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July 10, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-10

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 43-S Ann Arbor, Michgan-Saturday, July 10, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
LSA sit-in cases remain unsettled

Almost two years have passed since city and
county police removed 107 people from the LSA
Bldg., where they were sitting in to push for
a student-run, student-controlled bookstore, but
for many the case is still not closed;
At that time, demonstrators were charged
with "creating or exciting a contention of dis-
turbance," and were tried before district court
singly or in groups of up to about a dozen.
About 16 of the people were acquitted, charges
were dropped against several for various tech-
nicalities, and the rest were convicted in trials
that began shortly after the Sept. 26, 1969 sit-in
and ran through the next spring.
Of those that were convicted, a handful served
the seven-day jail sentence and paid the $240
fine, but the rest-about 65 in number-decided

to appeal the case to higher courts.
Over 21 months have passed since the sit-in
and the University Cellar-that long-sought stu-
dent-controlled bookstore-is a reality, but
most of the appeals are still traveling through
the courts.
One, in fact, has already been rejected by
the county's circuit court and is being carried
to the state court of appeals. According to De-
troit Atty. Ernest Levin, who handled that case,
the "lower courts just rubberstamp what the
lowest courts have done," and it is the next
steps that will be "important."
Also, a Michigan appeals court recently up-
held a federal court ruling that part of the
statute under which the demonstrators were
tried is "unconstitutional." The part of the
See APPEALS, Page 6

units set

cuts in budget

-Danly-Gary Villani
New regulations, same arboretum
Rules may change at Arl
pending regental approval

Last December, the University called
upon all of its units to present proposals
for saving money during the 1971-72 fiscal
year. Now, almost seven months later, the
plans have all been submitted.
The original request called for each
unit to submit a plan which would save
an amount equal to three per cent of the
unit's salary budget from last year.
University officials ordered the cuts in
anticipation of receiving an inadequate
appropriation from the state for fiscal
James Lesch, assistant to the vice pres-
ident for academic affairs, explains that
the savings do not amount to a "cut" in
the budget for each unit. Rather, he says,
the money-amounting to about $2.8 mil-
lion-will return to the units, as plans
call for the funds to be used to pay for
staff salary increases.
Although the University is still await-
ing final word on its appropriation from
the state, it seems apparent that the
salary increases will fall somewhere be-
tween the 6.5 per cent hike suggested by
Gov. William Milliken and the 8.1 per
cent increase recently asked for by the
The University did not specify how
each unit should save the three per cent,
and thus, each unit, having its own pe-
culiar assets and liabilities, solved the
problem in whatever way it felt best.
According to Lesch, however, some units
found they could not make the cut with-
out seriously hampering their operation,
and were allowed to make slightly less
substantial cuts. Lesch declined to indi-
cate which units were in this situation.
Among the units who made the full
cut, plans for saving money were as varied
as their particular programs.
For example, the School of Music saved
its three per cent-which amounted to
about $60,000-mostly through reductions
in its payroll,
Allen Britton, dean of the music school,
explains that about $20,000 of the savings
came as a result of three faculty retire-
ments. "We replaced these instructors,"
he says, "but the salary of a tenured pro-
fessor compared, to that of a new pro-
fessor-who may be very highly qualified
himself-leaves us a surplus."
In addition, the music school reduced
its non-academic staff slightly, including
eliminating one electronic engineer. The
unit made further savings through reduc-
ing the costs of printed programs for
concerts, reducing maintenance, and lim-
iting their purchases of instruments.
The engineering college's three per cent
savings amounted to about $200,000. Ac-
cording to Dean Gordon Van Wylen 60
See 'U', Page 6

and P.E. BAUER
Rules regulating Nichols Arboretum, a
spacious green haven more affectionately
ly known as the "Arb" to its patron
freaks and nature - lovers, have come
under review and are due for possible
change pending approval by the Uni-
versity Regents.
A chief proposal is to change closed
hours for the Arb from the present 10:00
p.m. until sunrise to 11:30 p.m. until 6
Changes are being recommended by
the Student Government Council and
University Council, working with James
Brinkerhoff, director of business opera-
tions and Col. Frederic Davids, Univer-
sity director of safety, who are acting
in official advisory capacity for the Re-
gents on this matter.
Although the Regents have not yet ap-
proved the change, the sign at the Ged-
des St. entrance to the Arb futuristically
posts the proposed new hours.
In addition to the 11:30 p.m. curfew,
SGC will recommend quiet hours in the

Arb after 9 p.m., forbidding fires as a
safety precaution, and forbidding all
night sleeping there due to the lack of
Both the city police and the Univer-
sity's Sanford Security Guards are re-
sponsible for enforcement of the rules
since the Regents adopted the rules with
reference to Ann Arbor city ordinances.
Violation of the Arb's curfew carries
the same penalty as violation of any of
the city's curfew laws-a misdemeanor
punishable by a $100 fine and 90 days
in jail.
Curfew rules in the Arb, however, have
not been strictly enforced in the past. Ac-
cording to Ann Arbor police Lt. Robert
Conn, police only take action in the Arb
when they receive complaints from
neighbors of people running through
their yards or engaged in "genuine old
Patrolling the Arb regularly would
cost too much money, he said.
Accordinng to Davids, arrests in the
past have generally been for "disorder-
ly conduct and/or drunkeness."

Jim Morrison
Doors lead
dead at 27
PARIS (P)-Lead singer of The Doors
Jim Morrison died suddenly here last
Saturday, it was announced yesterday,
He was buried Wednesday in Pere La-
chaise cemetery.
His death, at 27, was announced in Los
Angeles by his Manager William Siddons
and confirmed by U.S. officials in the
French capital. Si d d o n s attended the
funeral and brought Morrison's wife,
Pamela, back to Los Angeles, where the
Doors first rose to prominence. The Mor-
risons had no children.
The singer's lawyer, Max Fink, said
Morrison died in a Paris hospital of a
heart attack, or pneumonia. Siddons
added that on the day he died Morrison
complained of respiratory trouble. The
official listing did not indicate cause of
Morrison had been accused at times of
acting and speaking obscently, both on
and off the stage. He was found innocent,
however, when tried in Florida for in-
decent exposure on stage.
Morrison and The Doors first rose to
rock fame in 1967 with the release of an
eventual million-copy seller, "Light My
Fire." Since late 1969 the group had been
in a slump but recently had begun to
regain poplarity with the release of its
latest album, "La Woman."

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