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August 13, 1971 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-13

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Friday, August 1 3, 1971


Page Nine

Id FevcPhieor Direct Classif led A eie hoe74=0557
Monday through Friday, 70 a.m.-4 ptm

PERSONAL ? UM IBARBERS R.N. INTERESTED in participating it COOPERATIVE NURSERY. .7th has 61 COMET, runsawell.New tresan
8:S30-5.15 PM. MON-SAT. UNION a new psychiatric treatment program some openings foe Fall. 3 ad 4 year broke,. Best after. At once. 701-3931
NILVERWORKER WANTED-Ta set lip cF6P carried olt thraugh tatal team in- olda. 603-8421. 11M69 anytime. 23N61
his/her awn ahap in aue store. If salvement uaing: milieu, group, be--__.__-_ __
yau think yau're gaad DO IT. We THE PROOF hlavior madificatian and other lnao- TRANSPORTATION ' FAIRLANE, 'ia XL. Eacellent conditioa,
anly need oar. Call Me. Jaelsoa, 419- muat aell! Beat alter. 7a1-3525. 65N67
3294.The Phaoocaphy of Richard Lee is a rative methads. Salary apen. Call ar._
continuing ciaplay at Paradtae tbe wte r.CteieRwtR. RIDE/RIDERS for Traverse City area RIGHT ON swith a'a5 Ford Pairlane.
INTRD-ACT-Wkly. kd ros waterbed manttfacturea - at 213 S. 420 W. Fifth Ave., Flint, Michigan around Aug. 16. 769-5199. 310a8 Phone 663-7753 anytime. 46N69
Self - interact - .leel - d understand op - Faurth Ave: Free-lance Editarial, 40503. Telephone: 235-7561, eat. 237
expresa - confront - explore - grow. Commercial and Portraitso 701-9452. 91169 NEED RIDE to Boton this weekend.; NEED A BODY? guy .mine--'65 Ear-
663-7616, CFtc - ---t - - - - Call Andi, 761-7463. 32G61 mann Ohia -lately shape! New
c-tc '-.NEED MONEY? Experienced sttidents _"'.,ohocks Call! 660-1515. 20N71
UNION BILLIARDS. & TABLE TE7NNIs PAINTING JOBS DESIRED. 5 years exa- in Socialagy ar Philaaaphy needed Car DRIVE MY CAR TO CALIF. Anytime
OPEN 11 A.M. MON.-SAT. I FM. SUN peretence. Free estimates. Reliablereel- weting. Call 662-4665. 721161 in Sept. 662-2666. 45068 COMET, 1964, 4 -doar sedan, V-a, power
cF67 erenora. Call 661-4736. FD s~-' teering 761-2069, 7-a p.m. 4N72
-' -'- ,ATTENTION! Sell advertising by phone RIDE NEEDED eve. Fri. 8/20 or there-
_-__ ANTIQUES MARKET_ DON'T MISS The Pawnbroker coming i u afile aeBG8$ a - ater so Phila.-Lancaster area Pa.! I.H. PICKUP '6S. new tires. 11101tlled,
Ann Arbar, Farmers Market, Otto- Aug, 13-14 at 9 p.m. at the Newman frormation phone 760-6040. Naoaine- Turnpike. Please call David, 761-7305. Texs truck.,1n0 elst, ex, rood. aa3-
day, Asgust i5, 130 DreuCrralerbseenronmlla$1.2 mo5ntion given over phane. 731168 dO 8 335 before 11 am. $1400. dN
Michigan, Ohia, Indiana, Illino, CUSTOM deigned diamand engage- RACS AE-erdoa- RIDE WANTED to Wayne State this! '63 CHEVY II. Very good condition. One
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. meatADagsThandES-Seaveddhammer-Fall on Man.. Tues., ar Wed after-1onr 6-22.916
Antiquea anly, everything screened, ecatdwdigrns rfs vertising Car WNRS/WNRZg Call Sri- noons. Will pay. Call Rca. 665-5665.
off1 niurOriental arto, 11 ed, af ted. wedngins. Forotes- an, 063-0569, 8-5. cR68 3801 '63 CORVAIR 4-door. 769-7975 after5
am, to 5 p.m, Free Admission. F68 loetpics nAn ro. utnp~m. N67
BYPROTBERAPI-Twl epyu ih Daod-10 .Uieaiy 6-11THE DAILY needs advertising sales- OVER-30 SINGLE female needs help .-
atlidy habits, studying, l ephl weight 1000sit, Daod,20_._nvrst.63-11cFtc men Car the fall. A well paying part- driving VW bug to L.A. Depart Aug. FILN,'aX.kclelcniin
rcoln.NlSio,8337 WDlN3.. .. time lab, For more info call Scat at 22-23. 971-3696 after 6:11 p.m. or must sell! Brat offer. 761-3525. 65N67
rlxto.NlSio,4348. WDIGINVITATIONS-Mod or Tea- 764-0560. d~tc weekends. 33070 __
-- tr c ditlonal Style. Call 761-0943 anytime. . "" SUREAC,"96.Ex cndtin
o WEK Kpla Toorlg Curs to Free Marriage Certificate with order. BABYSITTER Car 17 ma. old boy. NEED RIDE or help me drive to Ver-VWQURAC,16.E.cnio.
prepare Cr BOARD EXAMS now be- cFtc Senor 01 humor and some eaperience mont. 071-3305. 210618 0394 26
4gformed. MCAT clamseasto astt required. Call 662-0592 after 6. - -
"g. 1adSpt .DTcla _bt 25H667 RIDERS WANTED to NYC around the FOR SALE-Silver 'Toy POODLE puppy.
Sept. 0, LSAT class tarts Sept. 3. BLOOD DONORS - . 0h.71751_66.20.al66-30
For information and enrollment call COME SACK EARLY TO EARN! --_____.
collect (3131 051-6077. 16F71 URGENTLY NEEDED The Daily wants YOU to sell subscrip-
l__.____ ions for a cammission, any or Iallptt,narpieta9:nOrasFijsackgcs chiA e'"Civar Btgev
YARD SALE SAT., AUG. 14th. 224 Rh, $10 & $12 Rh negative only days between Sept, 7-14th. Call 764' oehELvn ~neaMk thl ~nsarne
Mlurray 51. 10-5. Infant fsrnture & Mon., Toes., Thurs. Fri., 9-4, Wed, a55a, M-F, 0-4, and aak for Becky or "C R A N W EG
clothes. Tables, chairs, lamps, toys. 1-3, 18-21 years ld need parent's Jim, d~ta C R AL K O LEGy
dehumidifier, books, car, etc. 27F67 permission,. __have_____ experienced onl three o
Michigan Community Blood Center PROGRAMMER-Part-time, prefer ex- haeFo
OEFKINO Esropean travelling compan- ' 404 W. Mirhigan, Ypsilanti perience with PDP-4 romputer. Elec-formV'thtIW gn ne
ions for Sept. 760-4402 after 5:30. 403-1804 tric-mechanical skills desirable. Rate 'fumoista Iwsge in
93F71 LIGHTCARPENRY, Rdwood enc- s and hours negotiable. For information l or to seeed a or
___ LIOR CARPENRY, d 00 fence, all Mr. Walter, 763-4560. 31169ysor ee nd wa sry
CriAY, uutLIBERATION Co00sinirty Dance tl loo anigada os -~t e C R A N W EG
Fn 167 uut1.00 . is a- Reliable. oCs all 662-4336. Pod FD ELEC. EsIN.,CkRwAedgeNoWvoltage
torian Ohurch, Washlenaw at Berk- EE.E. .cnto, o vlae
'hire. 1aF67 BOY FASTS make any watSrbed amp., pawer cnto, IC's, design enn~
ed"smeand bread-boardlng. Part-time. 769---Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times o
GOODNIGHT, sleep tight, don't let Lave, Tom & Barry 1351. 711672
outr mattress bite. eFtc -s-3 'CARNAL KNOWLEDGE is
S Lote, Tom & Bary ----__, PART-TIME STUDENTS, neat appear- o7
eFte WEDDING RINGS AND JEWELRY ante, work 4-0 p.m. Alao Sat. aork. w one ofth best movies ee!
BrveJhancrate youtrownadesignlin $175h.salry. 971-609 5p.m.-7 p.m. u teave
n-"-. C)T.P,~iTR.wt is-,,,,. a nrv-- n. m,,,. P.,,, 11,--,,,,97109 4 -Lic Smith, Cosmopolitoc 12

ble knit suits, sportscoats and s1ax prices. 769-7550. cFtc
froc Morty's, 310 S. State St. lFtr -- WANTED TO BUY
MCAT & DAT Kapla Taboring Couses
GfRL WANTS girl compani10n for cmp- now being formed.- Psr information WANEDS-10.ee .Col 1 ol
1 g lkig i Oacec e. oar an e al a cll313) 051-6073. Will poy $5 far trouble. Call 971-
expesers. Oter 31. 0/17-9/7. 761-1504. P71 17atr6 26
S EATf TBE BEAT, art yousr seal, we ran
OATY LIBERATION o p is at metin mache yotsr summr a treat by joi0i0g TICKETS
Thrsday, Ausgust 12, 0:30 p.im., 2n tile Wave of thle Futssre Fleet.---
foar SAB. All Iracom! 17F66 Laye, Tomn & Barry DESPERATELY 0ee exr otickets forI
AUTO.. TUNE-UP--. Lsdroiler Fte 0raduation Sonday. 1eate call, Ed-
AUTOscrUNErU. Ldcsly t ea662-67 wia, 769-3965. 94Q67
abe.Gurnted Suen. 62645. HELP WANTED
A WATERBED tday Secps the bedbuig BABYSITTER 3:30 p m-midnite, 3 or 4 ! Look who are up to
w ta r'Iy.B days/wek,$6/day, no weekedo. Call
Loe an&Hry 663-50660. 401171
C~tc_ ____ _MONKEY ,
_CUTRHL watdalshfsBUMPER STICKERS cristown prinled available. Call 761-7532 after 11 a.m. B SN S
wieUwi!$2. Unisuasil prinoting 42B6t BU IN S
lotoi pcat.MLPes 27NEED TYPIST and6 phone operatort the marx brothers
Prospect, Ann Arbtor-761-0942. c~l rte irs ircMsirPsia
TV AND STEREO RENTALS-Satisfac- %offie ill Anc Arbor, Call 971-0479. iauditorium a--Angell holl
titic Gtiuatsnteed. Free Delirery, sery- 26H71
5671 pc-ipCl Njr 662- INSTRUCTORS iceded at YM-YWCA. sat.-, & 9:30 p.m.
3671 DFc liing coach, archery instrurtor,
IF WBA'T YOU see it owsat you get simodern dcnce, baton, oil painting, AUGUST 14
Tomi & BHarry hate the comoplete ret. ' oodork, model building instructor.
Lore. 'Toin & Barry Apply at Ain Arbor YM-YWCA, 351 ann arbor film cooperative
CFtci S Fifth Ave.. Ann Arbor. 61171 1 _____________

Mike Nichols, Jack Nicholson,
I Candice Bergen, Arthur Garfunkel,
Ann-Margret and Jules Feiffer
Carnal Knowledge
DIAL 5-6290
Doors ________________-________ Shows at
Open at r '1.15, 3,5,


'° PHOME662-6264

Yours to beep. Sail it on our 61/a
mitle beautiful blae lake. Fish,
Sail, Waerski. Regulation 6011
Courae, Tfnrms Courts, Clab
House, Swimming Pools, Saunas,
Marioas, Labeside Patios, Bract-
combing. Wow! what a life!
M4 PST ,fig aX O..- m
Rawl xit nd flio.t
ApNsfftnleun t+K X.a


Panovision in color
Based on c 1935 norel aboat Oepression youth by Horace McCoy.
The book was well-receired but soon forgotten here. It survived
primarily through its reputation with Malraux, Gide, Sartre and
Simone de Bearvoir os "the first existentialist novgl no tome from
In HORSES Jane Fonda completely redefined her identity as on
acrtess. She "gives a dramatic performance that nurns her pre-
vioas career as a sex bon bon upside down, and gives the film a
personal fotus and on emotionally gripping power.'-VARIETY
7:30, 9;45, midniight--Fri. $1 cant.
ARM at the Alley 330 Maynard

John 'Wayne *Richard Boone
B igak GPI
OPEN 12:45 SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.

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