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July 07, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-07
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Tuesday, July 7, 1970k

tesday, luly 7, 1970




Let us style Your hair to fitI
Your personality . . -
0 8 BARBERS, no waitinq 1
The Dascola Barbers
Maple Villoge

Hundreds of "Specials"
" receivers * changers
* speakers 0 hi fi
" musical instruments
121 W. Washington
Downtown, across from Old
German Restaurant-668-7942

House committee finds Asians
reconciled to U.S. withdrawal

(Continued from Page 3)
for some concern over the long
The report quoted one South-
east Asian as saying: "The U.S.
will spill the blood and spend the
billions; Japan will move in and
DiscussingVietnamization, the
committee said it believes the pro-I
cess "is progressing and that all
levels of our military command
are planning to meet withdrawal1
Orderly withdrawal, the com-
mittee said. requires training of
additional men for the South
Vietnamese air force but "as far
as ground troops are concerned,
America should continue its with-
drawal program at least as fast
as is now scheduled."
Hawkins, a long-time war op-
ponent, told reporters the United
States "has no business being in
Southeast Asia."
He said also he was shocked at
conditions he observed at the po-
litical prison on Con Son island
off Vietnam.
The committee report said only
that some members visited Con
Son, observed some conditions
which required remedial or cor-
rective action, that these were
called to the attention of U.S. and
get their
took. at'U'
F lir ei
it ozi iu :d fromd f<ie 3t:
that group stood for. The 'iik-
point" that was set up by a group
of future ROTC cadets, which
stopped people on their way into
Mosher-Jordan dining room wasF
perhaps indicative of something.
What is common among the
freshmen is a general feeling of
anticipation and yearningi *o be
a part of the University. The earn-
est look on their faces as they
clutch their blue folders verifies;
Perhaps the best indication of
both the confusion of orientation
and the veteran students' aware-
ness of it was the comment of one
junior on the Diag. After sceixg'
the throngs and being informedl
as to what they were dotin. ,he
exclaimed, "Oh. I wondered what I
they were protesting."

Vietnam officials who gave assur-
rances that "our authorities would
thoroughly investigate this situ-
Hawkins said he found that
some political prisoners, held
without trial, were shackled in
small cages until they became
He said the prison "is worse

than Devil's Island" and that U.S.
officials are aware _of these, con-
ditions but "we are covering up."
Rep. William R. Anderson (D-
Tenn), agreed, saying "It was the
most shocking treatment of hu-
man beings I have ever seen."
"I had been told the South Viet-
namese hid the door to the cages
with a stack of wood," he said.

Fleming suggests
possibility of
new~ tuition increase

In an official statement re-
leased yesterday, President Rob-
ben Fleming suggested the pos-
sibility that a new increase
would have to be niade in tuition
levels for 1970-71 in addition to
tentative increases announced in
The president said the Re-
gents would attempt to balance
the University budget without
an additional increase in tuition.
but hinted that this might not
be possible because of the un-
expectedly low appropriation to
the University approved last
week by the State Legislature.
The University will ,receive an
appropriation of $73.5 million
from the state this fiscal year:
The Regents had requested $84
When t h e y approved provi-

sional tuition increases in April,
the Regents said they were as-
suming an appropriation equal
to the $75.7 million recommend-
ed by Gov.' William Milliken.
The following is a full text
of Fleming's statement:
"Tuition and fee increases
which were previously tentative-
ly approved for 1970-71 were
based upon the assumption that
we would yeceive in state monies
the amount proposed by the
Governor. The legislative appro-
priation is, in fact, 2.27 million
dollars below the Governor's
budget. We will now have to
review the situation. A final
budget will be presented for the
consideration of the Regents
when they meet next week.
"We are conscious that thore
has been a downturn in the


Watch proceeds to
POW familes'- - m V.P,

TOWSON, Md. 0P)---A law firm,
sent a letter yesterday advising a
California man that Vice President'
Spiro Agnew will agree to sale of;
a Spiro Agnew watch if profits+
benefits families of American
prisoners of war.
The letter was sent to Dr. Hale
Dougherty of Anaheim by the of-
ficers of Buckmaster, White, Min-
del & Clarke and was signed by
George White Jr.
The letter said the firm repre-
sent Agnew and told Dougherty
that Agnew was not consulted be-
fore marketing of the watch be-
The watch, patterned similar to
the famed Micky Mouse watches,
has a caricature of Agnew at the
center. His hands, one clenched
in a two-fingered peace sign. the
other with the index and little
finger extended, point to the time.'
White's letter said Agnew's
terms for agreement to manufac-
ture and sale of the watch are that+
a "substantial portion of any prof-
it from the undertaking be do-;
nated to the National League of
Families of American Prisoners
and Missing in Southeast Asia.,
Dougherty, contacted in Cali-+
fornia about the letter, said. "I
am surprised because I have re-+
ceived no word from the vice pres-
ident's attorney on such a mat-
ter~." Dougherty said he has re-1
ceived communication from Ag-
new in the past that showed "a
very personable and very pleasant,
attitude. It just doesn't sound like;

concerning the so-called "Spiro
Agnew Watch."
"While your droll product is
amusing in the time honored vein
of American political humor, it
now appears that it is being pro-
moted as a commercial enterprise
on a large scale."
Fleming on
ou 7bunrest
panel tonig~ht
Se'veral campus notables includ-
ing University President Robben
Fleming will participate in a panel
discussion this evening at 7:30 on
the issue of campus unrest.
Sponsored by the Church and
Society"Committee of the First
Presbyterian Church and the Ecu-
menical Campus Center, the meet-
ing will take place in the Social
Hall of the Presbyterian Church at
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
According to Paul R. Dotson.
director of the Ecumenial Center.
the panel "affords an unusual oc-
casion for learning about this sub-
ject (campus unrest) and an op-
poirtuity to raise questions related
to it."
Others on the panel will include
State Sen. Gilbert Bursleyt R-
Ann Arbor); Dean Gordon Van-

Dji sorder,4
In NJ. r
anew last night in a predomin,
curfew in this seashore communi
a black.
Nearly 200 policemen were co
trouble in a seven-block area on
carried shotguns. Police Chief 'Z
policemen had been hurt and moi
arrested in disturbances late Sur
said charges ranged from disord(
those arrested were under age 35
arson arrests, as had been reporte
He said a crowd of 500 to 70C

Associated Press
DOWNTOWN STREETS in Asbury Park, N.J. are nearly deserted yesterday afternoon as smoke from
burning Fischer's Department Store swirls skyward. Fires raged all afternoon in the city as rioting
blacks continued to firebomb buildings in the seaside resort.
House com11mittee finds Asians
reconciled to U.S. withdrawa
WASHINGTON OPi- A House ber. Rep. Augustas Hawkins, tD- governments in the area wel-
committee just back from South- Cal.), told newsmen he found come U.S. withdrawal "provided
east Asia reported yesterday that' shocking conditions at a political direct economic assistance is bol-
officials of various governments in prison in South Vietnam which he stered .. .
that area are unhappy about, but said were being covered up by U.S. "With varying degrees of blunt-
reconciled to, the withdrawal of officials. The committee's report ness, all urge increased military
U.S. troops. said conditions at the prison were equipment, more training, the
The 12-member special commit- called to the attention of U.S. presence of advisers and air sup-
tee filed a 15,000-word report with and Vietnamese officials. port."
the House that contained no con- The committee was headed by, It asserted that while Commu-
clusions but generally discussed Rep. G. V. Montgomery, (D-Miss>. nist China remained a military
conditions committee members Discussing the future role of the, threat, "the quirt economic pen-
had observed. United States in Southeast Asia, etration of Japan is giving cause
One dissenting committee mem- the report said some officials of See HOUSE, Page 10

day and early yesterday, when
looting and fire bombing first
erupted. He said crowds at
times were larger last night.
but he added that trouble was
confined to an area along
Springwood Avenue.
Asked what triggered the trou-
ble, Smith said. "I'm mixed up .
I don't know what to say.
However. Raymond K. Jones,
president of the Asbury Parkt
branch of the National Association
foi Advancement of Colored Peo-
pie, blamed lack of jobs and a
housing shortage he said wast
caused by demolition for urban re-c
Fires cast a smoky pall over the
business district, larigely deser'ted,
Several blocks had burned. The
biggest fire ravaged Fisch's De-
partment Store.
"I couldn't say it was under'
control now,"' said Deputy Fire
Chief Ernest Scutellaro at night-
fall. "As soon as one gets out, an-f
other one gets started." He saido
most were caused by fire bomb-
A curfew took affect at 7 p.m.
in Asbury Park and the neighbor-
ing communities of Neptunec
Township and Ocean Grove. M


his attitude" to suggest how prof- economics Prof. Gardner Ackley.
former chairman of the Presi-
The letter suggested Dougherty dent's Board of Economic Ad-
have his attorney contact White visors: education Prof. Joseph
on the matter. Payne. former chairman of Senate
The letter read in part: "The Assembly; education Prof. Ter-
Vice President has made available rence Tice and history Prof. Ste-
to us the recent correspondence phen Tonsor.


First appearances can

be conf

One of the many sights of Ann Arbor
during the summer is the never ending
stream of freshmen undergoing orientation.
The hordes of eager freshmen on their
guided tours draw jeers and catcalls from
the seasoned loungers on the Diag as the
masses go from building to building hear-
ing tales of the virgin daughters of Uni-
versity presidents and the roaring lions of
the Natural History Museum.
The end product of summer 'orientation
is the natural reluctance of most freshmen
to walk on the "M" on the Diag and the
actual feat of having registered for classes.
Although the program is little more than
a passing diversion to the frisbee players.
to the individuals concerned it can range
from being either a fearful and boring trial,
to a rewarding experience. Although few
of the future students go as far as George
P. Wheeler who took off in the middle of
orientation a few years ago and was never
heard of again, many of them complain
bitterly that the experience is tedious,
unimaginative and somewhat worthless.
One freshman said that the first orienta-
tion meeting reminded her of a "sixteenth

birthday party," while a young LS&A stu-
dent summed up his contempt for the
procedure by getting quietly stoned.
On the other hand what seems to be a
majority of students earnestly enjoy the
three days. A freshman from Lansing was
adamant in his praise of the orientation
leaders, the program and the University.
An obviously enthusiastic coed interrupted
a housing meeting to inform the gathered
faithful that she would be having a party
in her room at ten o'clock.
The orientation leaders say they are all
happy with their jobs, and claim that the
variety in the groups and their personal
contact with them make the job a reward-
ing experience. One of the leaders admit-
ted that at times the program was bureau-
cratic and boring but said that the amount
of paperwork involved in enrolling a stu-
dent made that inevitable,
It is the response by the individuals con-
cerned with the program that is most in-
teresting. The horror of one group ef
females who were informed that a pre-
sentation by Gay Liberation was to be
made to them was due in part of the fact
that half of them were unaware of what
See FRESHMEN, Page 10

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