420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials orinted in The Michigan Doily express the individual
ooinions of the author. This -must be noted in all reorints.
Tuesday, July 21, 1970
Catch-22': It's a- diaster
TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1970
News Phone: 764-0552
Cars and more cars
FOR THE PAST two Saturdays, New York City authori-
ties have banned automobiles on Fifth Avenue and
turned it into a mall. The nation's leading journals have
seen fit to cover this noble experiment's influence on busi-
ness, but few, if any, of the newspapers have delved into
the larger implications of the experiment - whether the
U.S. can do without the automobile entirely?
The answer to this question must be an unequivocal
yes. Even if the gentlemen who run the automobile in-
dustry do solve the automobile's pollution problem, there
will still be a plethora of troubles inherent in the contin-
ued use of the automobile.
Congestion due to the automobile is one problem that
would remain after the car became pollution free. Often
this problem is limited to minor inconveniences, but it
can be worse. Boston has often been crippled by massive
traffic jams in the center of the city - a daily sorespot
for the commuter, who spends enormous amounts of time
in traffic jams.
Noise pollution will also be heightened by continued
use of the automobile.
The high cost of maintaining the automobile will, as
everything else, continue increasing. All this in addition
to the large sums of money pumped into highways.
THE QUESTION is what should be done. Obviously the
individual car owner can not be expected to yield the
automobile without a suitable replacement. And, too fre-
quently the alternative to the car has been a combina-
tion of types of public transportation which run poorly,
with long delays and built-in inconveniences.
One genuine solution would be the adoption of a mass
comprehensive transportation system, emphasizing con-
venience and accessibility, throughout the United States.
Of course, one is bound to ask about the cost of such
a massive project. There is no doubt that it would be
quite expensive, but the cost would not be as prohibitive
as one might think. Especially if one considers the enor-
mous amounts of finances directed at the maintenance of
the automobile.
Undoubtedly, the costs would be compensated for by
the freeing of lands, heretofore conceded to automobiles,
for use by the populace; in the freeing of finances which
would have been directed at repairs of vehicles, purchases
of new cars and the building of highways to accommodate
the four-wheeled monster; and in the freeing the na-
tion's commuter from the long waits behind the steering
It is not difficult to say that a majority of the U.S.
would benefit from the abolition of the car, but it is hard-
er to foresee the adoption of such a plan as long as the
auto industry feels it will lose by it and lobbies against
its adoption; however, one can hope that, for a change,
General Motors could see the value of this statement:
"What's good for America, is good for GM."
A j ho, ho, ho
THE MAYOR OF CALCUTTA has changed the name of
Harrison Street in the central part of the city to Ho
Chi Minh Street.
It is believed in some diplomatic circles that his de-
cision was influenced by the presence. of the U.S. and
British consulates on the street.
Summer Editorial S/aff
ALEXA CANADY ......... ..................... Co-Editor
MARTIN HIRSCHMAN.....................................Co-Editor
SHARON WEINER.......................Sumer Supplement Editor
SARA KRULWICH.......... ........................... Photo Editor
LEE KIRK ...... .......Summer Sports Staff
NIGHT EDITORS: Rob Pier, Nadine Cohodas. Erica Hoff"
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITOR! Bill Alterman. Lindsay Chaney, Phil
Hertz, Debra Thai
Sitinmer !3siness S/aff
IAN WRIGHTB..................................... usiness Manager
PHYLLIS HURWITZ............... ....Freshman slpplement
BARBARA SCHULZ ...............................Display Advertising
RICHARD RADCLIFFE .... ... .., ......... Classified Advertising.
DAVID BELL............ ...............................Circulation
ASSISTANTS: Suzi Boschan, Debby Moore
Catch-22 has just made it's
world premiere or whatever they
call it in culture-vulture land and
is playing in some of the bigger
cities along the East and West
Coasts. Everybody that I know
has been waiting for this movie
so long that their beards have
grown nearly a foot in the mean-
time, if they have beards, and why
would anybody really want to have
a beard? Anyway, it's really dis-
appointing to report that the
movie was a disaster.
I can remember first reading
Catch-22 in the eleventh grade
and staying up all night reading
it through. It was just incredible,
probably one of the most mean-
ingful things I've ever experienced.
I mean, like it took me another
two times to really understand
what Heller was trying to do with
the book, and, like, who knows
whether I've grasped it yet? Weller
was a verbal magician with humor
for sure and his dialogues were the
most outasight things ever in-
Anyway, like I was saying, the
movie was a disaster and you're
wondering why, as if it makes any
difference because you'll probably
go see it anyway. First of all,
Catch-22 is a tragedy of miscast-
ing and only one character, Gen-
eral Dreedle, played superbly by
Orson Welles, offers any good act-
ing. Alan Arkin as Yossarian, you
say, Alan Arkin wasn't he any
good? The answer is no. He wasn't
any good. He wasn't especially ex-
pressive and by the time the movie
is over I was really glad Alan Ar-
kin wasn't Yossarian anymore.
When it comes down to the real
essential thing about the book -
that beautiful, diverse communitys
of freaks that flew and lived on
the base with Yossarian, that of-
fered Yossarian an audience to
figure the whole war game out-
Mike Nichols has failed miserably.
Dunbar isn't even included with-
in the cast.
' Art Garfunkel plays Nately,
and as you might imagine, isn't
too familiar or comfortable with
acting. Orr is almost okay, but not
especially great shakes, just okay.
In case you are delirious with
anticipation to see the great crab
apples versus chestnut debate,
quickly grab hold of a chair and
sit yourself down, because the
Mike Nichols directorial team
didn't even bother to film it.
On with the miscasting. Anthony
Perkins plays the Chaplain and
he too, like virtually all the rest,
is pretty bland and unexciting.
It's a wonder after his last movie
-the one about saboteuring build-
ings with Tuesday Weld, that he
hasn't been voluntarily retired
from the business. The two guys
who play the mad colonels who
are always raising the number of
missions to fly are good, but Bob
Newhart who plays Major Major
is really bad.
Well, you're probably gonna go
see it anyway, so good luck to
you, but maybe' you oughta get
real wrecked beforehand for it to
be any good. There's probably lot's
more that needs analyzing, but
please excuse me, because since it
was so bad, I'm not even going to
think about it any more.
Royals drop Tigers four back
LOS ANGELES (1R) - Bill Sir
blazing fast ball in the smoggy 1
hitter against Philadelphia as th
the Phillies 5-0 in a twi-night gam
The 6-foot-4 righthander, wl
with hepatitis between April 22
two base-runners-Oscar Gamble
out in the first inning and Dc
Singer's wild throw with one out it
He struck out 10, walked non
from Maury Wills, who came in tc
of the eighth inning and made
Hisle's leadoff smash and threw h
Letters tot te Editor
July 4 apparent. Who can blame them?
Such a joke! Such a travesty of
To the Editor: patriotism!
I HAVE BEEN a summer intern "Oh, but no," you say, "I saw
in Washington D.C. for over a it on TV, and it was peaceful, en-
month now. I came to the Capital tertaining, and nice." What irony!
with great hopes, ideals, and a An entertainer sings "On a Clear
belief that with all the wrong, Day You Can See Forever," and
there was some good in our na- I could not see, much less breathe,
tion. After the spectacle of "Hon- for the tear gas and smoke in the
or America Day" I am sadly dis- air!
illusioned. We all seem to have become
July 4 is a day out-of-the-or- part of a political game. The rules
dinary, a day of relaxation and of state that you have to shout and
being with family and friends- flagwave to win. If you win you
a holiday. It is important that are a true American. Who wants
each person realizes why there is to win that way?
a July 4, but patriotism is a per- A slogan at the rally said: Hon-
sonal emotion. No one has the or Lives Not Symbols. That is so
right to make it into a political true, yet it seems that people are
tool. No one group has a monopoly forgetting how important are com-
on patriotism. munication and compassion and
"Honor America Day" flaunted how precious are all human beings.
patriotism and unity. What hypo- Do you really believe that we are
crisy! Red, white, and blue but- "indivisible with liberty and jus-
tons saying "Love It or Leave It!" tice for all"?
do not even begin to "bring us -Sara Brown '72
together." The lack of blacks was July 15
Zy The Associated Press
KANSAS CITY - Jim Rooker
cooled off red-hot Detroit with
a seven-hitter and drove in one
run as the Kansas City Royals
beat the Tigers 3-0 last night.
Rooker's sixth victory against
nine losses ended Detroit's five-
game winning streak and the
Royals' six-game losing string.
He outdueled Les Cain, 9-3, who
had a personal eight-game win-
ning skein snapped.
Lou Piniella d o u b l e d and
scored on Bob Oliver's single
for the first run in the fourth
inning and -Rooker singled in
Ellie Rodriguez, who doubled in
the fifth.
* * *
Orioles win
CHICAGO - Ellie Hendricks
hit the first grand slam homer
of his major league career and
knocked in six runs last night
to lead the Baltimore Orioles to
a 14-5 victory over the Chicago
White Sox.
M~ajor League
- Stondings $
Center fielder Willie Davis
momentarily misjudged Denny
Doyle's liner with two out in the
sixth, but recovered and caught
In the ninth inning, T e r r y
x Harmon, a pinch-hitter, hit a
high bouncer to first baseman
>Wes Parker, whose throw to
Singer covering first barely got
the runner.
Davis then flagged down
4 Doyle's liner into left center,
qand with the crowd quiet with
tension and Singer working
carefully, Byron Browne foul-
ed off three pitches before pop-
ping out to catcher Jeff Tor-
The victory was the fourth in
a row for Singer, 7-3, who flirt-
ed with a no-hitter against At-
lanta on June 23 when he had
-Associated Press the Braves blanked for 7%
innings before his spell was
Singer en route to immortality shattered.
Cazzie, Knicks coming
'Of Mice': Nice experience
W L Pct
Baltimore 57 36 .61
Detroit 52 39 .571
New York 50 42 .54
Boston 47 43 .53
Washington 43 50 .46
Cleveland 42 49 .46
Minnesota 57 30 .65
California 55 37 .59
Oakland 49 44 .521
Kansas City 34 57 .37
Milwaukee 33 61 .34
Chicago 32 63 .33
Oakland 3, Boston 2
New York 6, California 1
Washington 2, Milwaukee 0
Baltimore 14, Chicago 5
Minnesota 4, Cleveland 2
Kansas City 3, Detroit 0
Today's Games
Detroit at Minnesota
Baltimore at Kansas City
Chicago at Cleveland
California at Boston
Oakland at Washington
Milwaukee at New York
t. GB
1 4
3 6
3 71
2 14
2 14
WITH THEIR second perform-
ance of John Steinbeck's fas-
cinating play, Of Mice and Men,
the University Players Michigan
Repertory '70 Company, under the
direction of James Coakley pro-
duced tears in the eyes of their
audience. Coakley magnificently
utilized the magical aura of the
theater to pump life through
Steinbeck's drama about two mi-
grant farmhands who held a
dream which to them seemed as
far away as the stars.
-The two are evicted from one of
those small southern hick towns,
Weed, because Lenny seems to
have no sensitivity in his relation-
ships. with others. We is just too
big and strong for his desires to
come true. With his strength, he
destroys everything which to him
is beautiful. He strangles mice,
puppies, and is exiled from Weed
for holding on to a girl's dress
which he thinks is soft.
It is here that the play un-
furls, moving on to Salinas. There
they meet a motley assortment of
characters, including Slim, the
mule driver, played with superior
finesse by Michael Hardy, the
boss, and other laborers.
Here too they meet Curly and
his wife, a pair that manages to
"gum up the works" for George
and Lenny.
The Michigan Repertory Com-
pany has assembled from its stu-
dents a company of fine perform-
ers to produce their summer sea-
Ron Beebe as Lenny Small and
Arthur McFarland as the per-
secuted black farmhand are the
two most outstanding. These two,
with their superb sense of timing-
and the reality of the stage bring
the audience to their feet. Beebe,
a huge man, blunders around the
stage leaving a swath of dead
mice, seems to have had a frontal
lobotomy for the role. As the pro-
tagonist, Lenny's flaw is stupidity.,
And that is the way Beebe plays
it. His magical moments are well
worth any time spent at the
McFarland as the Negro worker
not only superbly reveals the
plight of the black in America, but
seems to tell a little about all of
us. These two are an amazing pair.
and are responsible for much of
the meaning, and emotional pas-
sion to be experienced by t h e
Add to this a superior company
including Cammille Hardy as Cur-
ly's wife, Cris Root as Curly and
Mark Metcalf at George, and you
get a sense of conviction and real-
ity that many of our television
performances lack.
Coakley's direction is very visi-
ble in the beautiful stage pictures
and the driving beat that this play
of words must have. The timing
which he has driven into his act-
ors shows a great sensitivity for
his script .
Dr. Alan Billing's setting. which
also doubles for the sister play,
Shakespeare's Merchant of Ven-
ice, works in an exciting way for
this play. However, much of the
lighting is too dark, and several
chances for exciting special light-
ing were missed.
In sum total this production of
Steinbeck's stage version of Of
Mice and Men is one of the finest
theatrical experiences in A n n Ar-
bor in several seasons, and any-
one who considers himself a,
theater-goer should definitely not
miss it.
% /
*New York
St. Louis
ChicagoW L
52 42
49 42
45 46
ia 41 50
41 51
39 53
Los Angeles
*San Francisco
*San Diego
66 38
54 38
46 46
43 46
40 53
37 58
Pct. GB
.554 -
.538 1
.494 51,
.451 9?7>
.438 10
.424 12
.J64 -
.587 11
.500 19
.483 20:
.429 251,
-.389 291~
It'll be homecoming on the
night of Thursday, Sept. 24, for
Cazzie Russell, the greatest
basketball player in the history
of the University of Michigan.
Announcement was made yes-
terday that Russell will return
to Ann Arbor with the world
champion New York Knicks to
face t h e Detroit Pistons in a
National Basketball Association
pre-season game.
It will mark the first time
Alabama suit
federal court hearing on a suit
charging the University of Ala-
bama with racial discrimina-
tion in' athletic recruitment was
postponed indefinitely yester-
day, court sources said.
The hearing, set for yester-
day, was postponed for the third
time since the suit w a s filed
earlier this year .on behalf of
the Afro-American Association,
a Negro group on the Tuscaloo-
sa campus.
The suit charges Alabama
with excluding black h i g h
schools from its athletic recruit-
ment program.-
University officials have de-
nied the charges.
'70: Of Mice and Men by John Stein-
beck: Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. 8
that Russell has played a game
in the new Crisler Arena, which
many describe as "t h e house
that Russell built" with his
brilliant performances for three
years as a Wolverine.
"I have worked out in the ar-
ena a few times, but this sure
will be a great moment for me
finally to get to play there,"
Cazzie said after learning that
arrangements had b e e n com-
pleted for the game, which will
be sponsored under the auspices
of the U-M athletic department.
"We have looked forward to
Cazzie coming back and playing
here, too," declared Michigan
athletic director Don Canham
who worked out the details for
the game with Ed Coil, the
Pistons' general manager.
Russell, who led Michigan to
three Big Ten titles and 2nd
place in the 1965 NCAA tourney,
will come to Ann Arbor with
other illustrious members of the'
Knicks who beat Los Angeles,
four games to three, this spring
in the NBA playoff f inals after
the Knicks had set a regular-
season record by winning 18
straight games.
Leading the Knicks- will be
their all-star center, Willis
Reed, generally acclaimed as the
player-of-the-year in 1969 - 70.
He was voted the most valuable
player in the mid-season All-
Star game, the MVP for the reg-
ular season and also the MVP
during the playoffs.
Programs: to be distributed at Hill
Announcements: Limited number of
graduation anniouneents for sale at
Info.Desk, First Flor.Lobby, I.S.Aj
The Knicks' roster also in-
cludes Dave DeBusschere, the
ex - University of Detroit and
Piston great; Bill Bradley, who
played against R us s e11 and
Michigan when an All-America
at Princeton, and Walt Frazier,
considered one of the top guards
in pro basketball today.
For the Pistons the game in
Ann Arbor will mark their first
visit ever to the University City
and also will kick off an 11-
game pre-season schedule after
more than two weeks of train-
ing at nearby Eastern Michigan
University in Ypsilanti.
A li-Fraz.1ier
fight KO'd
DETROIT I(A' --Michigan's
boxing commissioner said yes-
terday a proposed heavyweight
championship boxing match in
Detroit between Cassius C 1 a y
and champion Joe Frazier is off.
"The fight is dead in Michi-
gan at least," Commissioner
Chuck Davey said Monday from
his summer h o m e in Oscoda,
Fight promoters, who w e r e
represented by former Mayor
Jerome P. Cavanagh, planned to
stage the fight at Cobo Arena
Sept. 21.
i 1, 1 1- . 1 I
_ Results
Los Angeles 5, Philadelphia 0
Atlanta 3, Chicago 1, Ist
Atlanta 5, Chicago 0
Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 3, Ist
Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 0, 2nd
Houston 5, Pittsburgh 4, 12 inn.
Montreal at San Diego, inc.
New York at San Francisco, inc.
Today's Games
Cincinnati at St. Louis, day
New York at San Diego
:Montreal at Los Angeles
Chicago at Atlanta
Philadelphia at San Francisco, day
Pittsburgh at Houston
Daily Official Bulletin
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of;
Michigan. Notices should be sent in General Iofices
L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the day --- Candidates who qualify for a doctor-
preceeding publication and by 2 p.m. Regents' Meeting: September 17 and aW degree from the Craduate School and
Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items 18. Communications for considerationjWho Attend the Commencement Ex-
appear once only. student organiza- 'at this meeting must be in the Presi- ereises will be presented a hood by the
tion notices are not accepted for pub- dent's hands no later than September niversity as part of the ceremony.
lication. For more information, phone 3.
S9?70. summer Commencement Exercises cente (t I gII(' 9c
Day Calend r August 9, 2:00 p.m., Hill Aud All
graduates of 1970 spring-summer term (General lnivisson
FREE Service c
may attend
'3200 S A.B
Tuesday, July 21 Reception for graduates, relatives & Current openings in SE. MTich. areas,
Audio- 'iual Ed.Ce n t er Films: friends in Michigan League Ballroom othtrs nationwide:
Stream-Cosmopolis &. Redwoods, Mult:immediately following ceremony. Please, Catholic Social Services. Ann Arbor.
Sulrecsmp.,UndergradwoLb., 7 p.m. enter League at west entrance, social worker. need car. BA in psych.
Music for the Disadvantaged Student Tickets: Four to each prospective soc. wk., educ., et, exper. in soc. wk.
Concert & Dialogue: A. white, Jr., Con- ;raduate, to be distributed from Mon.. not requiired .
ductor, All State Intermediate Orch., July 27 to Aug. 7, at Diploma Dept., No-Chem project with Radiation Lab-
Interlochen, lecturer, Concert by Chad- 1518 L.S.A. Bldg., except Sat., Aug. 1. . oratory, Ann Arbor, lab. scientist, hour-
sey High Orch., Rehearsal Hall, Sch. of1 Asembly for Graduates: at 1 p.m. in ly or fAll time, talent at phys. sci., lab.
Music, 7:30 p.m. Nat. Science Bldg. Signs w ill direct work necessary, soursework and some
Dept. of Speech, Michigan Repertory graduates to proper stations. lab exposure in phys., sci. areas.
The Great Train Robbery