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July 15, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-15

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page three af1re t 1diirn Iaitt

chance of showers

Thursday July 15 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
employes' walkout
viewed as possii1ly

A BELL EMPLOYE leads cheers for strikers marching in a picket
line in front of Southern Bell headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. The
Communication Workers of America yesterday called a nation-
wide strike against the Bell System.
Bell workers strike;
breakdown predicted

New disputes between lo-
cal 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) and the Univer-
sity over a five-month-old
contract have sparked a po-
tential strike situation.
The contract was r ached af-
ter a two-day walkout 1 a s t
January which cut-off food ser-
ices and caused severe sani-
tation problems at the Uni-
After today's monthly Re-
gents meeting, Union officials
plan to meat with the Regents
fhr dinner.
Although University officials
have describ d the dinner as
a purply "sccial affair," Union
president Charles McCracken
has said it is "possible' some of
the Union's grievances will be
discussed at that time.
Informed sources have sug-
gested that the attitude taken
by the Regents at the dinner
meeting could have a direct
bearing upon the results of a
union meeting scheduled for
Sunday night.
McCracken, while refusing to
say that a strike would be called
at the Sunday meeting, c o m-
mented that "anything is pos-
A major p~oittt of contt'ntion
hsas btetn over the elimination
ol the paid luic " break for
Previously the janitors h a d
worked an eight-hour shift
which included a 20-minute
paid lunch period. The Uni-
versity has since extended the
shift to eight-and-one-half
hours, with a 30-minute un-
paid lunch break.
On May 21, the janitors took
their grievance before the Re-
gents. No settlement was reach-
James Thiry, University man-
ager of employe relations, says
there is nothing in the con-
tract which would prevent the
University from eliminating
paid lunch periods.

public was hardly bothered yes-
terday as up to half of the one
million employes of the highly
autonated Sell telephone sys-
tem went on strike user a var-
iety of issues.
But both sides said it is only
a matter of time before phone
service begins to deteriorate.
and the union says its compli-
cated strike-ending procedures
guarantee the walkout will last
at least two weeks.
"Picketing is light and serv-
ice is good," a Bell spokesman
said at midday after the AFL-
CIO Communications Workers
of America struck at 6 a.m.
Spot checks by The Associat-
. ed Press showed little p u b l i
A Detroit callw' had to wait
six minutes while- an operator
looked up a new listing. Getting
a long-distance operator was a
chore in Columbus, Ga., which
has no direct-distance dialing.
A Minneapolis caller was un-
able to get an operator for a
credit card call after two tries.
A male information operator in
Washington didn't know the
area code forDenver.
But callers who dialed for
themselves continued to f in d
/ service normal in most cases.
The effectiveness of the strike
appeared to vary through the
diverse Bell system, which in-
cludes a number of different
operating companies, Bell labs,
Western Electric manufacturing
facilities and American Tele-
phone & Telegraph Co. long-
lines division, which handles in-
terstate calls. Some non-strik-
ers were picketed off the job.
The union estimated 400,000
of its members were out, along
with 100,000 members of other
unions that struck simultane-
ously or honored CWA picket-
lines. The company gave no
estimate of the total.
No new bargaining talks were
reported yesterday,
The company announced a
slightly improved package Tues-
day less than 18 hours before

the strike deadline, but CWA
President Joseph Beirne said it
came too late.
The union has put no price
tag ott its demtands, swhich in-
clude wage increases, improved
health insurance, an agency
shop, better pension and an end
to geographical wage differen-
tials and what the union calls
an "antifeminist" wage scale.
Last May 23 the union re-
jected a wage-benefit package
the company said was a 30 per
cent increase. Tuesday's n e w
offer was described as "more
tthan" 30 per cent.

Study.center mc
By ZACHARY SCHILLER center because it has not been
A statement calling for closing successful in raising money re-
the Center for Research on Con- cntly. Hefner says it incorrect-
flict Resolution (CRCR ) has been ly states that CRCR has raised
placed on the agenda of today's no funds whatsoever since 1967,
closed Regents meeting. while in fact over half a million
The LSA Executive Council
made the recommendation to the
Regents that the Center be
LSA Dean Frank Rhodes de-
clined to comment on reasons for
the recommendation last night,
saying that a news release would
explain the committee's recom-
mendation. In discussions during
the spring, however, the key rea-
son mentioned for closing down
CRCR was a financial one. .
Psychology Prof. Robert Hef-
ner, director of CRCR, thinks
that the Center's radical image
may have had as much to do
with the possible termination as Robert Hefner
the money crisis.
Further, Hefner says that the dollars has been raised, since
LSA statement is "full or errors," that time.
and that he is "embarrassed that CRCR a research and publi-
the University would put out such
a statement." cation organization, has been
According to Hefner, the LSA concerned since its inception 12
statement advocates closing the years ago with an area of peace

Captain Thomas Culver laughs as a newsman interviews him out-
side court in Lackenheath, England, after a U.S. Air Force Court
Martial fined and reprimanded him yesterday for demonstrating
against the Vietnam war.
Ecology Center plans
Solid waste rfecyclng
The Ecology Center and the Ann Arbor Department of
Public Works (DPW) are attempting to determine the feasi-
bility of recycling solid waste in Ann Arbor.
Following the lead of Madison and Milwaukee, Wiscon-
sin, a six-week test program will be initiated Monday in two
areas of the city to determine whether the program should
be extended city-wide.
Residents in the westside area and in the Bromley
subdivision have received leaflets asking them to separate
glass, cans and newspapers from their normal trash.
The Ecology Center will sep-
arate the glass bottles and jars
OE by color and remove all metal
on them. Cans will be cleaned
and crushed after the labels
have been removed, and news-
papers will be bundled by vo -
During the test period t h e
research known as "conflict reso- Ecology Center and the DPW
lution." will be checking the percentage
Most of the Center's work has of residents participating in the
been concentrated on the study program as well as the amount
of international policy, although of materials collected The
projects have ranged from the-
ories on international conflict to collected refuse will then be
analagous theories on interper- resold to companies so that 'it
sonal conflict, including social can be recycled.
and interracial problems. Finally, the costs of the pro-
Vice-president for academic af gram will be compared with the
fairs Allan Smith put the state-
ment on the Regent's agenda last income from the sale of the
week while President Robben materials.
Fleming was out of town. Russ Linden, of the Ecology
Hefner contacted Fleming to Center, says that in addition
try to remove the statement from
the agenda, contending the sub- to the revenue collected from
ject had been inadequately stud- the sale of the materials, t h e
ied. Fleming refused to recon- program will save ti e city mon-
sider. ey that would usually be spent
Fleming said yesterday that to buy land for garbage dis-
the operations of the Center had posal
been adequately and fairly re-
viewed, and the statement would Currently, the Ecology Cent-
be left on the agenda of the Re- er operates a glass recycling
gents' meeting. station at Arborland Shopping
The president said the present Center and collects newspapers
financial squeeze makes it im-
possible "to carry on all the ac- at Westgate Center each Sa-
tivities we have in the past," so turday from 10 a.m. until 6
See PEACE, Page 6 p.m.

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