind
altering substances-...,

ress, saying his cohorts deserved a fair
of the blame for the scandalous-actions.
think you could make a very good argu-
that, with the exclusion of Woodward and
tein, we (the media) brought you Water-
we were the apologists," said Hersh.
sh told the standing room only audience at
ham Lecture Hald that he considered the
agate break-in a mere footnote to the crimi-
ctivity of the Nixon years.
COUNTED the covert wars conducted by
ountry in Laos and Cambodia; the $19 mil-
destabilization program perpetrated in Chile
e Central Intelligence Agency befgre Allen-
fall; and the 21 month illegal wiretap cam-
waged by the Nixon administration against
bers of the media, the military, and mem-
of his own staff, as the most impeachable
es of the Nixon White House.
sh implored the audience to conduct their
See LAW, Page 12
...happenings begin and end today with a
ference at Rackham and the league entitled
Face of-America: This Land in the Year 2000.
program, which began yesterday, and runs thr
tomorrow, is sponsored by the extension ser
That's the end of the happenings, but not the
of the announcements. Architecture Prof. U
Fader is offering a summer term course wor
credits in camera snaking. The course is the
one of its kind, and Fader promises "even kl
will have a four by five view camera when
finish the course ..."'

rth 2

istration (VA) murder trial resumer in Detroit yes-
terday ... for a full thirty seconds. Federal Judge
Philip Pratt held court long enough to tell the six-
teen-member jury that court was recessed until
Tuesday morning. Of course the judge didn't stick
around to -see their explainably hostile reaction:
Pratt was back in his chambers before the court
crier could shout "all rise!"
On the outside
Tomorrow would be an excellent day to go out
to Briarwood and browse, while soaking up that
free air conditioning. That's right, it's going to. be
another sticky one, with a high in the upper 80's.
Skies will be partly cloudy, and there is a chance
of some afternoon thundershowers. The low tonight
will be in the upper 50's.

In and out/ /
After a week long recess, the Veterans Admin-

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