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July 15, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-15
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e Tens


Wednesday, .July 15, 1970

Wednesday, July 15, 1970



House votes down measure
to open committee meetings


House asks



new march


n Panther ti

i u s e yesterday refused to
>pt new procedures t h a t
ild open more of its commit-
meetings to the public. Heed-
the views of its committee
tirmen. the House defeated,
to 112, a key amendment to
congressional reorganization
that was backed by a bi-
'tisan group battling secrecy
House procedures.
['he vote was taken by count-
members but not recording
m, another procedure under
ack by the reformers. The ef-
t to put such votes on the
ord will come today or to-
although official record was
t. Speaker John W. McCor-
.ck of Massachusetts. Repub-

lican leader Gerald R. Ford of
Michigan and 11 committee
chairman could be observed
going down the aisle to be count-
ed against the amendment.
The chairmen took the lead
in opposing the amendment.
which was offered by Rep. Wil-
lam D. Hathaway (D-Maine).
It would have required all coin-
mittee meetings to be open to
the public unless the committee
voted publicly each time to close
them. At present, committees.
voting secretly, can adopt rules
at the beginning of a session
that close their meetings for the.
entire year.
The chairmen said Hatha-
way's proposal would endanger
national, security, make essen-
tial legislative compromises im-

Dolls-Lamp Bases-Jewelry
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possible, and place a burden on
the members by requiring them
to be present at each session to
Chairman L. Mendel Rivers
D-SC), of the Armed Services
Committee, said the amendment
"would tie up our committee un-
til kingdom come. You j u sIt
can't do this."
Chairman Emanuel Celler (D-
NY), of the Judiciary Commit-
tee, said that if meeting were
open, members would take in-
flexiblecpositions dictated by
local concerns. "They would
speak for back home," he said.
"There would be no give and
take and if no one yields there
is no bill."
Chairman George Mahon (D-
Tex), of the Appropriations
Committee, said if his commit-
tee hearings were open lobbyists
for the big government contrac-
tors would be there "but not the
silent majority."
"There would be a lobbyist
sitting at every member's elbow,"
added Rep. Wayne L. Hays (D-
Ohio), a senior member of the
Foreign Affairs Committee.
Hathaway, defending h Is
amendment, said about 40 per
cent of all committee sessions
in the House now are closed.
depriving the public of any
knowledge of how a significant
amount of legislation is shaped.
After losing the Hathaway
amendment the reformers scor-
ed a victory by winning approval
of a proposal that would make
the individual votes of members
in committee a matter of pub-3
lic record.

From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON - T h e Federal
Government has announced that it
has proposed new regulations to limit
the size of demonstrations in front
of the White House but to allow un-
limited public gatherings on the El-
jipse and the grounds of the Wash-
ington Monument behind the White
The proposed regulations, released
Monday, could go into effect as soon
as 30 days after they have been pub-
lished in the Federal Register for
public monuments.
Officials of the Departments of
Justice and the Interior said at a
news conference that the proposal to
limit demonstrations on the White
House sidewalk and Lafayette Park,
across the street from the White
House, was based on providing secur-
ity for the President.
William D. Ruckelshaus, Assistant
Attorney General in the Civil Division
of the Justice Department, said that
the limit of 100 persons on the Penn-
sylvania Avenue sidewalk and of 500
persons in Lafayette Park were num-
bers recommended by the Secret
The government has attempted to
set these same numerical limits in

administrative regulations established
after a demonstration in 1967 of 30,-
000 in Lafayette Park.
The Federal courts here suspended
these regulations in May, 1969, and
replaced them with a requirement that
groups give a 15-day advance notice
before a planned public gathering,
but set no crowd limits.
The proposed regulations would
establish a permit system for the
park areas around the White House.
Groups planning to assemble in
numbers less than 100 would have to
apply for a permit 48 hours in ad-
vance; those planning larger demon-
strations would have to apply seven
days in advance.
The only basis for denying permits
would be if a "clear and present
danger" was shown, a prior permit
application had been made, or a de-
cision that the gathering would be
too large for the area sought.
Ruckelshaus and Mitchell Melich,
Solicitor of the Interior Department,
said that, short of a statement of
intent to do violence or "overriding
information or evidence" from thi
Federal Bureau of Investigation oT
Secret Service, there would be no way
to invoke the "clear and present
danger" clause.

-Associated Press
ATTY. GEN. JOHN MITCHELL addresses a news conference
earlier yesterday.
Mitchell asks -tos
0of subversive groups1&A'

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tice Department put the Sub-
versive Activities Control Board
back in business yesterday, re-
questing that two New York-
based groups be declared Com-
munist-front organizations.
The last such request came
in 1966, when the department
asked that the board to desig-
nate W.E.B. DuBois Clubs a
Communist front.
In petitions filed with the
board, Atty. Gen. John N. Mit-
chell sought the designation for
the Young Workers League and
the Center for Market Educa-
tion. Both are located at the
same New York City address.
70 watt Monarch Amp
2-8" 3-way speakers
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Mitchell said the Young Work-
ers, organized Feb. 7, 1970, is
"a Marxist, Leninist youth or-
ganization, created and controll-
ed by the U.S. Communist par-
The center, organized Aug. 4.
1969, is sponsored by the U.S.
Communist party and is operat-
ed mainly "to give aid and sup-
port to the Communist party."
he said.
Mitchell said an "extensive
FBI investigation" preceded fil -
ing of the petitions.
The five-member board was
created in 1950 to determine,
upon request by the Justice De-
partment, whether a group may
be called a Communist front
organization or whether an in-
dividual may be identified as a
member of such a group.
A new shop for the
U-M Barbers
formerly Lee's
East U at So. U



NEW HAVEN. Conn. VP)-Testimony
began yesterday in the trial of one of
eight Black Panthers charged in the
slaying of another party member, as a
crowd of sympathizers demonstrated out-
side the courthouse.
The defendant, 24-year-old L o n n i e
McLucas of New Haven, listened without
visible reaction as policemen and fire-
men testified about the di'scovery of the
victim's body.
McLucas is charged with kidnapping
resulting in death in the slaying of
Alex Rackley of New, York City, who
police claim was suspected of being an
informer by party members. Others
scheduled to stand trial later include
Bobby G. Seale, a co-founder and na-
tional chairman of the party.
The demonstrators - mostly white --
gathered peacefully on the New Haven
Green across the street from the court-
house, and chanted "free the Panthers"
and "power to the people." The demon-
stration was not audible in the court-
McLucas arrived at the courthouse
under heavy guard. He has been held at
the state correctional center in Litch-
field, 40 miles away, since his extradi-
tion to Connecticut from Utah last year.
Among those who testified wasState
Policeman George J. Heg. He told the
jury of 12 - nine whites and three
blacks - that among the articles author-
ities turned over to the FBI after Rack-
ley's body was found were "wire that
was found around the victim's neck,"
adhesive tape from both wrists, material
from two bullet wounds and fibers re-
sembling clothesline from the victim's
neck. The body was pulled from a river
in rural Middlefield on May 21, 1969.
Heg said clothesline rope was found
under the body, where it lay partly sub-
merged in the Coginchaug River. Further
searching seven days later, he added,
yielded a spent bullet from the ground
under the body and an empty .45-calibre
cartridge case nearby
Dr. Charles W. Chase, medical exam-
iner of Durham, the town adjoining
Middlefield, showed the jurors 13 slides
he had taken of the body.
He described bullet wounds in the head
and chest, bruises and burns on the
body, and "a coathanger that was wrap-
ped around the victim's neck."
The victim had been dead between 12
and 24 hours before his body was found,
Chase testified.
Before testimony began, Theodore Kos-
koff, McLucas's lawyer, noted a publish-
ed comment by FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover "on the eve of this trial" that
Panther activities were being funded by
wealthy persons.
"I believe any juror reading it-if they
did read it-would be prejudiced," said

omen's Lib, SDS

protest Union facility ban

Koskoff. Judge H
Koskoff's motion
Police have
brought to New
City, tortured in
confess he was
bound and taker


Members of Gay Liberation Front
(GLF), Women's Liberation and Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society (SDS)
picketed, leafletted and staged a guer-
rilla theater yesterday in front of the
Union to protest Union General Manager
Stanfield Wells' decision to bar GLF
from usirig Union facilities. -
The guerrilla theater, "Rape of the
Cambodian Women," was the same one
which was performed last week and led
to the expulsion of GLF from the Un-
ion. At that time Wells said he found
parts of the performance to be in poor
taste, and, claiming to recognize several
HoVuse ?to
study sc--hol
speake r ties
WASHINGTON. (M--The chairman of
House internal Security Committee said
yesterday it is surveying payments to
speakers on the nation's campuses on the
basis of evidence that "a considerable
source of revenue to the radical and vio-
lent elements of the country comes from
fees for speeches."
Rep. Louis Stokes (D-Ohio), a member
of the committee, however, accused it of
conducting# an "arbitrary fishing expedi-
tion" and advised university and college
officials to ignore the committee ques-
Chairman Richard H. lchord (D-Mo ).
confirmed the committee survey and gave
the reason for it.
Stokes said the committee has asked
selected campuses in all 50 states to name
their, speakers between September, 1968
and May, 1970. give the speakers' "group
identification" and the a mn o u n t and
sources of fees paid them.
"The very existence of such documents
can unquestionably have a chilling effect
on the exercise of First Amendment free-
doms which should flourish most abun-
dantly in the atmosphere of higher learn-
,ing, and give credence to cries of govern-
mental repression which can be used to
further divide our society,"' Stokes said.

members of GLF in the show, barred that
organization from using any Union
Yesterday's four midday performances,
three at the Union and one in the Fish-
bowl, were essentially the same as the
earlier performances. President Nixon is
portrayed giving a press conference while
war atrocities are simulated in the back-
ground. The final scene is the rape of
a Cambodian woman, and after his
speech, Nixon also rapes the woman.
Only members of Women's Lib and
SDS performed in yesterday's shows,
however, GLF members leafletted at the
Union from 10 a.m.
In the early afternoon, a Union offi-
cial informed the protesters that leaf-
letting was not permitted on the Union
steps. The leafletters then moved down
to the sidewalk in front of the Union.
GLF has said they would like to meet
with the Regents during one of their
meetings tomorrow or Friday "to ex-
plain ... the nature and purpose of the
GLF and its relation to the University."

into the New l
yesterday to b
sides of the bar
strike as likely, n
open today betwe
and the United A
The UAW will
the other Big Th
Current contra
000 workers at al
at midnight Sept.
for three years sir
In the past, ti
the-clock bargair
gun until a coup
tract expiration.
spent with both
tion papers and
each other at ne
But this year
lenged the union
gaining immedial
union, which has
plants across the
ing on the comp~
offer in early ses
The companies
they don't want
both camps claim
a strike is likely
to the prebargair
and the union.
The automaker
prebargaining sta
ment must be no:
have complained
slackening in pr
labor and materia
make it difficult
The union, on
plains its memb
"equity" in earn
industry, which
"fabulous profitat
quotes the industi
a rosy future.
A spokesman fc
has termed the u
"the most extrav
President Leonari
that "8 per cent
to effect a settler
Woodcock has
offered 14 per cf
companies were '
has refused to
what size packagf

Normal Prices

for Records at
List Price of


330 Maynard


-Daily-Richard Lee
BYSTANDERS WATCH the simulated rape of a Cambodian woman during
yesterday's guerrilla theater in front of the Union.

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