Page Eight
Wdn ,4.
Wednesday, June 17, 1970
- C14C
Muhammed Ali takes calrmly
conscientious objectors ruling
ATLANTA (MP-An attorney
for Muhammed Ali, formerly
Cassius Clay, said yesterday the
ex-heavyweight boxing cham-
pion may win draft status as a
conscientious objector on the
strength of a recent Supreme
Court decision.
The Supreme Court exempted
Monday from military service
all young men who oppose war
on strong ethical or moral
grounds, even if this opposition
is not based on religious belief.
Ali had asked to be classified
as a conscientious objector be-
cause of membership in the
Black Muslim faith.
Robert Bolt, an attorney for
the American Civil Liberties
Union, which is defending Ali,
said that an earlier decision by
the U.S. Court of Appeals aid
not doubt Ali's sincerity in his
objection to war, but instead
said the court felt that Black
Muslims were primarily a polit-
ical and racial rather than reli-
gious organization.
Bolt said the court's latest de-
cision could end the litigation.
Clay, however, took the news
calmly. He played down the no-
tion that he's been denied any
"You're free," Clay said,
"when your conscience is free.
You can be locked up in a cell
and be a free man, you know
that, Brother, I've been free all
Clay, who was stripped of his
boxing title when he refused in-
duction, said, "I'm ready for
the worse. If they want to lock
me in jail, they can lock me in
jail. I'm not fleeing the country
or burning my draft card. I've
been working with the law, I
wish they'd hurry up and decide
whether I'm right or wrong."
Clay's attorney, Chauncey
Eskridge, said from Chicago,
after the Supreme Court deci-
sion was announced Monday
that he was encouraged by the
"Our first move will be to ask
the court to reconsider its for-
mer opinion in light of this re-
cent opinion."
Clay has been convicted of
evading the draft and is free
pending an appeal.
McLain looks toward start
at Tiger Stadium on July 1st
LAKELAND, Fla. (P)-Cock-
.ure Detroit pitcher Denny Mc-
Lain gets nervous when he
thinks of his July 1 return to
"Tiger Stadium is sold out,"
he says, "and I hope most of
them will be cheering instead of
booing. I'll need em."
McLain is entering the final
two weeks of his suspension by
baseball commissioner Bowie
Kuhn for associating with un-
savory characters. He's phy ;i-
cally sound and claims to have
learned a lesson. ,
"This case is closed as of July
1," said McLain at his upper
middle class Lakeland home.
"You might say I'm being born
again. I have profited much by
this mistake."
"People say you sometimes
have to profit by mistakes," he
said, "and boy did I have a
McLain weights 200, five
pounds under his 1969 playing
weight. He works daily at Lake-
land High School and pitches
"Like I was in a real game" ev-
ery third or fourth afternoon.
. Somebody figured out in the
Tiger front office that McLain,
with luck, could get as many as
24 starts in the last three
months of the season. Despite
knowing this, Denny won't own
up to but one goal.
McLain says he "would like
to think the Tigers can win it,
and that's my goal." But, he ad-
mits;~"there is a helluva lot to
make up. But, we can do it. The
talent is the same as 1968 when
we won it all. We're all just two
years older ... for better our
Vol. LXXX, No. 30-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 17, 1970 Ten Cet
Tigers dump Athletics
DETROIT (/P)-Mike Kilken-
ny, making his first start in
nearly a month, pitched a four-
hitter as theDetroit Tigers beat
the Oakland A's 5-1 last night.
Kilkenny, 3-1, allowed only a
bunt single over the first four
innings and then the game was
delayed 51 minutes by rain. He
came back apparently unaf-
fected by the layoff and hurled
three-hit ball the rest of the
way, striking out 11.
Joe Rudi ruined Kilkenny's
shutout bid by doubling home
Bert Campaneris, who walked
with two out in the eighth.
Twins triumph
(/)-Leo Cardenas cracked four
hits and pitcher Jim Perry
stroked three, pacing the Min-
nesota Twins to a 7-3 victory
over the Washington Senators
last night.
Major League|{
Standings A
The Twins' fifth victory over
the Senators in five games this
season moved them 5% games
ahead of the runner-up Cali-
fornia Angels in the American
League's West Division.
Sox shrink
CHICAGO (A') - Roy White
drove in four runs with a two-
run double in the sixth and a
two-run homer in the eighth
last night to lead the surging
New York Yankees to a 6-2 vic-
tory over the Chicago White Sox
and stretch their winning streak
to six games.
With the Yankees trailing 2-1
in the sixth finning, against
Tommy John, Horace Clarke
doubled, went to third on a
single by Bobby Murcer and both
runners scored on White's dou-
ble. White took third on the
throw home and scored on a
wild pitch.
New York
Minnesota 38 18 .679 -
California 35 26 .574 5x,?
Oakland 34 28 .549 7
Chicago 22 39 .361 181
Kansas City 21 38 .356 181
iliwaukee 19 41 .317 21
Yesterday's Results
Boston 7, Kansas City 5
New York 6, Chicago 2
Minnesota 7, Washington 3
Cleveland 9, California 2
IDetroit 5, Oakland 1
Milwaukee at Baltimore, ppd., rain
Today's Games
Boston at Kansas, City, night
Washington at Minnesota, night
New York at Chicago, night
Oakland at Detroit, night
California at Cleveland, night
Milwaukee at Baltimore, night
Haitine-Conti. remain
in NCAA tennis tourney
In Salt Lake City yesterday, .SALT LAKE CITY (A)-UCLA
Michigan's final singles com- and Southern California led
petitor fell in the NCAA Tennis through the first four rounds
championships. of the NCAA Tennis Champion-
Mark Conti, facing Jeff Aus- ships yesterday as the singles
tin of UCLA, lost 6-1, 7-5. field narrowed to 16 players.
Earlier Michigan's Joel Ross Actually six teams remained
defaulted to Jeff Borowiak be- in the running for the team
cause of a tendon problem in title.
his elbow. This also forced the In addition to UCLA and
team of Tim Ott and Ross out Southern Cal, Trinity of Texas,
of the doubles competition. Rice and Miami of Florida and
Still remaining in conpeti- Utah each had two singles play-
tion for Michigan was the team ers advancing to the fifth round,
of John Hainline and Conti. At the end of the fourth round
They drew a bye in first round singles play, UCLA and South-
competition, won be default in ern Cal each had 14 points.
the second round, and start Trinity had 13 and Rice 12,
third round competition today. Miami and Utah each had 11,
The tournament which began and Stanford 9.
two days ago with 150 competi- But UCLA remained in the
tors is scheduled for completion favored position, mainly be-
this Saturday. cause of having Haroon Rahim,
top-seeded singles player in the
tournaments, and Jeff Borowi-
ak, the No. 5 seed, while de-
fending champions Southern
Cal. counters with 10-seeded
Tom Leonard and third-seeded
player dies Erik Van Dillen.
Van Dillen, a 16-year-old
offreshman, barely stayed in an
exhausting 2%V-hour battle with
UCLA's Bob Kreiss in the fourth
NEW YORK (/P) - Running round.
back Brian Piccolo of the Chi- Rahim, a tall Pakistani with
cago Bears, saluted recently by a sonic serve, meanwhile coasted
teammate Gale Sayers as "a through the third and fourth
friend who spells out the word rounds with 6-2, 6-2 victory
courage 24 hours a day every over Earle Freeman of Tennes-
day of his life," died yesterday see and a 6-4, 6-3 triumph over
of cancer at the age of 26. Houston's Jim Rombeau. That
Death came shortly before 3 put Rahim in a confrontation
a.m., EDT, at Memorial Hospital with Southern Cal's Leonard in
for Cancer and Allied Diseases the fifth round.
to the courageous athlete who Trinity's hopes lie with Dick
was an unspectacular football Stockton, the 11th seed, and
player but left a lasting mark Bob McKinley, seventh-seeded,
because of his bravery in the which Rice still has Zan Guer-
face of the dread killer. ry, seeded 16th, and Mike Estep,
"He was so young to die, with seeded ninth.
a future that held so much for Miami's fifth-round singles
him," said George Halas, the participants will be former
owner of the Chicago Bears. South African Pat Cramer, sec-
"But Brian made the most of ond-seeded in the meet, and
the brief 26 years allotted to sixth-seeded Luis Garcia, from
him, and he will not be forgot- Mexico, while Utah has Dan
ten." Bleckinger and F, D. Robbins,
-Associated Press
-Associated Press
PETE ROSE takes to the ground while New York's Al Weis heads
for the sky in last night's acrobatic show in Shea Stadium. The
artistic Mets proved the hit of the night as they went on to bop
Cincinnati 8-1 in the rain delayed game.
Brazil, Uruguay square off
Awaiting the Ambassador
Brazilian police- and newsmen held a vigil outside the Rio de Janeiro residence of the kidnaped West
German ambassador who was released last night. Ambassador Ehrenfried von Holleben was seized
by leftists last Thursday who held him until the Brazilian government met their ransom demands
and flew 40 prisoners to freedom in Algeria.
G(ibson wins in Newark
NEWARK, N.J. (P) - A black spiracy and extortion charges Addonizio led in early returm
engineer ousted a veteran mayor and now is standing trial. from predominantly white areas.
fighting a federal indictment Three of Gibson's candidates but Gibson began to catch up a
yesterday to become the first for the nine-member city coun- reports came in rom the heav-
black elected chief executive of cil also won. Two blacks on Ad- ily black sections of New Jer-
a major northeastern city. donizio's slate lost. sey's largest city.
Kenneth A. Gibson, 38, in his Addonizio's effort to congrat- Both candidates urged the
second bid to become mayor of ulate Gibson on "a splendid vic- city to unite behind the eventual
New Jersey's largest city, out- tory" was met by boos in his winner, saying, "If we cannot
polled Mayor Hugh J. Addoni- headquarters, w h e r e a brief begin the hard and difficult pro-
zio 54,892 to 43,339. melee erupted as television re- cess of grouping our forces to-
For Addonizio, the loss to ports showed the mayor losing. gte oihoecnia
Gibson who ran third in the Shouting youths overturned a gether tonight, one candidate
mayor's race four years ago, fol- television camera, but police re- will still win the election but the
lowed a series of political trou- stored order in about five city of Newark will be the ulti-
bles which began with a race minutes. mate loser."
riot in 1967. This year Addoni--tGs h
zio was indicted on federal con- l Adomzio -told Gibson he had
Carole Leland, proposed c
student affairs, met with stud
yesterday in an effort to und
between University students an
Miss Leland, at an interv
iterate her former statement
vice presidential candidate. "I
to accept this job today. I wc
President Fleming that more a
increased staff be given to the
consider taking the job."
Miss Leland, 35, is an of:
Examination Board and one
position presented to Fleming
committee last January.
A high official in the Office of
Student Affairs (OSA) indicated
last week that Fleming was will-
ing to appoint Miss Leland if she
desired the post.
Flaming has been unavailable
for comment on this issue.
The University administration
has unsuccessfully sought a per-
manent vice president for stu-
dent affairs for over two years.
The post is presently filled by
Acting Vice President for Student
Affairs Barbara Newell.
Members of Student Govern-
ment Council met with Miss Le-
land yesterday afternoon to dis-
cuss the students' role at the
University, as well as their rela-
tionship with the vice president.
When-asked her opinion of a
student-dominated policy board
for OSA, Miss Leland declined to
answer directly saying, "I can't gi
"However," she added, "I thin
president be open with you. Hope
what he is thinking."
Commenting after the meeti
Grieck, executive vice president c
that Carole Leland will accept thi
she will be able to operate as free
"In any case," De Grieck adc
outlook on the role of students a
Marty Scott, president of SGC
clear that as long as this positior
it, it will continue to be unattr
people such as Carole Leland."
Following a luncheon meeting
son, director of health services in I
of opinion of the OSA directors,
vice-presidency aptly. I, myself, w;
ness and apparent willingness to s
Law Prof. Robert Knauss, ch
faculty body, also spoke highly of
tive person, one who would make a
New York
St. Louis
Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Diego
W L~
32 23
31 29
31i 31
27 31
26 33
22 37
44 18
32 26
33 28
28 32
29 38
27 36
and West Germany - the teams
with the strongest attacks in the
World Soccer Cup competition
prepared yesterday to meet the
best defensive teams, Uruguay
and Italy, in today's crucial
semifinals games.
The West Germans, who have
scored 13 goals in four games,
travelled to Puebla, near Mexico
City yesterday and scheduled
a brief training session before
the match against Italy.
The Italians, who have been
based in Mexico City since the
start of the championship, will
oppose the best defense of the
championship against the goal-
grabbing Germans. I t a 1 i a n
goalie Albertosi has only allow-
ed one goal so far.
Uruguay, which also has con-
ceded only one goal, left Puebla
Simpson signs
DENVER (P-Ralph Simp-
son, who averaged 29 points per
game as a sophomore at Mich-
igan State, has signed a long-
term contract to play for the
Denver Rockets, the American
Basketball Association club an-
nounced yesterday.
reluctantly for Guadalajara,
where they will face their old
Uruguayans drafted a strong
protest to the International Soc-
cer Federation on Monday,
claiming the federation had act-
ed illegally in making them
travel 300 miles to Guadalajara,
when fans and team officials
had expected them to play in
Mexico City.
Uruguay and Brazil have an
old quarrel to settle. The Urug-
uayans, world champions in 1930
and 1950, say their tiny country
should win the championship
once every 20 years, thus tak-
ing the Jules Rimet Cup in 1970.
For the Brazilians, the loss to
Uruguay in Maracana Stadium
in 1950 in Rio still is a stinging
Brazil had built a huge sta-
dium for the world champion-
ship and hoped to win its first
Everything favOred the host
team, not only because it would
have a partisan crown but be-
cause of its performance prior
to the world contest.
The Brazilians were leading
1-0, 12 minutes before the end,
when the Uruguayans came back
with two quick goals.
"a massive job ahead" but said,
"I stand ready to assist in a
smooth transfer."
Many observers had felt that
the bitter runoff campaign had
divided N e w ar k along racial
However, in at least one major
predominantly white ward, Gib-
son polled more votes than ex-
T h r e e councilmen indicted
with Addonizio, two of them
blacks, also lost. Irvine Turner,
the first black ever elected in
Newark, lost to the Rev. Dennis
Westbrooks, a Gibson man. Cal-
vin West, the first black to win
a city wide office, lost his at-
large seat, as Gibson's slate pre-
Both m a y o r a l candidates
pleaded for harmony on election
night, after a campaigi often
marked by racial overtones.
"Our problems are great but
not insurmountable," their joint
statement said. "We can only
meet them head on, however, if
we can learn to trust each other
and work together."
Yesterday's Results
Chicago at San Francisco, Inc.
Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, inc.
San Diego 4, St. Louis 0
Atlanta 7, Montreal 5
New York 8, Cincinnati 1
Philadelphia 2, Houston 1
Today's Games
Atlanta at Montreal, night
Cincinnati at New York, night
Houston at Philadelphia, night
Chicago at San Francisco
Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, night
St. Louis at San Diego, night
Kenneth Gibson