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July 16, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-16

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Page Eight


Thursday,-luly 16, 1970




:43 1

Chastity revolt imperils
Commonwealth Games

Vol. LXXX, No. 46-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 16, 1970 Ten Cents


EDINBURGH, Scotland, QP) - The chastity
fence around the women's quarters of the Com-
monwealth Games Village was in danger of
crumbling yesterday-under the determined as-
sault of 1,000 males athletes.
The -latest move in the athletes' campaign to
free the women from a 10 P.M. curfew was an at-
tempt to by-pass the gate, where security guards
were posted, and to dig a tunnel under a seven-
foot barbed wire fence.
"Somebody is trying to dig their way in," said
security guards John Shepherd. "We filled in the
hole this morning. If they get any more desperate
we'll have to bring in some guard dogs."
The campaign against the fence surrounding
female athletes from 42 countries was started by
women who painted the letters "S-E-X" on doors
and windows of their billets.

Quick replies from the men's side of the fence
were - mainly unprintable, but examples of re-
spectable slogans were "We shall overcome" "Help
us do our thing," and "Here I am, girls."
Orders yesterday from the team managers to
clean up the girls' dormitory windows were large-
ly ignored. New additions to window gallery in-
cluded personal advertisements such as "Risque
Rene of Canada."
"We must clean things up" said England's as-
sistant team manager Chris Davidge. "They are
making the Village look like a lavatory wall."
"Shutting us in with a 10 P.M. curfew is crazy"
retorted a femal swimmer." Everything else here
is wonderful, but they have forgotten about
body chemistry.
"All we want is a bit of male company. We
are not all sex maniacs, just healthy people."









-Associated Press
Call in the National Guard!!
MORGANA ROBERTS, the quick-kissing cutie who has struck
terror into the hearts of no less than five stout-hearted ball-
players, failed to get number six at the All-Star game. She was
nabbed and manhandled from the field zealous stadium security
TheC'ut i
Morgaiia Roberts ...
..a communist plot??
The All-Star break is the traditional mid-season pause for
baseball, a time to look back over the first half of the season
and a time to speculate on who will come out on top when
October rolls around.
It is a time for the pundits of the game who have seen
their predictions go awry to explain away their errors and try
for some sort of redemption by prognosticating the course of
future events.
There are, of course, many questions to be answered.
Can the Tigers catch Baltimore? Can Denny McLain win a
game before August? (September? Spring training?) Will
Tony Perez or Boog Powel become triple crown winners?
What sort of divine intervention will stop Cincinnati? What
ever happened to Houston, or for that matter, San Fran-
cisco? And above all, will Morgana Roberts ever find true
happiness with a ballplayer?
Before settling down to an enlightened discussion of more
pedantic matters, one would do well to consider the case of poor
Miss Roberts, the "exotic dancer" who has planted kisses on five
different ballplayers this season. She tried for number six in
Cincinnati Tuesday night, and leaped onto the Astro-Turf and
appeared to be headed after Johnny Bench. But she never made
it. The ever-alert forces of law and order grabbed Miss Roberts
in a most indelicate manner (look closely at the picture) and
busted her (as it were) on a disorderly conduct charge.
I would not want to condone Morgana's decision to try to
become the ballplayer's ball player, she knows the risk she is
taking and should be prepared to suffer the consequences as well
as the publicity. But I am a little more than picqued with NBC's
puritanical approach to her game effort in Cincinnati Tuesday
night. Judging by the way NBC cameras covered the action,
you would have thought that Morgana was a screaming heretic
at the coronation of a Pope or some such holy event.
They never showed a thing. Announcer Curt Gowdy men-
tioned the fact that a girl had jumped onto the field, and that
she was being escorted off by stadium attendants, and that was
all. The average American baseball fan, his appetite doubtless
whetted for a first look at Morgana in action, was rewarded with
only a shot from centerfield, the same shot from center that
he's seen about- 1,000 times before-the pitcher, batter, catcher
and umpire.
Met hurler Tom Seaver was having himself a good
chuckle over the whole thing, but the estimated 50 million
televiewers of the mid-summer classic were not let in on
the joke. The camera, as if held in place by the divine hand
of God, did not budge, and the moral character of hundreds
of thousands of impressionable American youth was saved
irreparable damage.
Having come this far, I've decided to heck with any discus-
sion of pedantic matters like who will win what where anyhow.
You can read that anywhere anytime, and it ain't worth much.
The proof is in the pudding, and after seeing pictures of Mor-
gana, I've got the proof I need.




College A il-Stars strike
to support NFL players

The college All-Stars skipped
practice and h e 1 d informal
workouts in support of the strike
by the National Football League
Players Association, while NFL
clubs continued their lockout of
veteran players yesterday.
Meanwhile, top members of
Chicago Tribune Charities, Inc.,
met yesterday to discuss the fate
of the annual summer football
classic, threatened by both the
All-Stars' boycott and the pos-
sibility that the champion Kan-
sas City Chiefs would not be
prepared to field a team for
the game, tentatively scheduled
for July 31.
The NFLPA has asked own-
ers for more money for exhibi-
tion games, and larger contribu-
tion to the players pension fund.
The owners, in 'turn, have
barred veterans from training
camps - including the world
champion Kansas City ' hiefs,
scheduled to meet the All-Stars
in Soldier Field- ntil an agree-
ment is reached.
A Tribune, spokesman said,
"As of now, they work unsuper-
vised practices, with Tribune
Charities paying their expenses.
dancer Morgana Roberts, who
makes a practice of running
onto major league baseball
fields to kiss the ball players,
did not make it at the All-Star
game Tuesday, but her effort
got her an invitation to a net-
work television show.
Morgana was fined $25 and
costs in Hamilton County mu-
nicipal court yesterday after she
was convicted of disorderly con-
duct. Police arrested her as she
tried to bolt over the fence at
Cincinnati's n e w Riverfront
"I just wanted to kiss Johnny
Bench," Morgana told Judge
Thomas Nurre.
"It is up to Mr. Bench if he
wants to be kissed, not you,"
said the judge- and then fined
Her associates at the New-
port, Ky., nightclub where she
has been performing said she
flew to New York to appear on
the Merv Griffin television
show. She received the call
shortly after returning from
court to the club.

This will have to be taken up
at a higher level."
"All this must not be con-
strued that we are walking out
of the All-Star Game--that is
furthest from out intentions."
said All-Star rep Steve Owens.
"It is just our way of supporting
the players association. We have
all looked forward to playing
in this classic and hope that the
differences with the owners can
be settled today so we can get
back in supervised practices."
The players' demands that led
to the walkouts center around
the role of the league com-
missioner and increased mone-
tary benefits for the players.
The NFLPA wants an outside
arbitrator to handle general
grievances which might be filed
by players, leaving only matters
involved with the integrity of
the game solely in the hands of
the commissioner.
To increase player benefits,
they would like to see a 28 per
cent increase in ticket prices
over the next four years and an
immediate 20 cent increase for
all tickets for exhibition and
Agular season games this year.
They have also suggested that
.il ppst-season games ticket
prices be hiked by three dollars.
To further reduce costs, the
NFLPA has recommended that
elaborate expenditures for the
Super Bowl be reduced, that
non-player pension funds be ex-
cluded from post-season game
profits, and that a larger chunk
of charity contests be taken in
by the league.
NFL officials feel that the
players are misguided and that
their suggestions would take too
much club and league income
from post-season games.

DETROIT (P) - The Detroit
Tigers sold} pitcher Earl Wilson
to the San Diego Padres yes-
terday for the $20,000 waiver
In a television interview last
night, Wilson said he was un-
decided -as to whether to report
to the Padres or quit baseball.
Wilson said he had talked
with San Diego president Buzzy
Bavasi and told him "I will let
him know" if hs will report.
Wilson, 4-6 with Detroit this
season with a 4.41 earned-run-
average, had been relegated to
the bullpen lately after two
straight bad starts. He was ex-
pected to report immediately to
the National League Padres.
who open a series against the
Philadelphia Philliesgatnhome
Wilson, a 34-year-old ex-Ma-
rine came to the Tigers June 26,
1966, from the Boston Red Sox
in a trade for outfielder Don
With Detroit the big right-
hander won 64 and lost 45, in-
cluding a 22-11 record in 1967.
Plagued by injuries, he faded
to 13-12the next year as the
Tigers captured the American
League pennant and won the
World Series.
Last year he was 12-10 and
during the year's spring train-
ing there were a few doubts he
would make the starting rota-
tion, until Danny McLain got
suspended, officially April 1.
McLain returned to the line-
up July 1 and that apparently
made Wilson expendable. De-
troithas other capable starters
in Joe Neikro, Mickey Lolich,
Les Cain and Mike Kilenny.
Wilson's 11-year major league
record is 120 victories and 103
loses. During that span the 6-
foot-3, 215-pound native of Pon-
chatoula, La., also slugged 34
homers, three shy of the major
league record for a pitcher.
In 1962- with the Red Sox he
hurled a no-hitter against the
then Los Angeles Angels.

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Art to look at, perchance, to buy
The weather was sunny, if somewhat windy, yesterday for the first day of the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Artisans displayed tb
wares, and in some cases, their skills, as the wood-carver in the picture demonstrates. Two blocks of South Universitya
a block of East University served to house the fair proper, as numerous booths spilled onto the Diag. The fair runs throe

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Major League Standings

East Division
W L Pct.
Baltimore 54 33 .621
Detroit 47 38 .553
New York 46 39 .541
Boston 44 31 .518
Washington 40 48 .455
Cleveland 38 48 .442
West Division
Minnesota 54 28 .659
California 51 35 .593
Oakland 47 40 .540
Kansas City 33 52 .388
Milwaukee 32 57 .360
Chicago 31 58 .348
Today's Games
Cleveland at Kansas City, night
Detroit at Chicago, night
Minnesota at-Baltimore, night
California at Washington, night
Oakland at New York, 2
Milwaukee at Boston


East Division
W- L Pet.4
Pittsburgh 50 39 .562
New York 47 39 .547
Chicago - 43 42 .506
St. Louis 39 47 .453
Philadelphia 36 49 .424
Montreal 37 51 .420
.West Division
Cincinnati 6226 .705
Los Angeles 51 36 .593.
Atlanta 42 44 .488
San Francisco 41 44-.482
Houst on. 37 51 .420
San Diego 36 54 .400
Today's Games
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, night
Atlanta at St. Louis, night
Chicago at Houston, night
New York at Los Angeles, night
Philadelphia at San Diego, night
only games scheduled.


Pan'el I
basis oJ
ATLANTA, Ga. () - A three-judge
federal p a n e 1 began hearing petitions
yesterday challenging the Army's right
to try two of 12 soldiers accused in the
alleged massacre at My Lai 4, thus rais-
ing constitutional questions a b o u t the
system of military justice.
The petitions were filed separately on
behalf of Sgt. Esequiel Torres, 22, of
Brownsville, Tex., and Spec. 4 Robert
T'Souvas, 20, of San Jose, Calif. Judge
John Brown of Houston, Tex., chief of
the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of- Appeals,
- ordered the petitions joined.
A similar petition has been filed by
S. Sgt. David Mitchell, 30, of St. Fran-
cisville, La. It has been taken under
advisement by U.S. Dist. Judge Jack
Roberts of Austin, Tex.
Torres' petition, filed June 24 by civil-
ian attorney Charles Weltner of Atlanta,
represented the first civil intervention
into the Army's jurisdiction over the My
Lai case..
The soldiers' petitions contend an Army
- trial by court-martial violates their con-
stitutional rights and that the Army be

military justice

permanently enjoined from trying them,
or that the cases be transferred to a
federal court.
Among the issues to be heard are wheth-
er a low-ranking member of the armed
forces, acting under orders to kill, can
be held accountable for murder if he
obeys those orders.
Weltner hopes to bring out testimony
by high Army and Central Intelligence
Agency officials to show that Operation
Phoenix, of which the My Lai 4 incident
was a part, was for the purpose of de-
stroying human life.
Weltner contends it was Army policy
to kill anyone found in a "free fire zone"
such as the My Lai hamlet, regardless of
who they were, how old or what their
relation to the fighting around them
might be.
He is r e 1 y i n g heavily on President
Nixon's own statements that the incident
was a "massacre" and totally unjusti-
fiable as grounds for the court declaring
that the Army under Nixon's command,
cannot fairly try Torres.

Another constitutional question
cerns the legality of U.S. jurisdicti
a case involving foreign territory
foreign nationals during a time th
tion is not involved in a declared w
Torres, a member of the Americ
vision during its March 1969 raid o
Lai 4, is charged with the murder o
Vietnamese civilians - including o
hanging-and the attempted murd
at least three others.
T'Souvas is charged with two cou
premeditated murder and Mitchell
two counts of assault with inte
All have denied the charges. Thes
a maximum life sentence if convict
the Army.
The three are among five membi
the Americal Division ordered to be
by court-martial in connection wit
incident. Others are Lt. William{
Jr., 27, of Miami, Fla., who faces a
sible death penalty on charges of
meditated murder of 102 civilians
Pvt. Gerald Smith, 22, of Chicago.

o examine


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