' 4 04 *4 -
Page Twelve
Wednesday, July 29, 1970
Bo: plotting the fallcampaign
Sfr iitrn
For Wolverine coach Bo
Schembechier, the working foot-
ball season officially opens on
Monday when he and his as-
sistants begin daily meetings to
plan the coming campaign.
But those who really know
Bo know that for him a foot-
ball season-never really ends, it
just merges indistinctly into
the next one. And Bo Schem-
bechler has been into the 1970
season for some time. There
is a story floating around the
athletic department that he was
watching films of Michigan's
foes on the Fourth of July, but
when I talked to him yester-
day afternoon, I decided not to
inquire about this rumor.
With the start of practice
less than a month away (Aug.
25), Bo has already made some
tentative decisions about the
coming season. He has a pretty
fair idea of who will play
where, both on offense and de-
fense. "Bill Taylor and Glenn
Doughty, who accounted for
over 1200 yards from the tail-
back position, will start at the
two running back slots," Bo
said. "Doughty will stay at
tailback, while the chunkier
Taylor will replace the grad-
uated Garvie Craw at f u11-
THE SUCCESS of this move
depends primarily on Taylor
and Doughty's ability to stay
7 e Ci'w 't
Je ter'
healthy. Doughty had to un-
dergo surgery on his knee after
injuring it in drills prior to the
Rose Bowl, and although Bo
says Doughty is fully recovered,
injured knees are often reinjur-
ed without warning.
Knee injuries struck down
several other Wolverines during
and after the end of the 1969
season. Wide receiver Billy Har-
ris, who banged his up trying
for a desperate catch in the
waning minutes of the Rose
Bowl, is still not fully recovered,
and Bo is not sure that he will
be all "set to go when practice
opens. If Harris is not ready to
go, -either Mike Oldham or Paul
Staroba, both of whom have
experience, are ready to fill in.
Phil Seymour, who sat out
almost all of last season with a
knee injury, is "ready to go out
and start at one of the defen-
sive en'd positions," according
to Bo. And Mike Keller, side-
lined during spring practice,
suffered only a-mild knee injury
and didn't require surgery.
Wolverines hard in two areas;
the defensive secondary and the
offensive line. The three deep
defensive backs have all depart-
ed, and only wolfman Tom Dar-
den returns. In spring drills,
Darden was moved to corner-
back, with Frank Gusich mov-
ing in to play the wolf. Bruce
Elliot handled the other corner-.
back slot, while the versatile
Jim Betts took over at safety.
"We have the -raw talent ne-
cessary to lave a fine second-
ary," Bo said; "but there isn't
a lot of experience, and mi-
stakes in the secondary can
really hurt. Still, I think these
guys can do the job."
With the graduation of All-
American tight end Jim Man-
dich and rugged guards Bob
Baumgartner and Dick Cald-
arazzo, there are some big holes
to be filled up front. Paul Sey-
mour is expected to take over
for Mandich, while several
candidates will fight it out for
the two guard slots.
Despite the return of -veteran
stalwarts like tackles Dan Dier-
dorf .and Jack Harpring and
center Guy Murdock, Bo is con-
cerned over the lack of depth
up front.
"We do not have a whole lot
of experience in the offensive
line except for the starters, and
I'd like to get some depth dur-
ing fall practice so that we are
not left wide open in case a
key player is hurt, and offen-
sive linemen are quite vulner-
able to injury," Bo said.
problems to be worked out, the
Wolverines appear to have more
than enough assets. The de-
vastatingly efficient Don Moor-
head will again quarterback the
Wolverine offense, and with
Doughty and Taylor both be-
hind him, Michigan should be
the most explosive team in the
Big Ten.
And up front a.n -defense,
everyone but Cecil Pryor will be
back. In spring drills, the de-
fense played with reckless but
efficient enthusiasm, and there
is depth at all 'positions ex-
cept middle guard, where Henry
Hill is irreplaceable.
I talked.to Bo about the Big
Ten's relatively tight restric-
tions on athletic tenders and
its ban on red-shirting athletes.
Big Ten schools are limited to
30 football tenders a year, while
the Big Eight and other con-
ferences place the ceiling around
45 or 50.
"The limit on the number of
tenders cuts substantially into
the size of our sqaud," according
to Bo. "Normally, you'd expect
a school like Michigan to suit
up more than 75 players, but
that's all I expect to have come
out in the fall.
"The ban on red-shirting
(keeping a player out of com-
petition for a year) also hurts
us relative to other conferences.
If a player needs an extra term
to graduate and he's missed a
year of competition, I would
like to see him able to play."
ALTHOUGH BO does not
concern himself with things like
tenders and red-shirting, his
primary concern is with foot-
ball, and with this football sea-
son in particular.
When I asked Bo if he
thought there were any key
schedule, he said: "It should be
a lot like last year.
"We play Purdue, Michigan
State and Minnesota on succes-
sive Saturdays again, and those
three are always tough teams.
Right now, I'd say Michigan
State was the toughest, but Pur-
due is next to impossible in
West Lafayette, and Minnesota.
always gives us trouble: If we
can get by those three games,
we'll be in good shape."
Although Bo admits that a
national championship "would
be nice," his primary concern is
winning the Big Ten title. "If
we can win the Big Ten crown
and go unbeaten," Bo said, "then
I would begin thinking about a
national championship, 'b u t
winning the conference title is
our primary concern.
"We've got a good shot at it,
too. I don't worry too much
about that Rose Bowl letdown
talk. A big part of a good sea-
son is leadership, and we have
so many seniors who are really
dedicated that I don't anticipate
any problems as far as motiva-
tion is concerned."
AND SO BO Schembechler
waits and waits, anticipating
September 19 when the Wolver-
ines play their opener, hoping
for a little depth and a healthy
squad. When these are a coach's
biggest worries, life must be
Vol. LXXX, No.
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 29, 1970
Ten Cer
-Associated Press
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Cambodian army vehicles, which were donated by the U.S. government during an earlier aid program, remain idle in the
Long Vek compound north of Phnom Penh. The vehicles can not be used due to a lack of spare parts. The Long Vek camp
itself was built a decade ago through American aid and has recently been the object of several Viet Cong and North Viet-
namese attacks.
Twin terrors-
Minnesota's Cesar Tovar slides home with the tying run against
Cleveland last night as Harmon Killebrew looks on. Killebrew then
hit a two-run homer to break the tie and lead the Twins to a 5-2
Major League Standings
tional Football League owners,
despite vigorous objections from
the Players Association, broke
off contract negotiations last
night, claiming they were as
far apart now as they were when
the talks began five days ago.
An owners' committee and as-
sociation representatives h a v e
been at the bargaining table un-
der the guidance of federal me-
diators since last Friday.
There was even disagreement
over the end of the five-day
talks held under the auspices of
the Federal Mediation and Con-
ciliation Service.
Theodore Kheel, labor con-
sultant for the owners' negoti-
ating committee, said "for all
practical purposes we are just
as far apart as when we first
met here Friday."
Leonard Linquist, l a b o r ad-
visor to the association, said the
players committee felt a great
deal had been accomplished.
"We feel a settlement is near,"
Lindquist said. "We want to
remain in session. We regret
this recess very much. Without
communications there is no way
to a settlement."
Kheel said the owners' com-
mittee of Tex Schram, president
of the Dallas Cowboys, Ralph.
Wilson, owner of the Buffalo
Bills and Rankin Smith, owner
of the Atlanta Falcons, would
return to New York Tuesday
night to confer among them-
selves and make a report to the
other owners of the 26-team
"We will make a report with
suggestions a n d. recommenda-
tions to the owners on what next
to do," Kheel said.
With the exhibition s e a s o n
only 10 days away the NFL ap-
parently will have to make a
decision on whether to play the
Lindquist said in a statement:
"the subcommittees appointed
during the mediation process
have been meeting. We had
hopes and we remain hopeful
that a settlement can be reach-
ed. A settlement must be reach-
ed if the public is going to en-
joy professional football. How-
ever, the owners have broken
off negotiations and are leaving
"The National F o o t b a l1
League Players Association and
its membership is saddened by
this development, but we re-
main hopeful that the owners
see fit to return quickly to the
bargaining table and the media-
tion process. When _the owners
are ready to negotiate in good
faith, an agreement will be con-
cluded. The association, the
players and the fans want the
1970 professional football sea-
son to begin on schedule.
"It is, once again, apparent
that the owners of the National
Football League are putting the
1970 pro football season in jeop-
ardy by this action."
W_ L Pct.
Baltimore 63 38 .624
Detroit 55 44 .556
xNew York 52 46 .531
xvgoston 50 47 .515
Cleveland 47 53 .470
Washington 45 54 .455
Minnesota 62 33 .654
xCalifornia 58 42 .580
x~akland 54 44 .551
Kansas City 37 63 .370
Milwaukee 37 63 .370
Chicago 35 68 .339
Ye urday's ResultS
Kansas City 7, Detroit 6
,Milwaukee 5, Washington 1
Baltimore 4, Chicago 2
Minnesota 5, Cleveland 2
Boston at Oakland, Inc.
New York at California, inc.
'today's Games
Boston at Oakland
New York at California
Washington at Milwaukee
Kansas City at Detroit
Minnesota at Cleveland -
Chicago at Baltimore
9 ;.
W L Pct.
Pittsburgh 56 45 .555
New York 54 45 .545
Chicago 50 49 - .505
Philadelphia 46 52 .469
Montreal 43 57 .430
St. Louis 43 57 .430
Cincinnati 70 32 .687
Los Angeles 57 - 42 .576
Atlanta 48 52 .480
San Francisco 46 52 .469
Houston 46 54 .460
San Diego 40 62 .391
Washing ton Post reports.
Lombardi out for season
WASHINGTON (P)-The Washington Post reported in its morn-
ing edition today that Washington Redskin coach Vince Lombardi
will be unable to coach the Redskins this year. The Post said that
doctors familiar with Lombardi's illness feel his recent surgeries
would keep him sidelined at least for this year.
Lombardi, 57, was reported to be resting comfortably at George-
town University Hospital after undergoing what was described only
as additional surgery Monday afternoon.
The latest operation was performed by Dr. Robert J. Coffey, a
professor of surgery at the hospital who headed-"the six-man team
which removed a tumor and a two-foot section of Lombardi's colon
June 27.
Coffey reported last month t h a t a preliminary examination
showed the tumor to be nonmalignant. The surgeon said further
studies would be made to determine whether the growth was can-
The nature of Monday's operation was not disclosed. The hos-
pital directed all queries to the Redskins who replied they had no in-
formation to release.
It was announced about 4 p.m. Monday that Lombardi had been
readmitted to the hospital for a routine observation and checkup. At
10:45 p.m. came the announcement that additional surgery had been
performed. No additional details were given.
HOUSTON, Tex. (IP)-Two white police-
men yesterday shot to death a black man
they said that they mistook for a forgery
suspect. The shooting occurred about half
a mile from where a black was killed
Sunday night when black militants and
police undercover agents exchanged gun-
Police said officers seeking a man
wanted on a forgery warrant from nearby
Wharton spotted a man one of the of-
ficers said resembled the description on
the warrant.
Police said the officers, Paul Michna
and Wayne Reed, ordered the man to
stop. The man, later identified as Archie-
Sayles, 30, pulled a pistol, police said,
and the officers shot him.
The officers said the shooting occurred
in a tavern near Texas Southern Uni-
versity, an all-black school.
Earlier in the day, a black coalition
asked for an FBI investigation into the
Sunday shooting of a black militant, call-
ing the incident "murder". by police.
The Justice Department said in Wash-
ington it had not received the request
but that it had asked the U.S. attorney
in Houston to "look into" the affair.
The Houston coalition also called for:
-The resignation of Police Chief Her-
man Short;
-The establishment of a police review
-More black police officers,
--Blacks not to shop downtown. Use of
the word "boycott" was avoided.
in Houston
It was Sunday night when police
undercover agents and members of the
People's Party II exchanged about 100
shots, according to two police accounts,
near the headquarters of the group, the
local equivalent of the Black Panthers.
The leader of People's Party, Carl
Hampton, 21, was shot to death. Four
other persons, one bystander and one a
whitemember of the local Johrn Brown
Revolutionary League, were wounded. No
policemen were shot.
At yesterday's news conference, the
coalition passed out a statement which
said: "On information gathered from wit-
nesses on the scene of the tragic events
that took place at and around the head-
quarters of People's Party II Sunday
night, we conclude that the actions of
members of the Houston Police Depart-
ment were premeditated and calculated
to draw fire, thereby creating the at-
mosphere which resulted in murder of
Carl Hampton by a Houston police of-
The Rev. Earl Allen, oie of the coali-
tion leaders, said, "From all reliable
sources they, the police, did fire first.'
He said his information came "from peo-
ple on the scene and who were fired
upon." Allen refused to name them.
Police said they returned fire only after
being fired upon.
Chief Short, contacted for comment,
said, "Did the leaders of the coalition
say anything about those armed bandits
who were patrolling the streets and in-
timidating people and businessmen for
a week and a half before the shooting?"
The coalition blamed five deaths of
blacks at the hands of the police in the
past seven mbnths, including the April
death of Bobby Joe Conner who died of
abdominal injuries after being questioned
by police officers.
Yesterday's Results
Pittsburgh 4. Cincinnati 3
St. Louis 6, Atlanta 4
Houston 10, Chicago 4
Los Angeles 6, Philadelphia 2
Montreal 5, San Diego 4
New York 12, San Francisco 2
Today's Games
San Diego at Montreal
San Francisco at New York, day
Los Angeles at Philadelphia
Houston at Chicago, day
St. Louis at Atlanta
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati
Dayan supports pe.
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan announce;
of the U.S. peace proposal as he addressed Israeli
details on the Mideast situation, see story on Page 3