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May 22, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-22

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A drastic restructuring of the
curriculum a n d organization of
the natural r e s o u r c e s school,
including abolition of departments
and possibly the school itself, was
recommended by an ad hoc com-
mittee appointed to s t u d y en-
vironmental programs within the
In a report issued last month,
the Natural Resources n Review
Committee recommended t h a t
greater flexibility be allowed in
the undergraduate program -
which could be achieved through
eliminating departmental designa-
tions - that mode financing be
provided f o r graduate students,
that programs be oriented more
toward environmental studies and
that the University s t u d y the
feasibility of creating a new Col-
lege of' Environmental Studies.
The ad hoc committee was ap-
pointed by Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan Smith on

July 25 of last year. The purpose
of the committee was "to review
the program of t h e School of
Natural Resources, its relationship
to other programs of the Univer-
sity, and its future growth and de-
When Smith appointed the com-
mittee members, he urged them
"not to be bound by convention or
hampered by tradition, but to be
free-ranging in ideas ..."
In accordance with this direc-
tive, the committee, under t h e
chairmanship of Stephen Spurr,
vice president and dean of the
graduate school, has suggested a
variety of measures to upgrade
environmental programs at the
University, with emphasis on the
School of -Natural Resources.
At the undergraduate level, the
committee recommends t h a t a
liberal arts program in environ-
mental affairs be developed which
would lead to a baccalaureate de-
gree (either B.A. or B.S.).

This liberal arts program is en-
visioned as providing a wide va-
riety of courses in humanities,
social science, and natural science
which are broadly related to en-
vironmental concerns. C o u r s e s
would embrace areas such as ur-
ban planning, human ecology and
noise pollution as opposed- to the
agriculturally oriented programs
like forestry and land conserva-
tion now offered by the school.
At the present time, there is no
liberal arts program available
within the School of Nat-
ural Resources. Rather, each of
three departments has its o w n
separate curriculum leading to a
degree. The three departments are
Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
and Resource Planning and Con-
The committee further recom-
mends that the present curricula
from each department be com-
bined into one program leading to
a B.S. degree. This one program



would have core distribution re-
quirements and allow a wide
range of options for concentra-
tion at the upper undergraduate
The committee found that most
people at the graduate as well as
undergraduate levels, within each
department had a major field of
interest which was not specifical-
ly related to the department in
which they were studying. In ad-
dition, members of the school, in-
cluding the faculty, tended, for
the most part, to identify with or-
ganizations or groups other than
their, departments. For this rea-
son the committee felt that de-
partments w e r e an unnecessary
and artificial division within the
school, and recommends thatI they
be abolished.
In place of the present depart-
ments, the committee would have
either a single administrative unit,
or a limited number of new group-
ings according to the interests of

the faculty and students. The re-
port goes on to say, however, that
no new system can be definitely
abolished until it is determined
how large the school or its suc-
cessor will be.
At the graduate level, the com-
mittee recommends that more fi-
nancial aid be given to graduate
students in the form of fellow-
ships, grants and teaching posi-
tions. The report points out that
in comparison to other schools,
the School of Natural Resources
offers little guaranteed financial
support, and could thus have dif-
ficulty attracting topr a te stu-
The committee cites two sources
of financial aid which could be
expanded - teaching fellowships
and advisor positions.,
The report suggests that large
enrollment courses in environ-
mental quality topics could pro-
vide jobs for graduate students as

well as be of benefit to large seg-
ments of the University.
Advisor positions - counseling
incoming students on course se-
lections and available programs,
are normally assumed by faculty
members with volunteer help from
graduate students. The commit-
tee recommends that these posi-
tions be given to graduate stu-
dents - with a salary - thus
freeing the faculty members for
other duties.
Another recommendation f o r
the graduate program is for it to
be more flexible "to permit both
the introduction of specializations
relevant to society's needs and the
phasing out of non-viable pro-
At the present time, the grad-
uate program offers a large num-
ber of strictly defined and limited
programs. The committee recom-
mends that this plethora of often
irrelevant degrees be replaced by
one or two general programs which

could be flexible enough to ac-
comodate themselves to any area
of student interest.
The committee's report empha-
sizes that the broad area of en-
vironmental studies is a growing
and changing field in which the
University should be a leader. The
committee also believes that this
area of environmental studies will
involve both scientific and social
sciences, as t h e y apply to the
study of the environment, to such
an extent as to justify establish-
ing a n e w College of Environ-
mental Studies.
The proposed College of Envir-
onmental Studies would either use
the present School of Natural Re-
sources as .a core, or be a com-
pletely new unit. Whatever its be-
ginning, the new school would be
professional in nature in that it
would bring the resources of the
natural and social sciences to bear

See Editorial Page Ft s
Vol LXXX, No. 13-S Ann Arbor, Michigan--Friday, May 22, 1970 Ten Cents

Partly sunny,
chance of showers
Six Pages











higher ed fund bill


COLUMBUS, Ohio {M-Militant students blocked a main
street at Ohio State University last night, prompting a call-
out of 1,100 National Guardsmen to the campus only two
days after it was reopened.
Until Tuesday, the university had been closed for 12 days
because of student riots.
OSU President Novice G. Fawcett vowed at a news con-
ference last night to keep the university open this time and
said 5,000 troops are available to help him do it.
"We cannot tolerate violence on this campus," Fawcett
said. "Any student who engages in violence will be dismissed
Fawcett said Guardsmen would cordon off the entire
"campus to block outsiders,
whom he blamed for most of
Group offers the trouble.
Columbus Safety Director James
Hughes said he recognized many
ch ldof the demonstrators from "othe
c contacts."
The city imposed a 10 p.m. tc
6 a.m. curfew on a two-square-
The new demonstrations ap-
peared to be a continuation of
The Child Care Action Group dissidence from last month wher
of Women's Liberation has sub- students called for a strike be-
mitted a proposal to Dean Wilbur cause of what they termed in-
Cohen of the education school, adequate administration response
head of the University's child care to their demands, such as in-
center study committee, calling creased black enrollment, student
for the establishment of a facility power and women's rights.
to provide low-cost short-term Two hundred police, patrolmen
day care for the eight week sum- and sheriff's deputies broke up a
met~ program, band of several hundred militant
The proposed site of the child students that had blocked Hig
care center would be the nursery Street, a main city thoroughfare
and kindergarten r o o m s of the adjacent to the campus, for two
University School. It would be op- hours.
en five days a week from 7:30- The High Street blockade capped
5:30. an afternoon of campus rallies
The staff for the facility would and demonstrations. It marked the
be a combination of volunteers first time during the day the dem-
and participating parents. T h e onstrators had moved off univer-
University would pay the sayaries sity property.
of two co-ordinators and also pay Police were armed with riot guns
the cost of establishing the fa- and bayonets and used a gas gun
cility. Total budget is estimated at to lob some tear gas canisters at
$2000. ; students.
Control of the "Drop-In Cen- Students threw rocks at police-
ter" would be a parent board se- men, but the demonstrators were
lected by the parents. Decision- one to two blocks ahead of law
making would include the vote of officers and neither the gas nor
the volunteers. the rocks were effective.
_ __ . See NATIONAL, Page 2


-Associated Press
Police protect East German premier
WEST GERMAN POLICE battle right-wing demonstrators yesterday as East German Premier Willi
Stoph visits a memorial to people killed while fighting fascism in Nazi Germany. Stoph was in West
Germany for a summer conference with West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. (See story on
page 3.)

The state Senate approved,
22-12, a higher education
spending bill early this morn-
ing which included a $73.2 mil-
lion appropriation to the Uni-
versity for the 1970-71 fiscal
year and a provision requiring
the expulsion of any student
convicted of interfering, with
normal university operations.
Late last night senators added
an amendment requiring expulsion
for any student carrying a non-
registered firearm on university
Another amendment added to
the bill last night, would require
state higher educ~ational institu-
tions to make a full report to the
state within 30 days of any violent,
destructive, or disruptive incidents
occurring on campus.
Two other amendments to the
bill, both apparently aimed in part
at leasthat this University, failed
to obtain a majority.
The first apparently aimed at
the University's recent agreement
to greatly increase black admis-
sions, would have barred the use
of racial identification on college
applications or in admissions de-
After a debate in which the
University's law school was men-
tioned specifically, the Senate also
rejected an amendment that would
have required schools to accept
all qualified in-state applicants
before accepting any new out-of-
state candidates.
Both expulsion Provisions now
included in the bill stipulate that
no part of the state appropriation
may be used for the salary of ed-
ucational costs of any students or
staff members convicted of spe-
cific actions involving campus dis-
orders or of any person found
See STATE, Page 2

t Campaign ols meetin
t gets ready for fight on prox
By HESTER PULLING lags so far behind in its treatment they are ignored," Mrs.
, and BILL DINNER of people." charged.
g Special To The Daily Channing also noted. "The gen-' Last April, the Regent
DETROIT - The Campaign to ius of the campaign was the at- the University's GM share
Make General Motors Responsible tempt to work within the system, management despite sul
yesterday held its first convention rather than to use violent means." oposition from students a
on corporate responsibility, in the Not all Campaign GM spokes- ulty.
last leg of its fight for "share- men were satisfied on that score. "Michigan was the first
holders' democracy." Press Secretary Susan Gross said sity to have an enviro:
t T d u tshe was disillusioned with "work- teach-in and we were ovel
The drive culminate today at !
the annual GM stockholders meet- + ing within the system." ed by the support it create
ing Cobo Hall in downtown De- "University presidents all over Geoffrey Cowan.
troit. the country are calling for con- "We fell an aura of o
The basic stat of the m -structive channels of dissent, but and were greatly disa]
ing eill be to create the debate- when students use these channels ; with the Regents' decisio.
over the proposal, said Phillip
Moore, executive secretary of OBSERV
Campaign GM. "We intend to
have some serious and substantial
discussions." C iy
The proposals of Campaign GM, c ou 0C
which the GM management has
recommended shareholders vote
against, are : .By
-An increase in GM's board of ;BF
directors by three members with The City C
new members who will "insist that on a propose
the board take account on the which has
many social consequences of its
decisions"; city plannin
-Establishment of an indepen- which has b
dent committee to study past GM director of t
decisions and to recommend struc- on the grou
tural changes and substantial "integrity of
goals for the future. The resole
Campaign GM leaders have ac- \Tersl
knowledged that they have no proposes to
chance of winning the fight over presently st
the proposals, but, said campaign through a re
coordinator, John Esposito, "The nect with a
major success of Campaign GM is ,secting the

Secretary of the Interior Walter Hickel tells a National Press
Club audience yesterday that the recent anti-war demonstrations
in Washington opened up new lines of communications between
young people and the government.
Woodcock succeeds
Reuther in UAW

DETROIT (M)- Leonard
Woodcock's selection to the
presidency of the United Auto
Workers, succeeding the 'late
Walter P. Reuther, w a s as-
sured yesterday with the with-
drawal of Douglas A. Fraser,
the only other candidate.
Woodcock, 59, is not expected
to change the UAW's policies or


o vote on extension

the demands it will make later
this year in contract negotiations
with the automotive .and agricul-
tural implement industries.
Fraser, like Woodcock a UAW
vice president, said in withdraw-
ing: 'There is no division in
ranks. We will go to the bargain-
ing table united as never before.
The difference will be in style,
not philosophy."
The 25-member International
Executive Board will name Reu-
ther's successor today to serve un-
til the union's 1972 convention.
Fraser said 13 executive board
members had expressed favor for
Woodcock in private conferences
with Secretary - Treasurer Emil
Mazey, who has been acting pres-
ident since Reuther's death in an
airplane crash May 9. Fraser said
12 had favored him.
Woodcock has led the 1.6 mil-
lion member union's bargaining
team in several tangles with the
world's largest manufacturing cor-
poration, General Motors,
In addition to being chief of the
UAW's GM Department, Wood-
cock also is head of its Aerospace
Department, where contracts ex-
pire next year. Between them, the
two departments contain almost
one-third of the union's mem ers.
Fraser said he "certainly will
not challenge" Woodcock's re-

Council will vote Monday night
d extension of Observatory St.
been termed "an atrocity in
g" by an SGC member and
een strongly criticized by the
the city planning department
rnds that it would violate the
the neighborhood."
ation before council next week
extend Observatory St., which
ops at Geddes (see map),
sidential neighborhood to con-
and cross Washtenaw, inter-
corner of Forest Ave. and

oppose the resolution at the 7:30 p.m.
Monday meeting at City Hall. Opponents
to the extension have urged all interested
residents of the area to appear at the
The primary purpose of the extension,
explains Michael Prochaska, director of
the city planning department, is to facili-
tate the flow of traffic to the University
Hospital complex from the southern area
of Ann Arbor. The high volume of traffic
resulting from direct connection between
Forest and Observatory, he says, would
disrupt the "cohesive nature" of the pre-
dominantly student residential area which
is characterized hv high nedestrian use.

I Wzid. MW

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