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May 08, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-08

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Warm and threatening with
chance of storm action

Vol. LXXX, No. 3-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 8, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages






-Associated Press
A MAKE-SHIF'T COFFIN bearing the names of the four Kent
State students killed recently is carried up the steps of the State
Capitol in Denver, Colo. yesterday.
Black faculty blasts
interi1m1 conduct code
The University Association of Black Faculty and Staf
blasted the Regents' Interim Rules and Disciplinary Proce-
dures yesterday calling them an attempt to undermine th
cause of the Black Action Movement (BAM).
In a statement signed by 84 black faculty and staff mem-
bers, the Association charged that the Interim Rules wer
an attempt to discredit BAM by implying that the BAM strike
was violent.
The statement said that the BAM strike was "distinctly
-- -non-violent - that is, it was
i NOT 'characerized by use o
leaders' uncontrolled, strong, rough,
severe and extreme force.,",
t d Such damage to property thai
ouster asted' occurred, said the statement
was in many cases caused by
LANSING (R) - A Republican "provocateurs and others bent
legislator in the Michigan House
has called for the resignation or upon sabotaging BAM's ef-
removal from office of the pres- forts."
idents of Michigan's three major The statement remarked that
universities. in current University parlance

By The Associated Press
Approximately 136 colleges
across the nation were offic-
ially closed yesterday because
of antiwar activities. At many
others, classes were curtailed
or canceled because of stu-
dent strikes, marches, sit-ins
and, in some cases, violence.
President Nixon held a confer-
ence with eight university presi-
dents to explore the causes of
"student frustrations and unrest."
At the same time, Yale Univer-
- sity President Kingman Brewster
Jr. called for a nationwide effort
by college students and teachers'
"to put pressure on the Nixon ad-
ministration to end the war and
to cease its attacks on the stu-
dents and the universities."
Fires were reported at 11 cam-
puses, the main targets being
ROTC buildings. Students on some
campuses staged sit-ins in col-
lege buildings and blocked streets
at others. National Guardsmen
f were on standby duty near several
A Guard spokesman in Rich-
rnmond, Va., said the Washington
directive allowed some local dis-
- cretion and "under some circum-
e stances our men will be armed."
The worst violence apparently
occured at the State University of
New York in Buffalo. There, stu-
V dents continued the third day of
confrontations with police and the
f second night of fighting with vig-
ilante groups of high school stu-
Rock-throwing at police and the
t erection of barricades by students;
was followed by molotov cocktails,
bringing police on the campus at
11 p.m. At least ten students were
reported injured by birdshot fired
- by the police as they drove, ac-
cording to one observer, "like
t madmen" around the campus
Fires broke out in the black cul-





Students protesting the d e a t h s of four Kent State
students, American intervention in Cambodia, and the trial
of Black Panther Bobby Seale, took over the ROTC center at
North Hall yesterday, turning the building into a strike and
child care center.
The students plan to hold the building indefinitely, but
will let ROTC officers use their offices this morning.
Administration officials said they will allow the protesters
to remain in North Hall for an indefinite period of time, pro-
vided that violence does not occur, and the students do not
prevent the normal use of the building.
The peaceful take-over was the conclusion of a walk-out
of over 500 persons attending yesterday's noon memorial


service which was sponsored
by the administration in honor
of the slain Kent State stu-
dents. The walk-out followed
two unscheduled s p e e c h e s
made by students who criti-
cized President Robben Flem-
ing's and Mayor Robert Har-
ris' complicity in American
"capitalism" and repression of
Randall Clarke, '71, and Steph-
en Burghardt, Grad, were invited
to speak by Student Government
Council President Marty Scott and
then led the walk-out of about
500 people, as pre-arranged at a
strike coalition meeting Wednes-
day night.
The group paused on the steps
of Hill Aud., and then about 200
decided to march to the ROTC
building. They toured the build-
ing, and then gathered on the
floor of the lobby to discuss strike
plans. A suggestion to turn the
building into the strike and day-
care center-the latter a demand
of the Women's Liberation-quick-
ly gained support of the group, as
its sponsors argued its potential,
contrasting it to the recent mili-
tant seizing and destruction of
other campuses.
The students then proceded to
"liberate" the building, separating
into committees and organizing
activities and offices for child

-Daily--Richard Lee

Sign proclaims a 'liberated' building


attend memorial

EMU shuts
down* SiX
Eastern-Michigan University has
joined with over 300 colleges across
the nation in closing down in pro-
tests of the killing of four stu-
dents at Kent State University last
The IEMU Faculty-Senate sub-
mitted a resolution to administra-
tion officials asking for a "two day
cessation of classes on Thursday
and Friday as a token gesture ex-
pressng our sense of seriousness
of the current national and inter-
national situation."
After debating the resolution
with members of the Faculty-Sen-
ate, the EMU administration
agreed and classes were cancelled.
Tuesday n i g h t, when news
reached campuses around the
country that four students had
been killed by National Guards-
men on the Kent State campus,
Eastern Michigan students took to
the streets, set fires in Roosevelt
and Welsh Halls and blocked off
Forest Avenue. The students also
broke a few windows on campus.
In response to the students' ac-
tions, the Board of Regents issued
200 "John and Jane Doe" restrain-
ing orders. Sixteen students were
named specifically.
On Wednesday, 200 students
marched through Welsh Hall and
six students were suspended and
told to leave the campus. Other
students took part in teach-ins,
rallies and workshops.
Yesterday, 600 students held a
rally at noon on campus and an-
other last night, both of which
were reported to be peaceful.
Today, the students plan to hold
memorial services for the four
Kent State University students.
EMU President Harold Sponberg
is scheduled to address the con-
vocation. The meeting is at noon
in Pease Auditorium where a large
turnout is expected.
Plans have not been made as



Kent students

Rep. Philip O. Pittenger, who "violence has come to mean vir- Iural center at tne University o care, strike planning, security, i
is a candidate for Lansing's seat tually any act by which segments Dubuque and police said it wasB"r terior decorating, and "the city
in he tat Seate Thrsdy ds-of he nivrsiy sek o mkedefinitely arson. Firebombing was By HESTER PULLING sity areas" and the "intolerance I Harris charged the White Houseteodcraigan"heit
in the state Senate, Thursday dis of the University seek to make thh using the "camusprotests first community dinner."
tributed a resolution to be intro- known their protest against un- blamed for $4,000 damage to an Over 1,700 people attended the or suc act ions wit hin the d r it tpPresidentFinmet for ov
duced in the House calling for just, discriminatory, or otherwise ROTC storehouse at Ohio Univer- memorial service held at Hill Aud.mC
the resignation of Robben Flem- prejudicial and harmful policies, sity in Columbus. An early morn- yesterday in honor of the four against students." as a means of frightening the an hour with Police Chief Walt
ing, president of the University procedures, and institutions with- ing fire destroyed an old frame students killed at Kent State Uni- "What has created these feel- American people with the spectre Krasny, members of the Sena
of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Dr in the University." physical education building at the versity in Ohio earlier this week. iings are the attacks against uni- of domestic anarchy." He con- Advisory Committee on Universi
Clifton R. Wharton, president of The Association also said that University of Alabama. The audience was addressed by versities by the President and Vice demned the Administration's ef- Affairs (SACUA), the top facul
Michigan State University at East when "verbal and written appeals Student marshals stamped out student, community and Univer- President of the United States," forts to "rally public opinion to body, members of Student Goveri
Lansing, and Dr. William R. Keast, for just and reasonable change the fuse of a gasoline bomb found sity leaders who mourned the loss Knauss said, support a get tough policy at home ment Council, and representativ
LasnadD.iila .Ka thonjuthean vresonyae canena 6mlinAoi nry flf n rtczdtepolice andanuscaatinaofthednforo thspeolenccuyinaNo
president of Wayne State Uni- within the University are met Knauss called for students and chinese War abroad." Hall. The group agreed that p
versity in Detroit. tintransigence, the aggrieved Commssion computer at New shootings. faculty to work together in peace-s lice were not be called in until ti
Pittenger's resolution accuses members of the University com- About400 eno Over 500 members of the audi- ful ways. "To be a part of violence Harris urged students "to hope action became violent.
all three of: rmuniy have no recourse but to bu t s tdn occupied t ence walked out of the auditorium only plays into the hands of those again, to struggle again, to try for
buligsaarokmt-NY, tt halfway through the service fo-iwishingtorpes"maiguvcoyaaninhs. "We have no intention of mo
"Attempting to excuse their in- launch a vigorous activist cam- College after a night of fires and ag ing with any police action as br
tentional failure or inability to paign to call attention to the Uni- Coldegismftere. lowing calls by two unscheduled dosuntryselectoral process.is things are peaceful and no
vadlsytee pekr!olev nprts f The next speaker, Student Gov- acountryssaelectoraluprocess.
cope with mob violence . . by versity's denial of justice." The campus protests against speakers to leave protest of enent Council President Marty Claiming that "radical's bricks destructive," Fleming said afte
placing the blame for the local- The Association added, "To ar- Nixon's Indochina policies and some of the memorial serviceScott, disagreed with Knauss's call and fires and bombs move the na- wards.
but internationally sponsored- gue that the minority right to deaths of four students at Kent speakers. for peaceful action, ton to the right-to the Presi- He emphasized that the use
acts o anarchy on the President Iprotest is overridden by the ma- State University by Ohio National Robert Knauss, newly elected "W dent's waiting arms," Harris called North Hall by the protesters wou
of the United States. jority right to rule, no matter Guardsmen, were mostly peaceful, chairman of the Senate Advisory aof t insait Scottsaid."not for revolution, but peace. Our not interfere with the holding
Adisryface weapnshaesnoibrikstutba-SROCtclssesiwhihoarein
The resolution calls on the three how recklessly, is to misunder- however. Committee on University Affairs- "We need ct in a way so strong ts
to resign, their governing boards stand what democracy is all At Central Michigan University, the top faculty body-opened the a'd so massive that Nixon can't Flischeduled to begin until ne
to "fire them without delay" and about." students, faculty and administra- memorial services in front of a Following a long and heavy Tuesday. Fleming declined t
on Gov. William G. Milliken to The Association warned the Re- tors agreed to cancel classes today responsive, often heckling crowd. ignore us." round of applause for Harris, speculate on whether the admi
"stop the insurrections taking ients t h a t if the University to discuss the Cambodian situ- Knauss denounced the "tragic After calling for Fleming to Fleming gave the closing remarks, istration would change its pos
place" at all three campuses. See STATEMENT, Page 8 See 136, page 8 attacks on dissent within Univer- "shut this University down." Scott I"That the stage could ever be tion when classes begin.
_._.- C__ - - __ ____- - .alloted part of his time to two un- i relhed in which cmmnictin Cllig nf



Plnwa hen o nae a


Union hit
A union official Tuesday stressed that
difficult working conditions motivated the
recent wildcat strike by hospital employes
and that the settlement between the Uni-
versity and the union has only temporary
"It hasn't been settled, it's been quieted,"
said Willy Collins. acting president of Local
State, County, And Municiple Employes
1583 of the A in e r i c a n Federation of
State. County, and Municiple Employes
Mrs. Collins said the strike, involving

s hospital settlement

"We hope we won't have to strike then
-but we are ready and prepared for it,"
Mrs. Collins said. "The people will be
ready for it. They have been shoved and
pushed around too much."f
In addition to pay increase and fringe
benefits the union will be asking for
stronger language on over-time and sick
pay benefit provisions. "We have these
benefits, but they haven't been utilized."
Mrs. Collins said, explaining that super-
visors determine when sick pay should be
granted, and that employes do not always
receive the benefits. "It depends on who
x ,r m i. - 1 nes trn a rfrcnrn , T - i

those who strike, excepting five employes,
and alter grievance procedures. Under the
settlement the union can ask for arbitra-
tion on disciplinary actions by the Uni-
versity within 30 days after they are
made. It also sets a time limit by which
the University must process grievances, a
clause which deals with criticisms by union
officials that grievance cases are delayed
for inexcuseable lengths of time,
The University has decided to dismiss
one of the five not included in the disci-
pline sanction, a decision which will be put
to arbitration in response to the union's
snn ct T'~n nm -tn~r. r t-n. _n-7 : l - _.. t

scheduled speakers.
Steve Burghardt, a member of
the strike coalition, criticized the
"fact that only 'legitimate' ad-
ministrator's have the power to
call such a memorial service whenI
it is the masses who force the
Criticizing Fleming, Burghardt
said that "a president of a univer-
sity having committed a like act
(of calling in police) has -no right
to call a memorial."
The next strike coalition speak-
er, Randall Clarke, attacked the
U.S. public for "tolerating the in-
vasion of three countries of color-
ed peoples while mourning the
death of six white middle class
"No one should be allowed to
mourn the death of the Kent State
studients unloesthen actively snn-

I '1.. u '. ''a ul ± u4 .ill .1 u ,JAlil l a ud v i
via live bullets would occur on
campus is still beyond the belief1
of most of us," Fleming said. "It
must not happen again."

ta ng on te protesters o re- ' to wnet er the cessation oI classes
main peaceful, Fleming said, "To will extend into next week. It is
be destructive is as unproductive expected, however, that students
to them as it is for us." will return to classes when school
See PROTESTERS, Page 8 : reopens.


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