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May 08, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-08

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3 games $1
Friday thru Sunday 3-11 P.M.

page three

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NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Friday, May 8, 1970 Ann Arbor Mchigan PagThree

news today
rTeAscae rpan oig rs e g



THE LABOR DEPARTMENT will report the sharpest rise
in the nation's unemployment in 10 years. informed sources re-
vealed yesterday in anticipation of the department's statistic
release due today.
The steep rise from 4 4 to 4 3 per cent of thae civilian labor force
in April pushed the nation's jobless total to around 4 milion, the high-
est level In five years. the sources said.
The report came amid warnings from organized labor that
President Nixon's economic policies, designed to curb inflation, threat-
en the nation with an economic recession without slowing the price
The admiistration has slightly eased some of its policies, con-
tending the price rise will soon slow to a more moderate rate
A SOVIET MILITARY ATTACHE in Jordan said yesterday
that his government is ready to consider request of military aid
from any Arab country if the United States gives more arms to
Speaking at a news conference markirg the 25th anniversary
of the end of World War II. Co-. Evgeni Manohin said the Soviet
Union cannot stand idle in the face of dangers created by "Amer-
ican imperialism in Southeast Asia,
Manohin refnsed to comment when asked whether the Soviets
would retaliate if the Israeli air force attacked Soviet-built missile
sites in Egypt and areas where there are Soviet advisers.
But he said he thinks the Egyptian forces have reached a high
decree of efficiency and that they can retaliate against any Israeli
Manohin also re used to cormment on reports that Russian pilot
are flying operations missions in Egypt,
labels raised the specter of armed violence in Northern Ireland
Rev. Ian Paisley. Ulster's militant Protestant leader, urged the re-
arming of police and special squads for defense against the smuggled
arms allegedly destined for Roman catholics in the North.
"The Northern Ireland government must either show it has the
determination and courage to defend this province," PaiSley said, "Or
get out and leave the task to those who do have the determination
and courage."
Prime Minister Jack Lynch of the Irish Republi tried to ease
tensions by firing two members of his cabinet accused of attempting
to run guns into Northern Ireland illegally. He told newsmen he hoped
this would illustrate his determination to pursue "peace., law and
THE FLIGHT OF APOLLO 14 will be postponed at least until
Dec. 3, the space agency said yesterday. Its landing target will be
the Fra Mauro region that Apollo 13 never reached.
Apollo 14 had been scheduled originally for launch on Oc. 1. Its
crew was to land at the rim of the crater Littrow in the Sea of
However, the exploion that aborted the moon landing of Apollo
13 and endangered the lives of uts passengers last month became the
object of an intensive investigation by review boards delaying
progress. The cause of the explosion has been tentatively identified
as a short circuit in the fan motor in the No, 2 oxygen tank.
"Our present asssessment is that the modifications to the oxygen
tanks in the service module that have already been Identified will
require several months and that Apollo 14 cannot be launched before
Dec. 3," said Dr. Thomas 0. Paine, NASA administrator

Vietnamese to dispatch
to Cambodian capital
C a m b oi~n A Bled forces
InICOver large
By The Associated Press
The South Vietnamese For-
eign Ministry announced yes-
terday that it plans to send a
flotilla up the Mekong River
to the Cambodian capital of
Phnom Penh.
oreign Mnster Tran Van
Lam o South Vietnam told re-
poers the operation is a relief
effort carryng medicine and sup-
pls o Vietnamese residents of
Cambodia, He sad that the boats
wll retu: an_-Vietnamese who
*'iant to leae. adding that the
mo'ement wA: have "the coopera-
tion of Cambodian toops.
The U.S. Command refused to
confirm or deny reports from of-
icial sources that American boats
woud oin the flotla.
Other sources described the re-
lie ef-ort as a military river-
openng operation. They pointed
ou that e sretch of the Me-
kong River from the border to
Phnom Pen. some 60 miles in
length has been closed to com-
mercial traffic since two Japanese
ships were fired on several weeks
-Associated Press ago.

A SOUTH VIETNAMESE RANGER stands by as a Cambodian mother and her child emerge from
their bunker following air strikes in Cambodia's Parrot's Beak area yesterday.
N on-violene urged by oficials


By The Associated Pre=
As students pressed their pro-
tests against the war in Southeast
Asia yesterday. university and po-
litical leaders appealed to young
people to disavow violence and to
pursue their ain s in a peaceful
Mn leaders expressed shock
over the deaths of the four Kent
State University students and said
they understood the concern of
young people.
ing, students should bring political
pressures to bear and "engage
tei parensi oin or separate

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Knauss elected SACUA head

communications with their sen-
ators and congressmen."
Wi.liam T. Cahill. Republican
governor of New Jersey, said he Is
personaly disappointed by Presi-
dent Nixon's extension of the war
into Cambodiaa
In a statement read Wednesday
to 1.500 students demonstrating
outside the State House In Tren-
ton Cahill said. "I believe in the
right of dissent and demonstra-
tion, but abhor the use of violence,
the burning of buildings and other
tragedies that have occurred at
campuses throughout the country.
There are many effective means
by which students and all Amer-
icans can make their protest
"Student groups should send
reprsentative delegates to Wash-
ington to personally contact New
Jersey's Senate and House dele-
gates as a practical example of
democratic government," Cahill
Gov. Ronald Reagan, who closed
California's state colleges until
Mond~ay. urged students to "go to
your homes . . . see if there is not
a better way tha. going on with
the torch and club."
Sen. Edward M, Kennedy D-
Mass,. counseled students that
"violen~ce is an act of self-indul-
gence" and "an admission of the
lack of power."
"If you are opposed to the use
of violence in Vietnam, Laos and
Cambodia. then you can never re-
sort to violence." he told some
1.000 students at John Hopkins
University Wednesday night.
Kennedy said Congress should
force a cutoff of U.S. military


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Law Prof. Robert L. Knauss
has been elected chairman of
the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs { SACUA ..
the executive committee of the
faculty Senate Assembly.
Knauss, who secedes Educa-
tion Prof. Joseph Payne. was se-
lected Monday by SACUA.
In the ten years he has been
at the University. Knauss has
consistently been active in Uni-
versity affairs. Most recently.
Knauss was instrumental in
drafting a set of proposed Re-
gental bylaws which aimed at
increasing the role of students
in University decision and rule
When asked recently about

the faculty's role at the Univer-
sity, Knauss said, "Relatively
speaking, the faculty here has a
stronger voice in University af-
fairs than faculties at other
schools. This Is one of the main
reasons I feel we ye had relative
peace on campus with n~o violent
police confrontation-s to date."
In light of this Increased in-
volvement, Knauss expressed
some dissatisfaction with the
Regents autonomous decisions
on conduct rules for students.,
"The Regents were out-of-char-
acter to pass the conduct rules
without consulting the faculty
mn view of the past years of fac-
ulty participation," he said
"There has been a change in
the faculty's role at the Univer-

shty in the last few years as fac-
ulty involvement wiith student
concerrns has continually in-
creased.," he continued. "Much
of this involvement Is in re-
sponse to student-motivated is-
sues, such as the bookstore in-
cident last fall.-
Knauss expain~ed that the fac-
ulty s attitude towards the Uni-
versity's role within our society
has chan~ged in the last few
years. as evidenced by its ;:ar-
ticipation in the Vietnam rnora-
torium activities.
In explainig general faculty
priorities. Knauss said that the
body is ccr'rently concerned with
maintaining a peaceful campus.
"We've got to work to prevent
an~other Kent" Knauss said.

operations In Southeast Asia by
depriving the military of the nec-
essary funds,
Mayor John V. Lindsay of New
York urged a new "not-so-silent
majority" of the American people
to use lawful means to reverse the
President's policies in Southeast
'A turn to violence by youth,"
he said. "would further embitter
the nation. It would stiffen the
backs of the warmakers. It would
alienate most Americans, strength-
en the forces of repression and
damage or even destroy the whole
purpose of the movement-which
is peace."
call for un-wi~_ ty
Ina ?a're tTeia e - er
Walter Scheider, Chairman of
the Ann Arbor Democratic Party,
called on citizens everywhere to
join in moving the United States
to withdraw all troops from Indo-1
In a statement released yester-*
day on behalf of the Ann Arbor
Democratic Party, Scheider made
a plea to President Richard Nixon
to redeem his campaign pledges to
unite the American people and toE
end our militarv involvement in
Our nation is being torn apart'
Scheider said. Millions of our
citizens are speaking and not being
"Instead, the thousands who
have peacefully sought to petition
our president," he continued, "find
he will not talk to them or meet
with them or take cognizance of
Schelder called upon "the peo-1
pIe of this land-students, officers
of the law, governors, leaders and
citizens everywhere," to move the
nation to a recommitment of its
resources to meet "the needless
human disarray at home."

North Vietnamese troops hold
the ferry crossing of Neak Luong,
37 miles south of Phnom Penh,
which Cambodian troops have
been trying to retake since Sun-
Meanwhile. Allied forces operat-
i.ng inside Cambodia, probed deep-
er into thne North V ietnamnese and
Viet Cong sanctuaries, uncovering
large caches of supplies.
Reports from Base Area 702 in
northeast Cambodia reveal that
troops of the U.S. 4th Infantry
Division found a bunker complex
believed to have been a division
headquarters for North Vietna-
mese troops.
The American troops captured
a wounded North Vietnamese cap-
tain who said that 70 of his com-
rades had been wounded in air
strikes against the base and had
been evacuated to a hospital,
This base is the northernmost
front of the six opened against
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
supply bases in Cambodia.
About 200 miles to the south,
in the Fishhook region where U.S
troops launched their first massive
assault into Cambodia last Friday,
Ist Air Cavalry Division troops
found more than 50 tons of rice.
Allied headquarters claimed that
more than 3,000 North Vietna-
mese have been killed in the
week-long Cambodian offensive,
and hundreds of tons of war ma-
terial and food stuffs have been
Thirty American and 178 South
Vietnamese troops have been re-
ported kiled and 79 Americans
and 840 South Vietnamese wound-
The U.S. Command said 123
Americans were killed and 997
were wounded in all last week,
considerably higher than for the
previous week,
In Laos, military sources re-
ported that Laotian troops recap-
tured and then lost Phon Sa
Phong, a hilltop position f i v e
miles north of Attopeu. Attopeu, a
provincial capital, was captured
by the North Vietnamese a week


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