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July 31, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-31
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Friday, July 31, 1970 Friday, July 31, 1970


arms for
S. Africa
LONDON (A -- Opposition byr
most Commonwealth countries is
forcing Britain to reappraise its
plan to resume limited sales of
weapons to South Africa.
Britain has 29 Commonwealth
partners. An Associated Press sur-
vey indicates 21 are hostile to the
weapons plan.
The British reassessment is
expected to take months, w i t h
some authorities suggesting that
no final stance can emerge until
well into 1971.
Prime Minister Edward Heath
announced plans to resume the
sales shortly after he took office
last month. The South Africans
had requested redefinition of
Britain's attitude toward the
Simonstown defense pact of 1955.
That accord embodies a commit-
ment for joint British-South Afri-
can defense of route used by
tankers carrying Persian Gulf oil
to this country.
Heath informed Commonwealth
leaders of the new policy without
inviting their comments on it.
Stressing Britain's interest in the
security of the southern African
trade route he said:
"We have decided that we
should, essentially in relation to
demand for our own defense in-
terests, return in part to o It r
former policy over the supply of
Most Commonwealth leaders
have written back. Some of the
21 governments opposing the pol-
icy have warned privately they
would quit the multiracial Com-
monwealth rather than acquiesce
to it. Others have suggested Brit-
ain's act would lead to the col-
lapse of the Commonwealth sys-
tem--a voluntary association of
states embracing 800 million peo-
ple around the world.
The 21 are India, Pakistan, Cey-
lon, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nauru,
Tonga, Cyprus, Gambia, Ghana,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania.
Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Jamaica,
Barbados, Trinidad, Guyana and
Expressing private support for
Britain's policy, while remaining
publicly silent, are Australia, Mal-
awi and Malta.
Five other countries seem in the
middle, not especially liking the
plan but feeling the decision is
Britain's alone. These are Singa-
pore, Lesotho, Botswana, Swazi-
land and New Zealand.
Daily Official Bulletin
Day Caendar
Friday, July 31
Dept. of Phys. Ed. Le.: P. R. The-
bert. Los Angeles. "Current Innovative
Designs for Physical Education & Atli-
letic Buildings": 140 Bus. Ad., 1 p.m.
New Vistas In School Counseling Pan-
el Discussion: Dr. Wm. Cash. Thelma
Daley Dr. G. Walz. Multipurpose Rm..
UGLI, 2 p.m.
Cinema Guild: I Married a Witch &
Chickens Come Home (short. Archi-
tecture Aud.. 7 & 9:05 p.m.
Dept. of Speech - Michigan Reper-
tory 70: Born Yesterday, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. 8 p.m.
Degree Recital: William David. piano,
Sch. of Music Recital Hall. 8 p.m.
Degree Recital: Sandra Strobe, o-
gn. Hill Ad.. 8 p.m.
(Continued on pae 11)

NY power
NEW YORK (P)-Electricity
flowed into New York City's
crippled power system from as
far away as Tennessee Wednes-
day, but there was no relief from
smog that has blanketed the
area for seven days.
Lower temperatures also help-
ed reduce the air- conditioning
drain on available electricity, as
did public response to pleas for
lower consumption. Yesterday's
high temperature was 84, com-
pared to readings in the 90's
earlier in the week.
Elsewhere along the East
Coast, where many other cities
had been covered by smog this
week, the situation was report-
ed easing. Just across the Hud-
son River from New York-in
New Jersey-there was no smog.
One New York state environ-
mental spokesman said: "New
York's skyscrapers and its deep
street canyons created by the
tall buildings produce special air
pollution problems that New
Jersey cities do not have."
Washington remained on a
smog "advisory" warning basis.
with the II and elderly urged
to curtail activities.

Air, seed treatment
aid metallic pollution
WASHINGTON (P)--Evidence is mounting that industrial dump-
ing of waste mercury into lakes and rivers may be only one of several
ways the metallic poison threatens man.
Mercury pollution of the air and the metal's use in seed treat-
ment have been largely overlooked. Public focus is on contamination
of fresh water fish.
But consider these findings:
-Canadian authorities have nabbed a mercury-contaminated
whale in the northern Hudson Bay. 2,000 miles from the nearest in-
dustrial use of mercury. Experts speculate the cause must be pre-
viously unknown ocean contamination, possibly from air fallout.
--Latin American researchers have established, contrary to long-
held belief, that mercury used as a fungicide in seed treatment enters
the body of plants. In addition to fish, therefore, man is eating pos-
sibly contaminated foodstuffs ranging from rice, tomatoes and peaches
to potatoes and wheat.
-A 1960 survey in the New York City borough of Queens turned
up air pollution levels of mercury up to 100 times the level estimated
safe by Russian scientists. There is no U.S. standard.
-Two mountaintop ponds in Vermont have dangerous mercury
levels. Yet the state uses little or no mercury in industry or agricul-

r ~A Lana tl t

-Associated Press
War practice
Cambodian soldiers, part of 10,000 sent to South Vietnam for a crash course in military train-
ing, hurl grenades at firing range located 150 miles southwest of Saigon. The Cambodian troops
are scattered at training camps throughout South Vietnam.
Stillwagon, Neal battle for
em congressional nomination

"At the moment we are stunned by our lack of knowledge," said .
Sen. Winston Prouty (R-Vt.) of the two ponds. "We cannot even Ivan, 77, and Dora, 67, Halas sit bundled in blankets on chairs amot
identify all the sources of mercury contamination." the roadside by sheriff's men after they were evicted Tuesday. Hala
Mercury accumulates in vital tissues, causing brain, nerve, eye. order from Pitt Meadows municipality, 20 miles east of Vancouver,
liver and kidney damage, as well as severe birth defects. I for his home and seven acres, claiming it is worth $81,972.


Daily News Analysis
"Mike Stillwagon cannot at-
tract the active support of older
people and middle of the road
independents, which would make
him a viable candidate in No-
Congressman Esch can be
beaten only with lots of workers,
who'll be young, and my op-
ponent (Bruce Neal), a man in
his fifties, who works for Ford
Motor, can't attract these work-
These two statements, the
first by Bruce Neal and the sec-
ond by Mike Stillwagon, repre-
sent the only significant differ-
ences in the approach to the
political campaign, leading to
Tuesday's primary from which
either Neal or Stillwagon will
emerge as the Democratic can-
didate to oppose Republican in-
cumbent Marvin Esch in Mich-
igan's second congressional dis-
trict .
There has not been much dif-
ference of opinion on the issues
facing the voters, and both Still-
wagon and Neal have directed
the bulk of their campaigns at
Esch. Both men are worried
about maintaining a unified
Democratic party in the district
after the primary with Neal
commenting, "I'm interested in
building the party into an effec-
tive organization against Esch.
Stillwagon indicated he was
following the same t a c t c.
"We've tried to aim at Esch.
because it's easier to unite the
party afterwards," he said, add-
ing, "it's good political strategy
to ignore your opponent -uring
the primary, since it only at-
tracts attention to him."

Minor differences in positions
were discernable to the candi-
dates. Stillwagon emphasized
the fact that he Is talking about
more issues than just inflation
and the war.
Neal said, "you must differ-
entiate between what is said and
what is meant. I've been pretty
specific in what I've said and
I feel the people know what
I've said.
"I have not resorted to code
words or public relations; for
example, I could have said
'peace now,' but instead I called
for a rapid withdrawal'," he
A minor difference can be
found in their positions {.)n the
war in Indochina, since Still-
wagon favors "immediate with-
drawal of American troops"
while Neal favors "the with-
drawal of our forces on a firm
and definite time schedule, con-
sistent with the fastest rate
practicable with the available
Stillwagon, however, attribut-
ed this difference to semantics,
pointing out "we both favor the
House equivalent of the Hat-
field-McGovern a m e n d m e n t
(House Resolution 1000) and by
the time we would take office,
support of this resolution would
mean support of immediate
With this similarity on most
of the issues, the two men have

continued to harp on their ap-
proaches as the key to the cam-
Stillwagon h a s emphasized,
"In the second district, Demo-
crats need lots of workers, be-
cause they have a shortage of
money. The workers will be pre-
dominately young and thus will
be attracted by a young candi-
date such as me."
"Before I entered the cam-
paign," said Neal, "I decided
that unless I could build broad-
based support, cutting across
the, party, there would be no
point in attempting the race.

Neayy Duty Steering
and Suspension Parts

Army plans to sink gas
WASHINGTON (P)-Nearly 3,000 tons of old Florida's Gov. Claude Kirk described as incredible
nerve gas, sealed in concrete and steel coffins, the decision to sink it there.
will be sunk in a ship hulk about three miles deep Coast Guard vessels will escort the towed hulk
in the Atlantic some 280 miles from Cape Ken- and give advance warning to commercial shipping
nedy, Fla., the Army announced yesterday. in the area.
.No date was given, but congressional sources The hulk and its cargo of nerve gas will then
said it would be Aug. 10. A National Academy of be sunk in more than 16,000 feet of water, the
Sciences committee recently recommended action Army said.
without delay. "The Defense Department is taking every pre-
The disposal decision culminates more than a caution to avoid future sea disposal of chemical
year of study by civilian scientists and govern- munitions and does not anticipate any in the
ment experts. An earlier plan was blocked on future," the statement said.
safety grounds. Because of the elaborate safety precautions,
Stressing maximum s a f e t y precautions, the the Army said, the shipments of the 418 concrete
Army said 418 of the coffins containing liquid and steel vaults from the Anniston and Blue
nerve gas in rockets will be carried in slow-mov- Grass Army depots "should be safer than the
ing trains from storage depots at Anniston, Ala., normal commercial shipments of hazardous
and Lexington, Ky., to a military terminal at chemicals."
Sunny Point, N.C. A total of 305 of the containers are at Annis-
There. in an area described as remote from ton and the other 113 at Blue Grass.
major population centers, the coffins containing Rail routes to Sunny Point "will avoid heavily
2,675 tons of chemical warfare materials will be populated areas where possible, and the trains'
loaded on a hulk. speed will not exceed 35 miles per hour," the Army
It will be towed under Navy direction to the said, calling this well below speed ordinarily con-
disposal area about 253 miles off the continental sidered "reasonably safe for trains carrying
shelf and some 282 miles east of Cape Kennedy. hazardous substances."

Two annc
Board of
Two Republicans yesterday
the Michigan Board of Regents.
The two, Paul Goebel Jr. ar
nominated at the GOP state con
on the November ballot.
Goebel, 37, is a partner in th
of Heines-Goebel. His father. Pa
the University's Board of Regent
Baker, 44, lives in nearby S
of H.F Campbell Construction
member of the Grand Valley Col
Goebel voiced his regrets th
father is resigning. "Some of m;
me pretty hard for this, but I
Michigan representation."
In announcing his candidac
University of Michigan Board o
most responsible public offices,
dependent judgment in setting
I view a Regent as filling a non
Baker continued ,"Many of t
are reflected in our universities
find solutions and take new stri
research that will benefit all man

Sony Model 125
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TEHRAN, Iran EI--A powerful quake
devastated scores of villages in northeast
Iran yesterday, and rescue workers pulled
more than 100 bodies from the debris.
Officials for Red Lion and Sun. the
Iranian relief agency, said a search of
only a quarter of the 100 stricken com-
munities confirmed the 100 known dead
and about 200 seriously injured.
Other victims are still believed to be
under the debris, a Red Lion and Sun
spokesman added.
The quake, which struck with a force
of 6 on a scale of 10, would probably
have caused considerably higher casual-
ties if it had not hit after sunrise when
most villagers were working their farms
and their children playing outdoors.
The stricken region, earlier estimated
to cover about 20,000 square miles, is now
known to be much larger.
Reports reaching here from the dev-
astated area indicated that the entire
region from the Afghanistan border to
southeast of the Caspian sea was hit by
the quake.
A plane load of blood plasma was flown
to the region last night as troops were
dispatched to aid in the massive rescue
The epicenter of the quake is two miles

south of
villages 1i
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Victory for Chavez
John Giumarra Jr., whose family owns the biggest table grape vineyard in the
world, holds up the union label of the AFL-CIO United Farm Workers Organ-
ization Committee as its leader, Cesar Chavez, seated, applauds during ceremony
in Delano, Cal., Wednesday. Chavez and 17 growers shook hands over a contract
giving workers a pay raise and freeing most of California table grapes from
worldwide boycott,

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