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May 21, 1970 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy,
sunny and warmner

Vol. LXXX, No. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 21, 1970 Ten Cents

Six Pages

State panel







ask $73
The state Senate Appropri-
ations Committee yesterday'
recommended a $73.2 million
appropriation to the Univer-
sity for the 1970-71 fiscal year
-$2.5 million less than Gov.
William Milliken had recom-
University officials yesterday'
speculated that if the lower figure
is adopted by the Legislature, ,he
University may be in for another
--A tP tuition hike for 1970-71.
-Associated Press The Regents approved a 15 per
'etire cent tuition hike in April, warning
at that time that if the size of
yesterday announced the state appropriation turned out
iber. The 78-year-old to be substantially lower than the
(See Story on Page 3), amount recommended by Milliken,
the tuition might be raised still
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith explained last
night that if the Appropriation
Committee's recommendation is
s c ses accepted by teh Legislature, the
'-' ~"-"-"-"-'University has the option of cut-
ting certain expenditures from the
1970-71 budget, or raising tuition.
tden ts we declined to seul te on whi
was the more likely possibility.c

Punitive measure hit
by 'U' administrators
The state Senate Appropriations Committee proposed
b .yesterday that any student convicted of interfering with
normal university operation be expelled.
The proposal was part of a committee appropriations
report recommending that the state's institutions of high-
er education be allotted $329.1 million.
The expulsion provision, proposed by Charles 0. Zollar
(R-Benton Harbor), stipulates that no part of the higher
education appropriation may be used for the salary or edu-
cational costs of any students or faculty members convicted
of specific actions involving campus disorders. If passed, this
clause would, in effect, make expulsion compulsory.
Actions falling under the provision's jurisdiction include
remaining in campus buildings

McCormack to r
that he will-not seek reelection in Novem
Democrat has served as speaker since 1962.
CSJ dismisse
aai nst 4 stil

-Associated Press I

Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) dismissed cases Tuesday
night against four students accused of disrupting classes
during the Black Action Movement strike in March. The
action was taken when the faculty members who are press-
ing charges failed to appear after CSJ decided they had
received "adequate notice."
The four students involved-are (Peter Denton, Grad, Marc
Van Der Hout, '71, Randall Clarke, '72 and Andrei Joseph, '71.
The cases of the first three will go back to administrative
boards of their respective schools, where they had requested
hearings before asking to have their cases removed to CSJ.
Joseph, who originally requested a hearing officer, has
already had his case heard, although the verdict has not been
- - ------released yet. The cases of the

Peace group
collects 5,000
In six days of canvassing, the
Ann Arbor Community Coalition
has collected nearly 5000 signa-
tures on a petition demanding an
end to the w a r in Indochina.
About twice that number h a v e
been personally urged to w r i t e
their representatives in support of
congressional action to stop the
Dr. D o n a1d L. Rucknagel,
spokesman for the coalition of
Ann Arbor peace groups, s a y s
"5000 signatures is reasonably im-
pressive, but, since Cambodia,
there are many, many more sig-
natures and letters available if we
can find enough additional can-
The coalition has established a
co-ordinating center for the door-
to-door effort at the Pine Room
of the First Methodist Church.
The canvassers are placing new
importance on letters to Ann Ar-
bor Congressman Marvin L. Esch,
as work is completed in the House
of Representatives on a measure
similar to the McGovern-Hat-
field amendment in the Senate.
The measure would end funds for
military operations in Cambodia
in 30 days, in Laos by the end of
the year, and would require the
withdrawal of all American forc-
es from Vietnam by June 30, 1971.
The Community Coalition hopes
to persuade Esch to join Rep.
Donald Riegle (R-Flint) and oth-
ers as a co-sponsor of the lasure.
The coalition has broadened its
efforts to end the war, as a re-
sult of several meetings this week.
The group plans small gatherings
of labor uion leaders, local busi-
nessmen, physicians and educators
to discuss the war in Indochina.
And efforts will be made to ini-
tiate door-to-door campaigns and
meetings on the w a r in other

other three will apparently be
held over u n t i 1 fall, s i n c e
many witnesses and some of
the defendants are gone for
the summer,
CSJ Member Marc Wohl, '70,
said that the faculty members in-
volved were to have appeared a
week ago, but because one of the
defendants had failed to receive
official notification of the hear-
ing, it was postponed until Tues-
day to make sure the plaintiffs
had all been notified.
The faculty members, - mathe-
matics Prof. Bernard Galler, clas-
sical studies Prof. Theodore But-
trey, Latin Prof. Gerda Seligson,
mathematics Prof. Wilfred Kin-
kaid and English teaching fellow
William Horwath-failed to ap-
pear at any of the preliminary
hearings as well.
In other action, CSJ rejected a
plea by Robert Greig, a student,
on, behalf of the married students
living in the University's North-
wood Apts. The plea sought to en-
join Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp from raising rents
to obtain money for paying the
Ann Arbor School Board for the
education of children riving at
Northwoods, as approved by the
Regents last week.

Also recommended by the Ap-
propriations Committee was an
allocation of $3.5 million for capi-
tal construction at the University
-$9.3 million less than the Uni-
versity had requested.
The $3.5 million includes: j
-$100,000 for the completion of
renovation of the East Medical1
-$80,000 for the planning of a
building on North Campus to
house the engineering college;
-$500,000 for renovation of the
University Hospital;
-$150,000 for long-range plan-
ning for the modernization and
expansion of the medical center;
-$826,000 for completion of the
Dental Bldg.;
-$175,000 for the planning of a
classroom and office building at
the University's Flint campus;
-$1.7 million for continuing
construction of the new Modern
Languages Bldg.
The $73.2 million allocation
recommended by the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee is slated
for the general fund budget-
which includes most of the Uni-
versity's funds for instruction,I
faculty salaries, and student ser-
The University originally re-
quested the state to allocate $841
million to the 1970-71 general
fund, which would provide an in-
crease in general fund expendi-
tures of $15.5 million over this
An appropriation of $73.2 mil-
lion, plus the 15 per cent tuition
increase, would provide an in-
crease in general fund expendi-
tures of about $9.3 million.
The bulk of the increase is ex-I
pected to cover a raise in faculty
and staff salaries and fringe ben-
efits costing about $6 million.
The rest of the increase in-
cludes funds for:
-The start of a program for
increasing black enrollment to 101
a See PANEL, Page 3 .

or on campus when requested
to leave and participating in
any action which leads to a
disturbance of normal activi-
ties or involves destruction to
property or injury to persons.
Commenting on the punitive
provision of the appropriation bill,
Arthur Ross, University vice pres-
ident for state relations and plan-
ning, said, "I feel that mandatory,
legislative penalties are inflexible
and unsound."
"Such penalties make it more
difficult to maintain an effcetive
program for stability on campus,''
he added.
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith said simply, "I
view such measures with disfavor."
Zollar said yesterday that he
proposed the punitive provision in
order to prevent what he feared
would be a slash of college budgets
in retaliation for recent campus
disorders. .
"Hopefully, this will give the
administration the backbone and
guts I think they need," to move
against disorders, Z o 11 a r said,
adding "Administrators aren't
likely to keep anyone they don't
get the money to pay for."
Rep. William Copeland (D-Wy-
andotte), chairman of the House
appropriations committee, said
last week, "There's not going to
be one more damn building built
on any campus until those kids are
ready to go to school."
Countering such opposition, Zol-
lar said he would fight any at-
tempts to slash the budget during
Senate floor deliberation.
If the proposed tie-in provision
passes the Legislature and is sign-
ed by Gov. Milliken, university ad-
ministrators could expel any stu-
dent who:
-"Intentionally constitutes a
clear and substantial risk of phys-
ical harm or injury to other per-
-"Intentionally constitutes a
clear an substantial risk of dam-
age of property of the institution,"
-Participate in the "unreason-
able prevention or disruption of
the customary and lawful function
of the institution by occupying
space necessary (for carrying out
the institution's functions) or by
use of force or by threat of force."
These actions are presently pun-
ishable by a jail sentence of 90
days and fine of between S200 and
$300, as stipulated in a bill signed
by Gov. Milliken last week.

Ref orm
body seeks,
GM stoeki
By The Associated Press
Leaders of a campaign to "make
GM responsible," are eying the
owners of $8 million shares of
General Motors stock who didn't
bother to vote their shares at last
year's annual meeting.
The campaign committee sees
these shareholders as an untapped
so ce of proxy strength at GM's
anfual shareholders meeting Fri-
The Regents decided at their
April meeting that they would
continue to cast the University's
28,696 shares in accordance with
the GM management's recom-
Campaign spokesmen say their
greatest hope is for a wide-
ranging shareholder debate at
Friday's meeting over the t w o
campaign proposals: increasing
the board of directors by addition'
of three so-called "public" mem-
bers and establishment of a share-
holders' committee to study com-
pany policies.
The committee would evaluate
the firm's performance in such
areas as fighting pollution, pro-
duct reliability and the impact of
GM policies on Americans in gen-
GM management h a s recom-
mended that shareholders v o t e
against a n y dissident proposals
that may arise, maintaining that
they are designed to hamper op-
erations and to further the cam,
paign's special interests which al-
legedly include harassment of
GM management.
Philip W. Moore, 27-year-old
executive secretary of the cam-
paign, said yesterday that his
group has attracted a small num-
ber of votes from individuals who
indicated they had not voted their
shares in the past.
The campaign was launched
Feb. 7 in Washington with an
announcement by consumer ad-
vocate Ralph Nader, who lent his
name to the campaign but is nob
actively involved himself. Nader
said he would not attend the an-
nual meeting.

-Associated Press
A 120-MILE PROTEST MARCH by black people continues in Georgia yesterday (upper picture).
Meanwhile (below), Jackson State student Carl Griffin,' at right in lower picture, discusses last
week's campus shooting with congressional visitors. From left, the Rep. Don Edwards (D- Calif),
Rep. William Clay (D-Mo), Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Idaho), Sen. Walter Mondale (D-Minn) and Alex
Waites, NAACP field secretary.
1 .
March to Atlnta continues;
congressmenl inspect Jackson,

Rev. Ralph David Abernathy tookj
over the reins of a mule-drawn
wagon yesterday and led about
400 marchers toward Atlanta afterj
calling for federal protection for
the group.
Meanwhile, a group of congress-
men visiting Jackson State College
expressed astonishment at the
scarred dormitory where two black
students were killed by police gun-
fire last week.
Abernathy is the head of the

State panel approves expansion
of Dearborn to 4-year college

Southern Christian Leadership,
Conference (SCLC), which is
sponsoring the march in protest of
repression in the South and t cross
the nation.
The march began Tuesday at
Perry, Ga., and will end in At-
lanta Saturday.
Abernathy told the marchersI
that this "wave of repression" isj
"part of a calculated program ofj
genocide against black people and
poor people in this country."
Abernathy, who said he will be
with the march the rest of the way
to Atlanta, called for federal pro-
tection after noting that Gov. Les-
ter Maddox declined to provide a
police escort as requested by
tThe governor assigned state
patrolmen to observe the march
and put down any disorder if it
should occur.
"We call upon President Rich-
ard Milhous Nixon to provide fed-
eral protection to these nonviolent
marchers as President Johnson
did in the Selma to Montgomery
march," Abernathy said in a brief
speech before the group left Fort
Valley. "If he does not give us that
protection, we're going to march
The current march has been
peaceful and with no hint of trou-
ble, in sharp contrast to the Ala-
hmma manh to wih AbernatKhy

"It looks like Normandy . . . the
size of the weapons," declared Sen.
Birch Bayh, (D-Ind).
Bayh said he could find no jus-
tification for the heavy . gunfire
which raked all five floors of the
building as about 200 blacks stood
in front of it last Friday morning.
"You just don't shoot every-
body," he said. "Here you have
girls wounded, a full-scale assault.
Look at the bullet holes."

The state Senate Appropri-
ations Committee gave its go-
ahead yesterday for expansion
of the University's Dearborn
campus to a four-year institu-
tion. The action followed a sim-
ilar recommendation by Gov.
William Milliken last week, de-
spite a request a month ago by
the State Board of Education
for a freeze on expansion funds
for the branch campus.

planning, said last night. How-
ever, he declined to say that ex-
pansion at Dearborn was as-
sured, as it is still pending final
approval by the Legislature.
The State Board of Educa-
tion's request for a freeze came
after a meeting with the Regents
in March when the two groups
failed to agree on the question
of complete autonomy for Dear-
born. The Board maintained
that any plans for expansion

In addition to the freeze on
expansion funds, the Board ask-
ed for a study of educational
needs in the Detroit metropoli-
tan area by a citizens' commit-
tee. Peter Oppewall, the Board's
chairman, said the Board was
not sure Dearborn was the ideal
site for meeting the educational
needs of the inner city and
wanted to explore the question
further before approving the ex-
pansion funds.

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