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July 31, 1970 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-31

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94t £ic4lpn nt
420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The MAchiaon Doily exoress the individL
opinions of the author This must be noted in ol reprint


Despite the lack of publicity,
the Panther trials go on'

Fridoy, July 31, 1970

Fr~doy, July 31, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY



FRIDAY, JULY 3; 1970

News Phone: 764-4

Action not interest
NEWSPAPERS around the country have b e e n g
prominent play to various aspects of the pollution
sis. Headlines such as "Sato plans action to meet p
lion crisis in Japan," "Toronto's pollution is worst of{
mer," "New York declares pollution crisis," "Austra
act on pollution after outcry over noxious Sydney sr
and "Michigan gets law permitting anyone to sue
pollution," appear daily in nearly every newspaper i
A good deal of the interest in this area is undoul
ly due to the demonstrations held last spring in conj
tion with Earth Day. Obviously the Earth Day rhe
has succeeded in bringing the issue to the forefront
EARTH DAY, HOWEVER, has apparently failed ii
more important task - that of prompting the lea
ship of the country to take the necessary steps to save
environment. Aside from token moves by the Nixon
ministration and some state governments little has'
President Nixon refuses to spend little more than
per cent of his budget on improving the nation's eco
The amount of money spent in this area must not be
ited by other considerations -- the environment is n
place for penny-pinching.
Several things can be done to begin to correct
problem. One action might be the establishment of a
inet department on the environment to coordinate
war on pollution. Second, and more important, woul
the appointment of an outspoken secretary to lead
fight for the environment. Third and most impor
would be a genuine commitment on the part of Presi
Nixon to lead a national fight against pollution; i.e.,
just his rhetorical statements indicating verbal sup
for efforts to save the environment.
The Nixon administration, and for that matter
rest of the country, must take action now - an envi
mental Pearl Harbor may be closer than you think.
Summer Editorial Staff
ALEXA CANADY ........................................Co-Ed
MARTIN HIRSCHMAN.....................................Co-Ed
SHARON WEINER .. ................ . ..... Summer Supplement Ed
SARA KRULWICH.......................................Photo Ed
LEE KIRK ................... .................. Summer Sports S,
NIGHT EDITORS: Rob Bier, Nadine Cohodas, Erika Hoff
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Bill Alterman, Lindsay Chaney,
Hertz, Debra Thai
Summer Business Staff
IAN WRIGHT ...................................... Business Man
PHYLLIS HURWITZ.. Display Advertisin
RICHARD RADCLIFFE.........................Classified Adverti
DAVID BELL .............................. ..... .. ... .Circulat
ASSISTANTS: Debby Moore, Janet Engl, Andy Golding

THE NEWS MEDIA, outside of
u0l the underground papers, have
S. been completely ignoring t h e
trials of Black Panthers across the
)552 country. These are the most im-
portant political trials of our time
- and although news of Charles
Manson and John Norman Collins
fills the front pages of most pa-
pers, any mention of the Pan-
thers is rarely to be found.
Many excuses can be made for
iving this, but that is what they are -
a cri- excuses. A little digging turns up
)Ollu- information that should be avail-
SUM- able to everyone.
sum- In New York City, the NY 21
ians gave just finished filing motions
nog," at the end of their pre-trial. Judge
over Murtagh will rule on them at the
n the end of August. Jury selection will
begin on September 8.
One of the defendants, Michael
bted- Tabor, was bailed out yesterday.
unc- Although 21 Panthers were charg-
Aoric ed with conspiracy to b o m b a
number of New York buildings, in-
cluding Macy's Department Store,
only 16 have been captured. The
n its remainder have successfully gone
ader- underground.
e the Six of the 16 are now out on
S bail, which was set at a ridiculous
1ad- $100,000 each. Mrs. Afeni Shakur
been was bailed out by a church group.
Richard (Dharuba) Moore was
freed mainly on money from Ab-
1 one bie Hoffman. An epilectic whose
logy. trial was severed from the others,
lim- Lee Barry, had his bail reduced to
lot a $15 thousand and was freed by the
Committee of Returned Peace
Corps Volunteers, Joan Bird was
the freed by women across the coun-
cab- try, especially the women of the
the New York Women's Center. Ede
thbe die (Jamal) Josephs, a juvenile,
d be was also freed.
the There are seven more Panthers
'tant in jail who are waiting to be bail-
dent ed out - money is badly needed,
not On the 28th and 29th of August,
the Black Panther Party (BPP)
tport will hold a People's Tribunal of
the 21 on 125th St. in Harlem. The
the people are invited. -
Because the BPP believes in
ron- trial by juries composed of peers,
when t h e trial opens September
8Z instead of a demonstration,
IRTZ there will be a Join the Jury Day.
It hopes to prove that there is no
way that a jury of peers for the
Panthers can be found in Man-
litor MEANWHILE, in New Haven,
litor Conn., the trial of Lonnie McLu-
itor cas goes into t h e second week.
taff This trial is for allegedly kidnap-
ping a n d conspiring to murder
Phil Alex Rackley. All nine face this
charge but Lonnie alone faces the
charge of first degree murder; he
will be tried for that, in another
ager county, at the end of this trial.
'g ne Even though the nine face the
ion same charges, they are being tried

One of the women, Frances Car-
ter is now out on bail. She is the
first person in Connecticut to be
allowed bail while being tried for
a capital offense. However, while
she was still in jail, the pregnant
woman was forced to have h e r
baby in jail under armed guards.
Another woman, Rose Smith,
also was forced to have her baby
in jail under horrible conditions.
She is still there.
Margaret Hudgins is now suf-
fering from severe arthritis.. Fin-
gers so swollen t h a t she can't
braidsher hair, knit, or write. El-
bows with knobs on them, that
ooze mucas when it is d a m p.
Knees swollen, in constant pain.
There is a possibility that she has
cancer. She is receiving no medi-
cation, no physical therapy, no
exercise, poor diet. She may be
irreversibly crippled for life, that
is, if she lives. Requests to allow
a doctor of her choice to see her
have been denied by prison offi-
cas marks the beginning of the
trial of the New Haven 9 -- 8
members of the New Haven Pan-
thers and BPP Chairman Bobby
The defendants In both N e w
Haven and New York have al-
ready spent more than a year in
jail. Harrassment has been going
on inside the prisons.

Summer is a relatively slack
period for the publication of
quality paperbacks, yet a num-
ber of seemingly interesting and
important new and re-issues
have come out in the past few
months. Of those to have reach-
ed our desk, the following seem
most pertinent.
For all of the paper wasted
(and trees destroyed) to trans-
mit second-hand opinions on the
uses and abuses of psychedelic
drugs, few publications bother to
deal with an exploration of two
factors of the drug experience


Chemicals of a different na-
ture are considered in two
"Ralph Nader Study Group Re-
ports" just published by Gross-
man. The famed Nader's Raiders
have attacked the Food and
Drug Administration to show
how that organization has de-
ceived consumers and concealed
important information - (.95c);
another book entitled The Na-
der Report on Vanishing Air
deals with the Government's
failure to face the problems of
the destruction of earth's life-
sustaining atmosphere. (.95c).

Eldridge Cleaver
BPP Minister of
To do anything, it is necessary
to know what is happening and to
care. Go to t h e trials, demand
that the news media cover the

century. Collier Books hav
published a relatively earl
ument, Benjamin Brawl
Social History of the Ami
Negro, first published in
1$2.95) Browley, who
Black historian and teac
English with degrees from
house College, Universi
Chicago, and Harvard, se
goals for his book: it i
titled "A History of the
Problem in the United
including A History and
of the Republic of Liberia.
-Another book on Negr
tory of unusual interest is
ard M. Brotz's The Black
of Harlem. Schocken,
Brotz deals with Harlem's
gregation of Comman
Keepers, under Black
Wentworth Matthew in
1920's, a group which sou
the myth of an Ethiopiai
brew origin, a solutionib
problems of Black identity
Two new anthologies of
writing seem a cut abov
normal: one is Soulseript,
lection of Afro-America]
etry, edited. by Juneic
which gathers the well-k
Brooks, Hughes, Hayden,
Wright) and the less freq
encountered. (Doubleday,
Twelve short stories by, A
writers have been collecte
introduced by Charles L
and published by Collier1
($1.50). Collier's African/A
ican Library is, by the
probably the best sustaine
lishing venture in Afro-A
can writing. It would bei
to mention here another a
ogy entitled New African1
ature and the Arts, ande
by playwrite Joseph O
Although the book comesl
cover only (Crowell, $8.95
paku's collection include
says, poetry, short stories,
ma and film criticism,
and dance criticism, and
les on African art; D
Johnson, a professor of E
at the University, has botl
etry and a short story i:
Three new publicationsi
field of music are esp
welcome in paperback ed
Norton has brought outs
ed writings by Charles
which include his "Essay
fore a Sonata" (a verbal a
da to his Concord So
"Some 'Quarter-tone' Ir
sions," and other essays
directed to the cultural/
cal scene of his d a y. ($
Arnold Schoenberg's tren
Fundamentals of Musical
position, edited by G e

ve also Strang and Leonard Stein, has
y doc- been re-issued by St. Martin's
ey's A Press in a handsome paperback
erican filled with musical examples.
1921. Though perhaps not for the be-
was a ginner, Schoenberg's exegeses
her of are not really that difficult and
More- are usually quite illuminating,
ty of especially since samples f r o m
t wide scores are so abundantly provid-
s sub- ed. Many of Schoenberg's more
Negro general comments provide fod-
States der for the amateur aesthetic-
Study ian, such as: "The concept that
music expresses something is
o his- generally accepted. However,
How- chess does not tell stories."
k Jews <t$3.95)
$1.75). No lover of opera will want to
Con- miss Henry Pleasants' T h e
dment Great Singers. (Simon and Sch-
Rabbi uster, $2.95) Beginning roughly
a the in the 16th century and follow-
ght. in ing the path of opera up to our
n-He- own time,dPleasants chronicles
o the both the development of vocal
"" styles and the singers who ex-
Black celled in those styles. As ex-
ve the pected from a critic who believes
a col- the tradition of "classical" (i.e,
ni po- serious) music to be dead, Plea-
ordan, sants does not linger over pres-
known ent day vocal artists, excepting
Reed, some comments on Sutherland
uently and Callas. In general, he feels
$1.75) that the lack of new repertoire
frican has had a deadening effect on
d and the art of singing itself. The
arson, book is well illustrated w i t h
Books both musical examples and pic-
Amer- tures of famous singers.
way, Assorted titles: The late A. J.
d pub- Muste w a s one of America's
kmeri- oldest "fighters" for pacifism,
useful rational government, and moral
nthol- courage in public affairs; at 80,
Liter- he was respected not for his ve-
edited nerable age but because he con-
kpaku. tinued to pursue his course.
hard- The Essays of A. J. Muste, ed-
), Ok- ited by Nat Hentoff, range from
s s- a pacifist tract written in 1905
dra- to a 1966 essay on Vietnam. (Si-
music mon and Schuster, $3.45 - the
artic- book is not well b o u n d and
,emuel tends to split easily.) The only
nglish reason to mention M.I.T.'s new
h p- re-issue of Nathan Glazer and
n this Daniel P. Moynihan's Beyond
the Melting Pot, a classic which
in the will be familiar to anyone in-
ecially terested in sociology and poli-
itions. tical science, is that it contains
select- a new, 90-page introduction on
Ives the state of affairs in New York
s Be- City. ($1.95): One could per-
,dden- haps argue, however, that it is
nata), hardly worth the effort to wor-
mpres- ry over problems of a multira-
more cial society when t h e greater
politi- problem of society as a unified
$2.45). organism, destroying the planet
ichant for all, is more crucial, if not
Corm- fatal.
r a 1 d --R. A.P.

Letters to the Editor


To the Editor:
BEING A LETTER carrier in
Chicago for the past two summers.
I was interested in the article
about the post office (Daily, July
23). However, I would like to clear
up some misconceptions.
First of all, special delivery serv-
ice means that the letter will be
delivered to the addressee with the
greatest speed. This means that, if
in the opinion of the supervisor or
the special carrier, the letter will
be delivered more quickly by the
regular carrier, then it is given to
him to take out. This is some-
times done, especially if the letter
comes in the first part of the
route. However, since the residen-
tial mail service is very slow in
Ann Arbor, this should not be a
regular procedure and if enough
people complain, maybe you could
get service restored.
Your second misconception in-
volved the inequality of service
to business and residential areas.
This inequality exists, not only in
special delivery, but in regular

mail service. In Chicago, business-
es in the downtown business dis-
trict get three deliveries daily,
while businesses in outlying dis-
tricts get two deliveries daily if
they get a lot of mail. This is in
sharp contrast to normal people
who have trouble getting their
mail delivered correctly once, a
Your third mistake is in being
surprised that the post office as a
whole is not totally aware of what
it is doing. It has been my experi-
ence that the post office hasn't
the slightest idea of what is going
on anywhere. The fact that the
mail moves out every day is a con-
stant- source of amazement to
everyone involved.
-Mike Siegfried '72
July 27
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-,
one who wishes to submit
articles. Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.

Charles Ives

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that originally excited users
most : the aesthetic and relig-
ious. One exceptioncis Miserable
Miracle by the French poet and
painter Henri Michaux. Mich-
aux records in this City Lights
book ($1.95) his experience
with mescaline and the effect of
these experiences on his art;
examples of Michaux's drawings
are included. Another explorer
into the realms of chemical-in-
duced changes of consciousness
is America's own guru, Allen
Ginsberg, and Ginsberg's In-
dian Journals-a collection of
the poet/seer/politician-of-ex-
perience's jottings from his
wanderings through India in
1962-63-have just been pub-
lished by City Lights ($3.00).
The man who coined the term
"psychedelic" was the scientist
Dr. Humphry Osmond; Osmond
and Bernard Aaronson have just
published.an anthology entitled
Psychedelics: The Uses and Im-
plications of Hallucinogenic
Drugs (Anchor $2.45). Judging
from the table of contents, this
book would seem to be far above
the usual collection of repetitive
articles. Included, for example,
is an excerpt from Walter N.
Pahnke's doctoral thesis at Har-
vard, an important study that
has not received sufficient at-
tention now that the drug issue
has been so thoroughly politi-
cized. Pahnke's thesis for the
Harvard Divinity School dealt
with a double-blind experiment
on divinity students who were
fed either a hallucinogenic drug
or a placebo; ensuing "religious
experiences" were then qualita-
tively analyzed. Osmond and
Aaronson have also included
sections on non-drug analogues
to the psychedelic state, the
sociology of psychedelics, and
anthropological considerations;
an extensive bibliography is
Today's Writers.. .
Richard Edwards is Professor
of Chinese Art History and
Chairman of the History of Art
Department at the University.
Laurence Coven is working to-
ward his Master's degree in
English literature. R.A.P. edits
the Books Page.

SF. themes beyond human ken


Lois and Stephen Rose, THE
Press, $3.50.
Science fiction, as a genre,
has constantly suffered from a
dearth of good critical analysis.
Lois and Stephen Rose attempt
to fill part of the void with The
Shattered Ring, subtitled "Sci-
ence Fiction and the Quest for
Meaning." Although well-written,
concise (only 123 pages), and
well-documented, the book lacks
the status and the sense of im-
portance good criticism must
The Roses do discuss several
vital themes SF often develops:;
the nature of man, environment
and Nature and their relation-
ship to man's eventual success
or inevitable destruction, and
man's conception of history and
time. Although each of these
themes really deserves its own
volume, the Roses rush through
them in short chapters dotted
with quotes and references to
substantiate their views. Un-
fortunately, what they say is
very little. Often, an interesting
subject appears only to be gone
before one has reached any un-
derstanding of what the authors
The dilemma of man's domi-
nation of nature or his return
to it receives the most atten-

tion. The Roses demonstrate
clearly, with well-chosen ex-
amples, how a great deal of SF
has been concerned with this
problem. Especially interesting
are their views on Heinlein, the
great champion of controlled
environment. The Roses percep-
tively point out that a typical
Heinlein society, in which even
human breeding comes under
rigid controls, though supposed-
ly executed for the good of man,
soon develops into an aristo-
cratic "elitism" in which one
man's or one group's idea of
goodness becomes forcefully im-
posed on all.
Any theory opposed to Hein-
lein's of dominating control, the
authors say, results in total sub-
missiveness to nature, or, if
theologically inclined, to God or
the gods. The only real critical
blast of the book centers on :C.
S. Lewis's triology - Out of the
Silent Planet, Perelandra, and
That Hideous Strength. The
authors view. Lewis's idea of a
planet populated by an unfallen
race who have never known sin
and who constantly pray to and
adore their god, as a simplistic,
immature study of man's strug-
gle with evil. The Roses reject
Lewis's assumption "that never
to have fallen is the equivalent
of redemption."
Unfortunately, this excellent
example of critical insight is
rare in the book, Even the dis-

Like the subject of drugs, the
more important subject of
Negro history and culture has
g o a d e d publishers to new
heights of repetition and irrele-
vancy. Some books, often re-
issues, do however make valu-
able contributions to our
understanding of the Black ex-
perience, past and present.
M.I.T. Press has re-issued a
study, edited by W. E. B. Du-
Bois, entitled The Negro Ameri-
can Family ($2.95). The special
fascination of this study is that
it was executed in 1909 and 1910
for Atlanta University and is a
d e t a i1e d examination of the
home life, family pattern, and
economic situation of Negro
Americans at the turn of the

cussion of man and nature falls
short of any real comprehen-
siveness when one considers all
the variations on this theme
that SF encompasses; the Roses
are content to mention only the
Other chapters, especially one
concerning time, contain little
discussion or insight into the
goals, successes, or failures that
SF has produced, nor do they
mark any trends that might in-
dicate in which direction SF is
headed. The book deteriorates
into a series of quoted exmaples
chosen rather arbitrarily and to
no particular end other than to
reveal how well-read the au-
thors are.
The failure of The Shattertd
Ring to reach a respectable
level of analysis can be attrib-
uted more to technical causes
than to lack of ability. Lois and
Stephen Rose are obviously very
knowledgeable, and, when they
work hard enough, can produce
a stimulating discussion on im-
portant thematic aspects of SF,
but trouble develops simply be-
cause they attempt to discuss
too many major themes. The at-
tempt to pack a universe if SF
into this asteroid of a book re-
sults only in helter-skelter .:nen-
tionings of ideas, books, authors,
and page numbers that has
about as much consistency as
the outer reaches of the Crab

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