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June 03, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-06-03

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Sir 43an~


Partly cloudy,
small chance of rain

Vol. LXXX, No. 20-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 3, 1970 Ten Cents

Four Pages


Alabama runoff



George Wallace

Ex losion on
Ap ollo 13 laid
to ground crew
SPACE CENTER, Houston (RP) -
Apollo 13's near-disaster in space
was caused by a mistake on the
ground, the chairman of the board
investigating the incident said yes-
At a news conference, Edgar Cort-
wright, the chairman, attributed the
spacecraft's troubles to the use of too
much electric power by ground tech-
Cortwright said that the tech-
nicians caused ,two thermostatic
switches to become welded together
while trying to drain liquid oxygen
out of a tank aboard the Apollo 13
service module two weeks before the
April 11 launch. This started what he
called "a probable sequence" that led
to the accident.
The oxygen tank exploded April 13
while Apollo 13 was more than half-
way to the moon. The explosion
forced the cancellation of a planned
moon landing, caused the loss of most
M of the space craft's oxygen and elec-
trical supplies and seriously imperiled
the astronauts' lives.
Cortwright said that workmen ap-
plied about 65 volts to a circuit that
powers a heater inside the service
module's oxygen tank. Officials said
the switches were designed to handle
only 30 volts. Cortwright said tests
have shown that the high voltage
would 'weld the switches closed. With
failure of the switches, he said, tem-
peratures in the tank heater would
increase to about 1,000 degrees.
Cortwright said tests have shown
that such a high temperature would
cause Teflon insulation to peel off
the wires which power the fans in
the tank.
When the fans were turned on, he
continued, the bare wires could have
caused an electrical arc.

By The Associated Press
George C. Wallace won Ala-
bama's showdown Democratic
primary last night to recapture
the governorship and secure a
political base vital to a third
party presidential challenge in
Wallace's victory was tantamount
to being elected governor, since the
Republican party does not plan to
enter a candidate.
The race in Alabama was one of
several major primaries taking place
In California, Assemblyman Jess
Unruh took an early lead over Los
Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty in the
race for the Democratic nomination
for governor.
Republican Sen. George Murphy,
seeking renomination, pulled ahead
of millionaire industrialist Norton
Congressman John V. Tunney, seek-
ing the Democratic Senate nomina-
tion, led U.S. Rep. George E. Brown
Jr. in a campaign that was pegged
on antiwar sentiments.
Brown called for the immediate
withdrawal of all American troops
from Southeast Asia, and said the
election was a referendum on presi-
dential policy.
Tunney's antiwar position was
more moderate, and he said he was
more likely to win in November.
While vying with Brown in liberal
sentiments, Tunney contended the
main issue was who could beat
Murphy next fall.
In New Jersey, Sen. Harrison A.
Williams easily won the Democratic
primary and former state Republican
Chairman Nelson Gross won his
party's nod, giving the state's voters
a choice in November between two
men who oppose President Nixon's
Indochina policy.
Gross, a longtime Nixon supporter,
broke with the President by opposing
the-Cambodian escalation.-Williams,
a supporter of President Johnson's
war policies, now favors the with-
drawal of all troops from Vietnam
within a year.
With about 83 per cent of the vote
counted in Alabama, Wallace had
484,115 votes, Brewer 436,735.

-Daily-Richard Lee
MEMBERS of Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and Student Government Council discuss plans to protest President
Fleming's decisions iot to allow GLF to hold a conference on homosexuality at the University.

Milliken signs
bill punishing
disru pter s
Gov. William Milliken signed into law yesterday a bill which
would fine or imprison persons who participate in disruption at
state colleges and universities.
The new law allows a judge to impose a jail sentence of up to
90 days and a fine of between $200 and $1000 on persons who:
-"Intentionally constitute a clear and substantial risk of
physical harm or injury to other persons;"
-"Intentionally constitute a clear and substantial risk of dam-
age to or the destruction of the property of the institution;" or
-Participate in the "unreasonable prevention or disruption of
the customary and lawful function of the institution by occupying



to demand

space necessary (for carrying out
use of force or by the threat of
In addition, the bill would impose
a sentence of up to $500 and 30 days
in jail on persons who refuse to leave
a campus building when ordered to
by the president of the institution,
"or his designee."
"I think it is a fair and objective
bill," Milliken said yesterday. He
added that the new law will give
c a m p u s authorities more "legal
muscle" in dealing with disrupters.
A provision which would require
the expulsion of students convicted
of the above actions was recently ap-
proved by the state Senate and is
now being'considered by the House of
The expulsion provision is included
in the Senate's version of the higher
education appropriation bill for 1970-
71. The provision stipulates that no
part of the higher education appro-
priation may be used to fund the
salary or educational costs of any
students or faculty members con-
victed of the actions listed in the
disorder bill, which Milliken yesterday
The new disorder law as well as
the expulsion provision are thought
to be the result of the state Legisla-
ture's reaction to the new wave of
disruption on state campuses.
Presently, the Legislature is con-
sidering a proposed amendment to
the state constitution which would
place the state universities and col-
leges under the complete control of
the state Legislature.
The Senate is scheduled to vote on
that bill today.

'U' permit


Members of Gay Liberation Front
(GLF) and Student Government
Council (SGC) last night agreed to
co-sponsor a letter to President
Robben Fleming demanding that he
reverse his earlier decision not to
allow GLF to hold a Midwest .con-
ference on homosexuality.
Although SGC has not met form-
ally on the issue, SGC Executive
Vice President Jerry De Grieck said

he expected no difficulty in securing
approval of the letter.
"SGC would write a resolution de-
manding that GLF-as a recognized
student group-be allowed Univer-
sity facilities for the conference,"
De Griek said, executive vice
president of SGC. "Then both of our
groups could co-sponsor a letter to
President Fleming pointing out the
validity of a conference."
The issue that was stressed during

Summer rock concerts scheduled;
first set for June 14 at city park

last night's meeting was GLF's goal
of gaining the right to organize and
"Right now we're just playing into
Fleming's hand by being quiet and
obscure," said Jim Toy, a GLF mem-
ber. "He's afraid of publicity-and
that's where we should direct our ef-
The groups will try to arrange a
meeting early next week with Flem-
ing, "and if he refuses to see us, we
should organize leafletting and pick-
eting," De Grieck said.
The group also made tentative
plans to hold a guerrilla theatre out-
side the Administration Bldg. to pro-
test Fleming's decision.
In a letter to Fleming last April,
GLF asked for University facilities
for a Midwest conference that would
"offer workshops on homosexuality,
public lectures and panel discussions
by such outside specialists as jurists,
doctors and religious leaders who
would speak to the public at large
on legal, medical and religious as-
pects of homosexuality."
Fleming responded to GLF's re-
quest with a letter to Barbara New-
ell, acting vice president for student
affairs. stating that in order to
qualify for the use of University
facilities the proposed conference
"ought, in view of the law, to be
clearly educational in nature and
directed primarily towards those
people who have a professional in-
terest in the field."
GLF plans to hold a dance on June
12 at the Union which will be open
to the public.

the institution's functions) by
Student aid
In coleges
An increasing number of college
students applying for financial aid
are being turned down by campus
scholarship offices due to a shortage
of funds, according to a report issued
by the National Association of State
Universities and Land Grant Col-
The report, compiled by the as-
sociation's Office of Institutional Re-
search, attributes the shortage to a
rise in the number of aid requests.
The increase, the report says, is a
result of "spiralling charges for tui-
ition, room and board that have be-
come necessary in traditionally low-
cost state university and land-grant
colleges in recent years."
As example of the financial aid
shortage, the report cites:
--Michigan State University's ,in-
ability to aid about 1,500 students
who asked for funds;
-Ohio State University's being
forced to turn down 1,500 applicants
for National Defense Student Loans
due to cuts in federal funding; and
-A financial aids program at
Tennessee A & I State University
which "can support only about a
third of the university's needy stu-
The report says that families are
having difficulty meeting current
living expenses due to inflation, and
have had little chance to save for
the children's college educations.
"Middle as well as lower income
families are feeling the squeeze," the
report states. "As a result, there are
many more aid requests pouring into
financial aids offices."
According to the report, other fac-
tors which have created "t ig h t
money" for student aid include:
-The failure of federal funding
to keep pace with college's demands
for participation in federally-spon-
sored programs;
-The reluctance of banks to make
loans to many students under the
Guaranteed Student Loan Program;
-The failure of state legislatures
to match higher university opera-
tional costs with corresponding ap-
propriation increases and "the re-
sulting necessity to raise tuition."

The first in a series of free weekly
rock concerts planned this summer
will take place June 14 at Gallup
After two months of negotiations
between city officials and the concert
supporters, Assistant City Adminis-
trator Don Borut said yesterday that
a permit for the concert would be
issued today by the city Department
of Parks.
A group calling itself the Coalition
of Ann Arbor Citizens - which in-
cludes the White Panthers, the SRC

rock band, and sympathetic Ann Ar-
bor residents - have been meeting
regularly with, Borut since early May,
and recently settled on all but "minor
details" concerning the concerts, ac-
cording to Peter Andrews, an organ-
izer of the summer program.
Summer concerts have been a
source of considerable controversy
among city residents and council
members who have complained of
the "undesirable nature" of last
year's rock concert audiences.
At Monday night's City Council
meeting, Councilman Lloyd Fair-
banks (R-Sth Ward) criticized the
summer concert program.
Fairbanks warned that the con-
certs may "become an extension of
the White Panthers and their phil-
osophy." The regular concerts, he
added, "may make Ann Arbor the
acid-rock center of the state."
In response to criticism of the
concert program, Mayor Robert Har-
ris said that any group can apply for
use of the city's parks, regardless of
their political persuasion. He added
that "I don't understand the phi-
losophy that allows the Republicans
to hold concerts, but not the Demo-
crats and the White Panthers."
Andrews, who is also manager of
SRC, said yesterday that security for
the concerts would be handled pri-
marily by "psychedelic r a n g e r s"
which he indicated would attempt to
prevent incidences which might jeo-
pardize the success of the concerts,
such as violations of obscenity laws.
Andrews added that the rangers
will work closely with the police de-
partment and he expects full cooper-
ation between the two groups to be

be raised primarily through bucket
drives at each concert. The Coalition
will also attempt to raise money
through weekly contributions from
local businessmen.
Andrews said he hopes that free
food and soft drinks can be provided
for the audience. "I don't want any-
thing sold at the concerts," he said.
The concerts will be alternated be-
tween Gallup Park and the Huron
Uplands, on opposite sides of the
Huron River near Huron High
"Sound from the concerts carries,"
Borut said, "and we don't want it to
carry to the same place all summer."
He added that steps are being taken
by the Coalition to reinforce the stage
canopy which directs noise toward
the audience and away from the
residential areas.

Gov. Milliken



pay cut for strike

The University's maintenance and food serv-
ice employes are locked in a dispute with the
administration over their loss of pay for being
absent from their jobs during the Black Action
Movement (BAM) class strike.
Eighty of the employes are demanding that
the University pay them for the work missed,
maintaining that they remained absent either
because they were directed not to report to work,
or because their place of employment was locked.
The employes are members of local 1583 of
the American Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME), which sup-
ported the demands of BAM for increased min-
ority enrollment, although it did not officially

for work on Friday, March 27, the seventh day
of the class strike.
According to Charles McCracken, president
of local 1583, West also told the workers that
they would receive regular pay for the work
missed. However, the following week, McCracken
says, West told the employes that he had been
"misinformed" and that they would not receive
regular pay. West added that they could consider
the strike day one of their vacation days, and
receive holiday pay for the work missed, Mc-
Cracken says.
Although several West Quad employes have
confirmed McCracken's account of the incident,
West has been out of town and unavailable for
'ThP r, -.y a, rloimnon( inthat the Univrsitv

for employes to lose income" as a result of the
class strike. He adds, however, that the Uni-
versity believes the employes should take the
pay from vacation time, citing the contract
clause which covers transfer of holidays for any
periods when employes are "unable to work."
"It is our interpretation," Thiry says, "that
this clause applies to instances where employes
are directed not to work-which is where the
union disagrees."
Meanwhile, employes working in Couzens
Hall charge that when they arrived at their jobs
on March 27, the areas where they are employed
were locked, forcing them to stay away from
According to Jean W u n s c h e, a cook at
Couzens Hall, the employes were told the night




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