Vol. LXXXI, No. 70-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 18, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Alleged anti-government con-
spirator Eqbal Ahmad yesterday
urged American citizens to employ
civil disobedience, if necessary, to
protest government policies.
He explained his view of Ameri-
can politics to the national con-
ference of Clergy and Laymen
Concerned (C&LC) at Markley
Hall, citing as an example of the
results of U.S. policy the plight of
his native Pakistan.
Ahmad, a professor of interna-
tional studies at the University of
Chicago, is one of six anti-war ac-
tivists charged with conspiring
both to blow up the heating sys-
tem of Washington D.C. and to
kidnap Presidential adviser Henry
Calling American involvement in
Pakistan "one of the 34 invisible
wars currently being waged by
the U.S.," Ahmad urged the au-
dience toward increased involve-
ment in American foreign affairs.
"Let us begin to force govern-
ment institutions to become ac-
countable to us or crack," he said.
Ahmad explained the concept of
"invisible war," saying they are
"wars waged by the government
which are invisible only to you,
not to those suffering the conse-
quences of them." He cited Ameri-
can involvement in Pakistan. Viet-
nam, Laos, Cambodia, Brazil and
Guatemala as examples of those
carried on by the American gov-
But, according to Ahmad, these
wars are not the fault of the gov-
ernment alone. "Vietnam became
possible only because the American
people had stopped questioning the
government. They made the mis-
See AIIMAD, Page 2
hits U.S. aims
rice freeze
won't affect
tuition hik e
Although no one is certain, it appears that a new
federal ruling will allow the University to raise tuition as
scheduled this fall in spite of President Nixon's announce-
ment of a 90-day wage-price freeze.
A statement issued yesterday by the Office of Eco-
nomic Preparedness would allow universities and private
schools to legally implement previously approved tuition
hikes during the price freeze.
That decision was made, a spokesman said, on the
grounds that most tuition
increases were announced
months ago and advance
payments and deposits
have been made for many 0
students under the new nay raise
Thus, because of the pay- *
ments. the schedules were view-
ed as being in effect before the
August 14, freeze date.
A slim hope exists, however. The President's Cost of Living
that the tuition hikes may be sus- Council last night said it would
pended during the price freeze. rule on whether state, local and
In what many observers feel is federal government employes
a purely political move, two can receive pay hikes during
State Representatives, have in- the 90-day wage-price freeze.
troduced a bill which would The council, a component, of
freeze tuition at all state-sup- the Office of Economic Pre-
ported colleges during the 90-day paredness, hopes to reach a de-
period. cision today.
Reps. Dale Kildee and Ed- The ruling will determine
ward Suski, both Flint Demo- whether University staff and
rrats, contended that an increase faculty members will receive a
in tuition would "work an un- pay raise shortly.
fair burden on those persons re- Faculty and most staff pay
sponsible for paying the tution raises have been suspended by
because of their inability to re- the University since July 1, due
ceive a ny cos-t of living or other to uncertainty over the atnount
-age increases." of the Universitys appropri ation
The resolution, if adopted, from the state for fiscal 1971-72.
would not have the force of law,
but would advise the universities It is expected that if the pay
of what the Legislature wants hikes are rejected, retroactive
them to do. pay raises would also be declared
The measure, informed sources illegal.
say, is not likely to be approved. In that situation, those whose
The new tuition rates, as ap- raises have b e e n suspended
proved by the Regents in April, would lose a full five months
are as follows: compensation for whatever pay
-Undergraduates. In-state stu- boost is finally approved.
dents will pay $660 for two terms, The University is currently
up from the current $568 charge. awaiting final word on its state
Non-residents will pay an in- appropriation for the current
crease of $340 over their present fiscal year. Final action is ex-
$1800. pected late this week in the
-Graduate students. In-state state House of Representatives.
students will pay $800 an aca- If .the faculty-staff raises are
See TUITION, Page 2 See SALARY, Page 2
AHMAD ADDRESSES conference yesterday
Taube testimony ordered
in Detroit jury probe
DETROIT (P) - The U.S. Gov-
ernment yesterday won a vic-
tory in its effort to compel a
group of anti-war activisits to
testify before a special federal
grand jury in Detroit.
Federal Judge Cornelia Ken-
nedy said she would order one of
the witnesses - Terry Taube, 19,
of Detroit, to enunciate at one
time all Constitutional rights he
planned to claim in his fight not
to testify.
These rights would include
the Fifth Amendment, which
says a person does not have to
testify if his testimony would
not be self-incriminating.
Once this right is ennuciated,
the government could move to
grant a witness immunity from
prosecution. If the witness con-
tinues to 'refuse to testify, the
government could cite him for
contempt, according to U.S. At-
N torney Ralph B. Guy Jr.
Judge Kennedy's ruling would
extend to the other witnesses
who have refused to testify, "by
either going back and ironing it
out like today or running Taube
through as a test case on all
the others," according to Guy.
So far, six witnesses have
failed to testify before the grand
jury in Detroit, investigating
May Day ativities in Washington
and the bombing of the nation's
capitol last March 1. The wit-
nesses have remained silent on
Fourth Amendment g r o u n d s
that prohibit illegal search and
The witnesses claimed the
grand jury was unlawfully con-
vened and that subpoenas were
unlawfully issued because they
were based on illegal govern-
ment wiretaps.
Judge Kennedy did not deal
directly with the wiretap issue
at Tuesday's hearing.
Taube and three other wit-
nesses were scheduled to appear
before the grand jury at 9:30
a.m. Wednesday. Judge Ken-
nedy said she would call a
special hearing at 9 a.m. to or-
der Taube to ennunciate all
rights he plans to invoke.
Also scheduled to appear be-
fore the grand jury Wednesday
were Larry Canada, 29, his for-
mer Kathy Noyees Canada, 25,
both of Nashville, Ind. and Jane
Silverman, a former Civil Rights
worker and now a close asso-
ciate of anti-war activists.
Miss Silverman appeared be-
fore the grand jury yesterday
morning, but refused to answer
the bulk of some 45 questions
asked her, according to the ac-
tivists' attorney, Hugh Davis.
Colin Neiberger, 30, of Bos-
ton, also was subpoenaed to tes-
tify today, but Davis said
the government realized "it was
a mistake and wants to retract
the subpoena." Guy declined
immediate comment.
Davis argued before Judge
Kennedy for a ruling to allow
the witnesses to remain quiet
on the basis of just the Fourth
Amendment, without relinquish-
ing their other Constitutional
The government, on the other
hand, argued that it is "per-
fectly obvious" that such a
"piecemeal ruling would lead
to an assertion of Constitutional
rights" and a series of "succes-
sive appeals," ending in the
"total defeat of the purpose of
the grand jury.".
Guy said after Judge Kennedy
made her decision, "As to
Taube, the government got ev-
erything it sought today.
"If he claims the Fifth
Amendment on a gamut of ques-
tions, the government would
make a decision on whether to
grant him immunity. If the gov-
ernment grants it, and he still
refused to testify, he would be
brought in and cited for con-
End of an era
Pizza Bob is carried to his grave yesterday by his friends